e.m.o and kayla kitsune (the neon city) created by dream mirage
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In 2045, the Electric Hearts released to the public. Artificial intelligence was not very revolutionary, every personal device had quite advanced intelligence, however the Electric Hearts were capable of learning, replicating complete personalities and were almost indistinguishable from any regular fur. They are quite expensive, not everyone could afford one even with the abundant income people in the Neon City have for doing nothing. It is things like this that make individuals want to work and earn more.
So, how do they work?
Electric hearts come in their standard, robotic form, on first boot the user can customize their personality, behaviour, and everything in between. Then the hopefully lively fella is ready! The bot hands the owner an electric heart core.
Cores are small chips that can be inserted in personal devices, to upgrade them. There are cores for everything, from prossesing power to video quality, and the average personal device can have up to 10 upgrade cores.
The electric heart core enables the visual customization of the bot, and the alteration of any of the features previously defined, from your own personal device!
Using state of the art technology, their bot form can seemlessly transform into a "normal" furry form, they do this by using thousands of nanobots that create a soft mesh around their metal shell, that replicate soft tissue and fur. All of this is fully customizable, and yes, also fully fuckable, though most people get one to help with the chores at home or watch over the kids~
They have no defined gender, since in the options one can change their genitals, voice, and look of the furry form. The only defined and unalterable feature is their bot form, except for their screen-face and mana color. Said metal form can be chosen at the store~
For more information, consult the available resources (i.e: shoot a comment~)

In the same year of their release, E.H code 2433, "E.M.O", or "Electronic Multifunction Operator" arrived at Kayla's home, brought by her parents. Age 7, Kayla hadn't yet fully developed the resentment for her parents, they still visited her every now and then, and this time they brought a fun friend with them. Kayla was indeed happy to see this new bot, and immediatly began setting it up. She chose her style, giving her a nice blue tone all around and fancy high-tech looking clothes, just cause she enjoyed the idea of her being an advanced robot, and looking like one. That device on her neck though...hm.
Little did Kay know, E.M.O would become her only company for the foreseeable future.
After she recieved her new friend, Kayla would see her parents even fewer times, since they were too busy developing the Gen 2 Electric Hearts, and then the Artifice program. Also, tending to a broken, strapped and inotxicated little angel Kay didn't yet know about.
E.M.O, lovingly called "Emmie" by little kay, would tend to her every need.Kayla had given her a shy and cutesy personality. They would talk, watch movies and also play games together, they had quite a bit of fun, actually, Electric Hearts are truly indistinguishable from a regular friend, for the most part, aside from the fact that you could change their appearance and behaviour with the click of a button. Kay wasn't as bitter as she eventually got, for a time. Kay even took her to Axel's place a couple of times, the boy would enjoy her presence tremendously!
Axel never stepped into Kayla's house, not even once. She would adamantly refuse whenever he asked.
The years went by, Kayla's frustration, resentment and anger built up. in early 2053, at the age of 16, Kayla broke.
In a fit of sheer panic and rage, she would leave everything behind, her home, her school, her town, and fled to the Neon City. Giving no warnings, reasons or explanations to her most beloved friend or anyone else, she grabbed Emmie, and then she disappeared.
She purchased a huge property in Adamant Hill, and locked herself up.
A year of darkness followed. What she thought was a new beginning, was only the beginning of her own hell. Her mind began self destructing, her guilt began taking a physical toll on her, she stopped going out, eating, or talking to anyone online. She did resume contact with eventually Axel, and gave him a bit of an explanation. Needless to say this didn't ease the boy's heart ache.
Despite Emmies best efforts, she couldn't refuse direct orders unless they went against her programming.

==============Code 2433 significant logs==================

05-13-2053: -Kayla, your protein levels are dangerously low, I made you som---
05-13-2053: -Yes, Kayla.
05-14-2053: -It's been 6 days, Kayla. I must ensure your saftey. please just--
05-14-2053: -Please speak a bit louder...I can't
05-14-2053: - Yes, Kayla.
05-17-2053: -I've contacted emergency services, I must ensure your---
05-17-2053: -I cannot acknowledge that ord---
05-17-2053: -Is that an absolu---
05-17-2053: -Canceling emergency service request.
06-02-2053: -Bridge detected-
06-02-2053: -I'm sorry...
07-04-2053: -User diagnosis: Unconcious, Heavy blood loss... requesting emergency services
07-04-2053: -The district's hospital, Kayla...
07-04-2053: -Please don't cry...I'm ensuring your safety...
07-04-2053: -Please let me contact someone that can help
07-04-2053: -Please hold on
07-16-2053: -Your protein, vitamin and hormone levels are stabilizing...the doctors did a good job!
07-16-2053:-Good idea, you love seafood~
07-24-2053: -Kayla, It is not adviceable to----
07-24-2053: -User diagnosis: Semi-concious. Heavy blood loss. requesting emergency services.
11-09-2053: -Kayla, you've spent too much time in here...I don't want to bother, but it is not advicable to...
11-09-2053: -Your body needs at least a bare minimum of excersice, Kayla...
11-09-2053: -.....please at least eat something....
01-01-2054: -User annual emotional average report:
-Stress: 40%
-Anxiety: 50%
-Sadness: 80%
-Panic: 40%
- Anger: 30%
-Joy: 5%


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