elise, matemi, silver soul, gallgard, azzilan, and etc (how to train your dragon and etc) created by drewscomics and matemi
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We want to thank you all for following this HTTYD spinoff comic. It has been a pleasure to create, put out, and see the reactions from all of you. In particular, we want to thank you for being patient with us as this comic went through some hiatus and multiple artist changes.

Please continue to support Silver Soul and our other side projects. We couldn't do any of this without everyone's enthusiasm.

From Shiro-Neko (Silver) and the Writing Team (Gally, Azzilan, Elise/Asier, and Zhon)

  • Comments
  • Thank you guys for following this side-comic! Alas, it appears Silver's adventures in this world have come to a close...

    But whatever did happened to Silver and her friends? Perhaps someday we will find out.~

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  • Or have they.... You can't leave a cliff hanger in a well written story, it's not fair... What happens when four dragons appear in the world she's from and... And... Seeeeee no cliff hangers...

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  • sirgallade said:
    Thank you guys for following this side-comic! Alas, it appears Silver's adventures in this world have come to a close...

    But whatever did happened to Silver and her friends? Perhaps someday we will find out.~

    They went to another universe.

    Anyways good to see Silver and Dragon friend teleport outta there.

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  • This was really really good! A different story than what silver generally goes through with a very fun plot.

    the only thing that i noticed that made me kind of sad was the drop in art quality over the duration of the comic. I get that it was put on the backburner so matemi could focus on silver soul, i just really really liked the designs of the dragons in the beginning with the soft shading, not this cel shaded stuff that in my honest opinion looked a little rushed to me.

    other than that, being absolutely a minor judgement, i really liked it!

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  • dr4c0n1c_m4sters said:
    This was really really good! A different story than what silver generally goes through with a very fun plot.

    the only thing that i noticed that made me kind of sad was the drop in art quality over the duration of the comic. I get that it was put on the backburner so matemi could focus on silver soul, i just really really liked the designs of the dragons in the beginning with the soft shading, not this cel shaded stuff that in my honest opinion looked a little rushed to me.

    other than that, being absolutely a minor judgement, i really liked it!

    You’re allowed that opinion, and I appreciate you being kind and honest about it too. A point of clarification: Matemi always handled the rough sketches for the entirety of the dragons comics, her workflow was unchanged. The change in style / quality came from us having to change the artists who handled the rest of the process: jjem (book 1, most of book 2), Alina/Dk (finished book 2), DesertFox (first half of 3), and Drew (finished boon 3).

    I will say, as someone with a character in this story (Gallgard), it was interesting to see each artist’s take on the character - but I agree, I preferred some styles to others.

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  • I have a hope, one I wish may one day be true, and this ending brought a candle to the pile of splinters and kindling that represents this hope, and I wish with all my being that this theory of mine may bring happiness upon me and all others who share the same hope,

    Silver and the Dragon gang in Wings of Fire.

    No way it's happening, but y'know, a guy can dream.


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  • sauoce said:
    I have a hope, one I wish may one day be true, and this ending brought a candle to the pile of splinters and kindling that represents this hope, and I wish with all my being that this theory of mine may bring happiness upon me and all others who share the same hope,

    Silver and the Dragon gang in Wings of Fire.

    No way it's happening, but y'know, a guy can dream.


    Darn right. Except for "No way it's happening" never say never on a dream. Trust me unlikely, improbable, may take a while but never impossible. Stoke that flame cause it's worthwhile.

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  • smokescreen88 said:
    Darn right. Except for "No way it's happening" never say never on a dream. Trust me unlikely, improbable, may take a while but never impossible. Stoke that flame cause it's worthwhile.

    Preach! Also, nice to see someone else who shares my hope.

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  • sirgallade said:
    Thank you guys for following this side-comic! Alas, it appears Silver's adventures in this world have come to a close...

    But whatever did happened to Silver and her friends? Perhaps someday we will find out.~

    I'm calling it here and now, it's gotta be some sort of twisted version of Kingdom Hearts that we're going to be seen. However instead of Disney world it's going to be everything in between where you can get away with it better.

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  • yup gonna be that one weird guy but kinda wished it ended with her laying the quad-wing's egg. We get all these teases with her just after laying the eggs 'off-screen' or single frames of her filled up. The motherly look works great on her just wish to see it a bit more often.

    Another note on the commision wishlist I guess.

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  • Best comic i ever Readet! Its kinda sad that it has an End. But good things need a Good end. Keep up the Good work and be sure i will be there, waiting for your next Comic!

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  • sauoce said:
    Preach! Also, nice to see someone else who shares my hope.

    Hope is always great when it is for a great cause, these guys I just know they have a future. I happily preach optimism, like a certain Time Traveling kid with a hover board I am "Always Looking Up" as I am a incurable optimist. Michael J. Fox is a hero to me for many reasons but his philosophy it clicks so well to me.

    I even lost two phobias thanks to my Mother and learning more about his Optimism. Never stop dreaming, you can see your hope come through. Hope you are well my friend.

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  • I wish to thank everyone on the team for a comic series full of laughs, lewd and a hopeful reunion on the other end of the universal remote (bite me for that reference :P)
    can't wait to see more but seriously Matemi don't overwork yourself like everyone would agree with me on.

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  • sirgallade said:
    Thank you guys for following this side-comic! Alas, it appears Silver's adventures in this world have come to a close...

    But whatever did happened to Silver and her friends? Perhaps someday we will find out.~

    Yeah I know I'm a year late, I really hope so! I was really hoping they weren't gonna just be left there kinda presumed dead. I'm so happy there s a chance we'll get to see more of them.

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  • sirgallade said:
    Thank you guys for following this side-comic! Alas, it appears Silver's adventures in this world have come to a close...

    But whatever did happened to Silver and her friends? Perhaps someday we will find out.~

    Man that was over a year ago :(

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  • Where did they all go? Is there a continuation to these dragon adventures?

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