duke weaselton, judy hopps, and nick wilde (zootopia and etc) created by wambiri
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A sequel to the last story-picture collab with Wambiri (post #2841698) involving the addition of a fox to the whole mix. Go give him some love, he does some interesting artwork. As with the previous this picture comes with a story, one that fits in the description this time.


There were grins, then there were grins.

ZPD officer Nick Wilde was smirking so widely that it hurt. But he had every right to do so; tonight was the night; the one that had been planned for all week. Just a few days prior his partner -in the cop sense- had taken him aside and suggested a little tête-à-tête between them at her apartment that Friday, to kick off the weekend. And now that night had come. Tonight, for the first time since they'd met, he'd finally get to sleep with lieutenant Judy Hopps.

Of course he himself had told all and sundry that she could barely keep her paws off of him, that they'd pretty much been going at it constantly ever since he'd boldly come up with a plan to save them both from a sheep conspiracy. As he'd told it to anyone who'd listen they'd barely had time to give statements to the arresting officers before she'd pulled him aside and practically torn his pants off. That wasn't nearly true of course, he was in fact delightfully surprised by recent developments; being, for the first time in his life, unsure as to how to go about bedding a girl. She'd been a relentless flirt; the only person he'd met that was able to not only keep up with his verbal sparring but sometimes get the better of him. So his usual strategy of simply wowing the bunny with suave moves hadn't worked. And aside from that she'd always seemed so... innocent. A real country girl. Determined yes, and headstrong and almost impossible to keep up with; but she couldn't even curse right. A few months working the streets had erased a lot of her former naivety, but she still said 'sugar sprinkles' when she stubbed her toe.

They'd been fast friends of course; it was hard not to be after all they'd been through. She'd encouraged him to join the ranks of the ZPD and be her partner -again in the cop sense only-. And they'd been getting increasingly closer as the weeks went by and they settled into proper policework... but their relationship, such as it was, hadn't progressed even to dating, let alone physical intimacy. People gossiped sure everyone at the station knew they were a couple, despite multiple denials. And he'd done his part to stoke the rumors, both for his own amusement and as part of his image. But the reality was always a little bit of a letdown. So he'd... exaggerated things when around drinking buddies told stories that would get him banned from polite company. It was all in good fun. And yes he'd fooled around a little; he was a sly fox, anyone with any sense would expect no less. Besides, nothing was official after all. And girls did love a man in uniform.

And then one day, completely out of the blue, she'd suggested... well this. There they were, after work, in their cruiser, heading to her apartment to fuck like bunnies all night. If it had been anyone else the whole situation would have been too good to be true, like something out of a cheap porno. But Jude... Jude had always been impulsive, something like this was entirely in-character for her. Plus he could tell she was excited too, he could smell it on her, and his nose was never wrong. He himself had been tenting in his pants most of the day, simply waiting for this moment to arrive. If he were honest with himself (which he seldom was) he'd been exited most of the week, but he tried to downplay his arousal; keeping a level head as if this were something he could take or leave.

Even now he was barely paying attention to where they were driving; he was aware Judy lived in some cramped apartment, but he hadn't realized it was down by the docks. That was a rough neighborhood, surprisingly so. The area was a rundown, crime-ridden place that the ZPD stayed out of whenever they could. The very thought of a young lady of less than impressive physical stature not only venturing in but living there was nearly inconceivable. Of course if anyone could make it, it'd be Judy... but still, he couldn't help but feel increasingly conspicuous as the very out of place cruiser drove down the darkened streets, grimy buildings looming over the nearly deserted streets.

Her apartment building turned out to be surprisingly large, one of a number of nearly condemned buildings not far from the waterside. They'd certainly be cheap, far moreso than expected for someone on a cop's salary to inhabit. They seemed to be zoned for mid to large sized mammals and the fox couldn't help but feel slightly intimidated as he walked down the spacious, silent hallways, Judy ticking off apartment numbers under her breath. If it had been anyone else, any other cop in fact, he'd suspect he was heading towards a shot to the back and a quick burial at sea. Certainly he'd schemed enough to make that a possibility. But Judy...

"So wait... you live here?"

"Oh this isn't my place; I have really thin walls, you won't believe, and I don't want the neighbors to hear what we're gonna do. So I'm... borrowing this place from a friend."

Nick relaxed. That made sense, it all made sense now; Judy didn't live here, maybe not even in the district. This was just someplace out of the way where their... business could be conducted in secret. He'd done the same countess times, though not usually putting so much effort into it. Most often simply renting a hotel room, or even just in a back alley somewhere was enough. But Judy obviously had a plan; she always wanted to do things right. So it was that they quickly came to, and entered, a nondescript room in the shabby building.

It didn't contain much and had evidently just been used for storage, or abandoned. There was some dustcloth covered furniture at one end, a large patch of bare floor and a substantial pile of... supplies in a corner. There were two ZPD duffel bags, a gray plastic case and a backpack. The pack was open and the vulpine's sharp vision could make out a substantial bottle of lube. That bode well for the night ahead. Although...

"So I notice we're a little short, bed-wise..."

"That's not a problem is it? It was too much fuss to get one and I think things will work out better the way they are."

"Oh...? Well I don't mind doing things a little dirty, though I hope that's legal? Unless of course you're gonna arrest me."

"You know, that's exactly what I was thinking of doing..."

The rabbit's voice was chipper and upbeat, clearly flirting with him now. The canine's pulse started to race, he was already rock hard just thinking about all the possibilities the night held. He'd already... relieved himself in the station bathroom a few hours prior to ensure endurance, but he'd been waiting and thinking about this moment for so long that he harbored serious concerns that he wouldn't be able to last long enough to satisfy the lapine. Especially not if she was going to do something as kinky as he expected. She'd already produced a pair of cuffs and was nonchalantly twirling them around one finger. All concerns went out the window at this point it was time to get down and dirty. Now.

"So, do we want to bother with reading you your rights, or do I just cuff you here and now?"

"Let's just get down to business, we both know the drill, don't we?"

"Alright then! Just take everything off and put it in the corner there, it'll keep things clean."

Of course, of course. Predictable neat-freak bunny. Maybe he should have taken his time, drawn things out, had a little fun and enjoyed a bit of roleplay. But the fox had seen and done it all before and was eager to get straight to the point, as it were. He was already brandishing a steel rod when he tugged his pants down, rosy member jutting skyward proudly, every inch extended. He grinned at the sound of a quiet gasp from Judy who was already halfway through disrobing, trying not to look in her direction; as if watching a workmate strip off was something he'd seen a hundred times before. It was only a minute or so later that both mammals stood there in the nearly empty room, completely naked. For the vulpine the view really wasn't anything special; he was an old hand at interspecies relations and had even seen a few bunnies in the buff before. Judy was fine, sure, but it wasn't simply her looks that had him excited. But Judy herself seemed to be made both entranced ad nervous by the mere sight of him, quite understandable in his opinion since now a thick canine shaft stood proudly between his legs. Even if he wasn't her first he doubted she'd've seen anything like him before. Still, she did an admirable job of keeping a cool head, quickly recovering and slipping behind him in a businesslike fashion, grabbing his wrists and clipping the cuffs onto both paws, locking them behind his back.

With all the different species in the city even applying a simple pair of cuffs was an artform. Officers needed to keep at least eight different sizes on hand at all times with more available on request. These were slightly undersized for a fox; the h-bar model if he recalled correctly, which locked your hands in position behind you, almost totally immobile. Rather than a connecting chain they had a short but strong metal rod so you wouldn't try and wriggle out of them or grab anything. A second later a sharp backwards tug pulled him off of his feet as the rabbit let him sink slowly to the floor, his tail tucked neatly between his legs as he was carefully pulled across the room into a corner. Laid to rest against the far wall he was now in a sitting position. He could claw at the floor and push himself slightly more upright, but otherwise there was nothing he could do. This only aroused him further; the night was going to be fun indeed.

"Alright carrots, you have me where you want me. So... how is this gonna play out?"

"Well Mr. Wilde, I was thinking you could help me with a little investigation I'm conducting. Tell me what I want to hear and we'll be just fine."

"Oh really now? Well I can't promise anything buu-ut.. what do you want to know?"

"Well first off I'd sure like to find out who's been saying that I, and I quote, 'bang like a barn door in a hurricane.'"

A chill went down the vulpine's spine; there were a lot of things he'd expected, hoped and feared to hear in this situation, but those words were as unexpected as they were sobering. Nick swallowed hard as his mind raced ; when had he said that? To who? And how had she found out? His partner's watching expression had changed now, subtly. She seemed a lot more confident all of a sudden, in control and maybe just ever-so-slightly vengeful as she stepped over to the plain gray case, unclipped its locks and pulled out a strange, cubical device.

It was the size of smaller model car battery, black plastic emblazoned with an electrical looking 'FurosTek' logo on one side. It was something commercial and professional looking; certainly nothing jury-rigged, but its possible function escaped him. But there was a lightning bolt on the logo and some electrical inlets on it, as well as a few settings and lights. Anything involving him naked and cuffed and sparks probably wasn't good at all. Was it a lie detector? Some sort of old interrogation device dug up from the ZPD vaults? As the bunny attached a cable to the device his brain struggled madly for a way out.

"Well... ah... what? I mean that's a terrible thing to say about anyone..."

"It is, isn't it. You should wash your mouth out Nicholas Wilde."

"Whoah! Hey! I never said any such thing!"

"Oh really now? Because I have a witness who claims you did. I guess it's your word against his now, isn't it?"

Judy walked over to the room's door, deftly opening it to reveal a figure waiting in the hallway outside. He was just shorter than the lapine, male and nude. He too had his paws cuffed behind him, though with an I-2 model cuff, giving him just a bit more flexibility. Enough not to walk without falling over for instance. If Nick had struggled for words before, this newest revelation left him completely speechless. An all-too-familiar weasel stepped awkwardly into the room, the door swinging shut behind him with a terminal sounding *click*. He looked as if at any moment he might simply panic and jump out the window, but he still stepped unwillingly forward; very much like he had when they'd escorted him to Mr. Big to get information. It had been rather amusing then. It wasn't so much now.

"Weaselton? The fuck?!"

"Oh now someone gets my name right."

"The fuck are you even doing here?"

"Whatever that crazy bi- ...unny wants, same as you."

"Why would- wait... you sold me out?"

"To the crazy, psycho, mob bunny, yes. I'm a fan of living."

"Okay you two, enough chit-chat; you, sit down, over there."


"I ask the questions. Sit!"

The mustelid muttered under his breath but nevertheless complied, sitting where Judy had pointed, right in front of Nick. To the fox's surprise and shock the tube rat was at least as aroused as he was, a slim pink length sticking up between his legs as the two males faced each other now, barely a foot apart, trying to avoid each other's gaze. The fox was growing increasingly concerned with the direction events were taking.; as a rule there were very few things he objected to, but one of them was having another guy anywhere near his junk. Now, to his rising horror, his partner was bringing them even closer together; grabbing the weasel by his ankles and jerking him forward so that both of his legs tucked neatly between the canine's. He flinched as their bodies made contact, the lighter male now sitting firmly on his tail, a smaller, mirror image of his own helpless state. What on Earth was she planning? Surely she wasn't going to let the weasel... surely he wouldn't have agreed to...

"Okay, who wants some gel? It'll help smooth things over a bit."

"Yeah, sure, whatever."

"What? Hey, no- wait!"


"No! Look, can't we just talk about this?"

"We will soon, just give me a minute to set things up."

Judy calmly reached for a blue bottle of something called 'gun oil' that could only be some sort of lube. She splashed some of the clear fluid on her right paw before gripping the weasel's shaft and running it briskly up and down it, making Duke shut his eyes and gasp as his length was neatly coated with the gleaming liquid. Nick's head spun. He couldn't believe this was happening; how had she arranged this? How had she got the weasel involved? Oh fuck! Were their balls touching? He struggled to find some way out of his bonds; he could grip Duke's footpaws with his hands, but he couldn't push them away or break out of his bonds. He was paying so little attention to the other two that he almost howled in shock when a soft paw gripped his member and gave it a squeeze. It was Judy's left paw, clean and dry and providing an incredible friction between her grasp and his sensitive skin. She was gently jacking both males off now, with agonizingly slow strokes. The vulpine had been flagging slightly, his shock and unease spoiling the mood, but under the silky stimulation he couldn't help but return to total rigidity once more. He spluttered and gasped, trying to get a handle on the situation.

"Nnnf! Fff-fuck! Stop!"

"What's the matter? Don't you like how good this feels?"

"Hnn! No! Yes! Ju-just, can't we ju-uuu-aaah!"

His voice cut out as the softly squeezing paw gripped the base of his shaft, twisting its grip slightly as the lapine leaned back, right paw slipping behind the weasel and pushing him forward an inch or so. Grinning mischievously she once again grasped both male's members, now able to bring them together and hold them in a single paw. She once more idly stroked them together, one-pawed, as she reached down to pick something up off of the floor. Through blurred vision the fox was barely able to make out some sort of rubber rings. He was dimly able to register that they were attached to black cables as one was stretched wide between two fluffy fingers and slipped neatly over the tip of his -and Duke's- cocks, holding them together with surprising firmness.

"Right, that should keep you two together... and this..."

Before he could respond to this Judy's fist slipped up, gripped the ring and yanked down; easily sliding it down to the very base of his shaft. A second ring was applied similarly, but left only an inch or so down from the tip of his length as the bunny finally stepped back, admiring her handiwork and leaving the two males to squirm. While the weasel seemed to have been expecting this, Nick squirmed, a hot blush rising under his skin as he realized he was now dick-to-dick with another guy, trying to ignore the sensation of contact.

Nick's mouth felt dry; he was now aware that the two rings around his cock led, via very conductive-looking cables, to the very battery-looking box with a lightning bolt on it. That meant electricity was involved somehow, and he'd only ever seen that on TV, usually accompanied by a lot of screaming. Amazingly the male opposite him was, if not relaxed, then somewhat somber; as if waiting for the inevitable. He seemed far less panicked about this than him and the vulpine wondered just how much of this he'd know would happen. But surely, surely she wouldn't torture information out of him? Not her own partner and best friend? Oh who was he kidding, of course she would, if the weasel had told her half of what he'd so foolishly boasted of. He tried to surreptitiously get some explanation from the bunny, unable to keep the rising panic out of his voice.

"Carrots... what is this? C'mon now, let's not take things too far."

"Man up Wilde, if ya wet y'self I get soaked too ya know."

"Now you two play nice, I don't want any arguing. Where's that butto- aah!"

There was a quiet click and a set of blue LEDs turned on. This was accompanied by a quiet, almost inaudible hum indicating the machine's functioning. At the same time the fox's cock twitched as a strange, prickling feeling seemed to dance over it, concentrated around the two rubber rings and especially strong wherever his own shaft touched that of the weasel. He saw his fellow captive sit bolt upright and tense, gritting his teeth as the sensation grew more prominent, noting with alarm that it did so as Judy turned a certain dial on the box. That meant things could get more intense and that there was no telling how far things could be turned up -or what that would feel like.

"Right! We have ignition... Now Mr. Weaseltown, you admit you heard, on several occasions, Mr. Wilde boast about his sexual exploits... involving me?"

"Nnf! Yeah, sure. Of course."

"What do you say to that, Mr. Wilde? Would you like a minute or two to think?"

Nick grunted, trying to relax and keep a cool head, to focus on just what sort of pickle he was in. A strange, slightly sharp buzzing feeling blossomed out from the two rings on his cock, somehow filling his entire length with a flickering, fluttery sensation. Not quite pressure but somehow pleasure; a sort of strange stimulation unlike anything he'd felt before. It was vaguely like having his dick held in a large, firm, coarsely-furred paw, just feeling the constant contact. He felt the lower ring shifting, looking down and seeing, to his considerable surprise, a growing bulge at the base of his shaft. It was his knot, forming already. That was odd; that usually only happened once he was balls deep in someone, he could even jack off without it making an appearance. Something about the strange device was bringing it out early.

"The hell is this...?"

"It's e-stim, Mr. Wilde! The future of fapping, or so I'm told. Now if you answer my questions -truthfully- then it can feel really great, otherwise things might get messy. Take your time now; we're only just getting started after all."

Nick visibly relaxed. So that was it, was it? He almost laughed; so she was just going to jack him off until he was desperate enough to spill his guts? It'd take a lot more than that to break him; he'd played that sort of thing as a game before. No, that wasn't the big issue here. Rather, now that the initial shock had worn off and the function of the strange machine had been made clear, Nick's mind began to focus on the other unpleasant aspect of his situation. Not only was another guy -one he rather disliked in fact- in the same room as him, watching everything, they were, in fact, secured together. By their dicks.

He tried to suppress a shudder, being able to feel warmth, a pulsing heat, where his member touched that of his fellow captive. Their crotches were pressed together, a smaller pair of mustelid nuts sitting atop his own more considerable sac. The weasel's length was also significantly less impressive than his own, both in length and girth, but the mere fact that the most sensitive parts of their bodies were touching made him feel decidedly strange and disturbed in a way he couldn't quite explain. It wasn't that he minded guys doing stuff with other guys... just preferably far away from him. The weasel himself seemed almost to be enjoying the situation, leaning back slightly with his eyes half closed, panting rapidly. What was his role in all of this? Had he agreed to do this? Was he getting off on it? Surely even he wasn't that freaky. And Judy had a lot of connections; the right words to the right people could easily have been enough to get-

"Time's up!Let's kick things up a notch!"

Another twist of the dial and the intensity of what the fox felt increased considerably, now something more akin to pins and needles. He yipped with surprise before the sensation settled slightly, still sparking and shifting over his entire shaft. Duke didn't seem to have suffered the same fate, merely grunting quietly as the current was boosted. Must've been the damn lube or something. The fox grit his teeth, trying to force himself to breathe slower and contain his excitement; the last thing he wanted to do was show that he'd been got to, that this whole situation was seriously freaking him out. Staying calm and collected would keep him in control. But still the sensations between his legs were incredible; they were far more... present now, more definite. It still wasn't exactly like someone pawing him off, but there was a pressure there, a pleasantness. His engorged member seemed to thrum with feeling, a rod of warm enjoyment. The rings seemed to tease and buzz and he was shocked to find himself remarkably on edge not more than a minute or two after they'd started.

"Aaah... Are you sure this is safe? I'm sure there are other things we can do."

"Or y' could turn it up, I'm hardly feelin' anything here!"

"Nnf! Clam it, bootleg!"

He tried to ignore just how far along he was. In fact, to his surprise, he was already starting to leak; a small, milky droplet forming on the pointed tip of his shaft, glistening in the low light of the apartment. Rats! He'd been so worked up about this whole thing, it was no wonder things were progressing this fast. At the rate he was going he wouldn't last more than a few minutes, an embarrassingly short time under any circumstances, but even moreso at the hands of a teasing bunny and mocking mustelid. As these thoughts rushed through his head there was a subtle change in the sensations assaulting his shaft and he looked down, horrified to see that the weasel was in a similar state, his quivering cocktip leaving a thin streak of pre across the larger shaft. By fur and whiskers this was so gay, not that there was anything wrong with that of course... but he wasn't... not even remotely...

"Ugh! Can you try not to make a mess? It'd bad enough I'll be getting your scent all over me."

"Yeah, that ain't happenin' C'mon, it's worse in prison, I should know."

Nick jerked his head sideways, trying not to focus on the image that had burned itself into his vision, of two rigid cocks rubbing against each other every time their owners made the slightest move. He tried to block out the sensations underlying the continual buzzing vibrations along his shaft, of lubricated soft skin against skin, a silky, velvety stroking that made him yearn for more contact. Especially he tried to block out the growing sensations of warmth between his legs, with the smaller male sitting atop and wrapped around his lap, a rising scent of arousal filling the increasingly heated and humid air.

"H-hey... c'mon Carrots... There's no need for this, just turn it -ah- off and..."

"And the rumors?"

"R-really not as ba-aah-ad as they sound!"

"So they're true then?"

As the rabbit pushed on with her investigation, finally starting to make some headway with the unwilling fox, Duke was trying hard to remain alert. That was how you held out; you fought it, stayed tense. Of course that was a little difficult in this situation; somehow, somehow he'd been talked, threatened and cajoled into this ridiculous setup. Here he was, dick-to-dick with another guy, handcuffed and helpless while some crazy bunny used his own e-stim device on the pair of them. He tried his hardest to focus on the pleasure and put the sheer awkward absurdity of the situation behind him. Unlike Nick this wasn't the first time he'd been with a guy, not that he was particularly into that sort of thing. It was just that when you were a weasel, living on the streets or trying to survive behind bars, it really helped to be... flexible in sexual matters. Over the years he'd been with pretty much every species on the books, either for favors, when threatened or just for a few extra bucks. This was far from the dirtiest deed he'd done too; he wouldn't even have to drink to get over it. Wilde on the other hand...

"T-there's talk! There's always -hah- talk!"

"This all you can handle Wilde? Hey can we jazz things up a bit? I don't wanna be here all night!"

"Maybe you could refrain from interrupting Wesselton?"

He could hear Wilde begging. Good. It seemed like the gravity of the situation was finally beginning to sink in. Maybe what he'd always boasted about was true; he'd never been locked up, never been put in the slammer. Guy with a mouth like his wouldn't've lasted a week inside. It was almost fun to see him squirm, and the best part was that nothing too bad could happen to Duke himself since the bunny would probably want to protect her partner from anything too severe. He could probably just sit back and enjoy the show, even if it was a bit slow for his tastes. His hands bunched into fists as he sat there, gaze shifting between fox and rabbit, trying hard to suppress the urge to make a smart comment. His eye met that of the bunny for a second and he couldn't help but grin lewdly at her naked form. He was sure she got off on this sort of thing, if she wasn't so damn dangerous he'd have quite a few suggestions for her. And indeed she stared back, utterly unashamed and unimpressed.

"Hnnf! Enjoying the show flopsy? And they say I'm a perv..."

Judy grinned, catching the weasel's eye and sitting back on her haunches, one paw still on the intensity dial. She wondered, idly, if this had ever really been about getting a confession from her partner, or rather whether it had just been to have a whole lot of fun at his expense. She'd been nervous and eager and incredibly turned on just thinking about tonight, and now that everything was well under way she couldn't suppress her own rising desire at the situation. It was understandable of course; with two increasingly aroused males just a few feet away, filling the air with musk and hormones, a bunny could be expected to get a little frisky. She could already feel a growing dampness between her legs; her entire body filled with nervous energy at the audacity of what she was doing. It was like being in the midst of a car chase or robbery; a burst of adrenaline that left her heart pounding loudly in her ears and made every sound, sight and scent seem somehow more real. When she saw the weasel ogling her and heard his snarky commentary she knew exactly what she wanted to do.

She leaned back against the cold, slightly dusty wall and began to rub her free paw in soft circles over her chest, slowly moving it down, lower and lower, between her legs. As she did so her other paw fiddled with the machine's dial, twisting it left and right. Nick stiffened and gasped, his tail bottlebrushing as he did, but as expected Duke simply dug his claws into the floor, tensing up further as the current rose and fell in waves. Finally her paw reached the soft mounds of her sex, mostly obscured by light gray fur. She began to rub and pat over this, allowing the current to range just a little bit higher as she did, noting how the mustelid's gaze was now locked securely on her roving paw; as if nothing else in the world even existed. Grinning from ear-to-ear she placed two fingers on either side, spreading them and herself as she revealed the tender, pink and very wet inside of her hot slit to the entranced male. A new scent began to fill the air, the subtle song of female need, of an unfulfilled heat and growing lust, one ever just out of reach.

Nick couldn't see any of this, his eyes having glazed over not long after the current started to do strange things to his dick. It came in waves now, making him grit his teeth and gasp each time it pushed towards a maximum before just as rapidly dying away. The peaks made him groan out loud, strange and overwhelming, a prickling, buzzing pleasure as if a massive vibrator was being held against his shaft... was surrounding his shaft; the sensations somehow sinking deep within him, down into his gut and up his spine. Meanwhile the lulls left him feeling vaguely empty and wanting further sensation, waiting for the next crescendo of pleasure to shimmer and scintillate over his full length. His hands clenched and unclenched, tugging at the metal cuffs that bound him, aching to pull forward and grip his cock. He'd completely lost track of why he was there and what he was doing. His body knew what it wanted and he was powerless to resist.

Judy now was really getting into the swing of things, putting on a dirty show for a guy she knew could barely manage to focus on her, right next to her partner who seemed completely oblivious. It was stupid, and lewd, and dangerous; it was exactly the kind of thrill she enjoyed. She was energetically fingering herself now, turning up the current each time a furred digit plunged deep inside her wet tunnel, turning it down as it withdrew. Her ears were down and she bit her lip to stop herself from crying out in pleasure as she egged on the two captive males, syncing their pleasure with her own. Nick had given in... she wondered which of them would climax first... but Duke was still holding out, even as the stimulation became more and more intense. Still she was determined now; she wouldn't stop and wouldn't be the first to blow either. Slowly but steadily her pace increased as she felt her left paw grow damp, using two digits now to probe and explore herself.

The weasel finally gave in, beginning to moan in unison with the larger male, unable to hold back his instincts any longer as jolts and bursts of pleasure ran up and down his shaft. He was thankful for the gel, which smoothed out what would be a rather rough ride otherwise, though by now his compatriot was leaking heavily over both their lengths, as well as -to his mild annoyance- his crotch. He tried his best to hold on, to hold out; there was no way he was gonna blow before that damn fox. If he had the slightest shred of pride it was that he was the veteran in this situation. But that bitch of a bunny was making it so damn hard. He wanted to be able to close his eyes, look away and imagine, in his mind's eye, himself leaping onto her gray form and burying himself within her, paying her back for the relentless teasing and stimulation, for the sheer indignity of his position. Yet he couldn't so much as move, still fixated on her shifting digits and the hot pink of her open slit. Each time she poked and prodded into her warm wetness a corresponding burst of pleasure coursed through his own body, he could feel his tailstar twinge in sympathetic lust, his limbs tensing, his paws squeezing into tight fists, his toes curling. Each and every second was maddening and he didn't want it to stop.

Nick meanwhile was trying to maintain the last thread of coherent thought. He'd expected an interrogation, but all of a sudden things had somehow devolved into... whatever was happening. He was amazed something could feel so good without really touching his dick. At this rate it'd only be a minute or so before he'd... Of course. That was it; there was no need to fight things, no need at all. Once he peaked it'd all be over. Sure foxes tied, but that only happened with a continual squeezing pressure behind their knots; something Judy was likely unaware of. If he just came there'd be nothing she could do to stop him softening up and rendering this equipment useless. He'd still be cuffed, but he could deal with that later. In the meantime he tried to relax; letting his body move on its own and head towards the inevitable climax.

Duke felt a sudden bump, his body shifting slight, and realized that the fox's hips were beginning to buck. This threw off his own rhythm somewhat but added a welcome new sensation. Each time the larger male's hips thrust into the air their cocks rubbed against each other with the glorious feeling of sensitive wet skin-on-skin contact. It seemed neither cop was going to last long; the bunny was eyeing her partner with a deliciously lustful expression, drinking in every sight and sound as the fox squirmed, eyes squeezed tightly shut. She was starting to lose control of her actions now; sudden jabs and spikes of power making both males cry out and gasp. The rapidness of change gave neither of their bodies any time to adapt, making limbs quiver and jerk, sparking across both their forms like the crack of a whip.

Suddenly the vulpine cried out, a shuddering gasp that choked off as he clenched his jaws. His hips bucked violently upwards and his muzzle tipped down as his paws scratched against the floor for purchase, leaving deep gouges as they did. For a moment he simply struggled in place, as if trying to wrench himself free from his bonds, before his cock jerked spasmodically, releasing a thick, high-powered jet of jizz that curved gracefully up and splattered against the end of his nose.

"G-g-gg-ggg-gggg-nnnnNNNAAAAHHHH!!! FFF-FFFUUUU-AAAAGGHH!!!!"

"Oh-ho-HO Y-Y-YESSS! Oh sweet peas and carrots, I'm cumming!"

Judy was next, her legs kicking wide as her whole paw seemed to vanish between them, pressed deep as it could go. She threw her head back, closing her eyes and crying out with joy. Her right paw flicked violently sideways, kicking up the current another few notches. Beside her Nick howled, a raw, high-pitched sound as a second burst of sticky seed was forced from him, jetting out to splatter onto his face, staining the fur of his cheeks.His body froze in place, completely rigid as if unable to cope with the electrical assault that was shooting through all of his senses. His mind completely fused, melting into a red-hot mess of almost unendurable pleasure as every single muscle in his body reacted with alacrity, clamping down and tensing, arching his back, kicking his legs and drawing his lips back in a snarl. But through it all another burst of cum shot forth, weaker this time and splattering his chest. Then another, and another, his peak being slowly drawn out and sustained by the buzzing bliss. It was only after a minute or so that Judy managed to recover from her own quivering, gasping peak; enough to turn the dial down a bit before she slumped against the wall, panting and looking over at her partner, who had likewise gone limp. Only one person remained alert and unsatisfied.

"Hnn! Hey coppah... help a guy out...? No...? Dammit..."

Duke shivered, a cascading wave of pleasure rushing over his body. The bunny was out of it, at least for the next few minutes. Her eyes were glazed, a happy, contented smirk on her face as she caught her breath, bathing in post-orgasmic bliss. Nick was having a harder time of it; in a similar state but with the machine still running. The sensations would break through the wall of exhaustion sooner rather than later. As for the mustelid, the current had been turned down; still significant but low enough to keep him from climax, at least for a while. The sudden spike had knocked him back a bit, the overwhelming intensity breaking his steady climb to climax. He scowled, being annoyed that he'd been left out of all of the fun. Beside him the fox was starting to stir, still stimulated even though his climax had passed. After a minute or so he began to moan.

"O-oh... oh fuck. W-what t-the..."

Gradually Nick was dragged back to reality from the shattering, white-hot high of what had been one of the most powerful climaxes he'd had in his life. It had felt like his whole body had been on fire. He'd cum so hard it had hurt and yet somehow his body was insisting to him that it wasn't over. As he blinked to clear his vision he could see that he was still in the exact same position as previously. Even worse his dick wasn't deflating in the slightest. Against all reason it continued to stand there, rosy red and just as rock hard as it'd been before climax. Only now a rising sensitivity was starting to set in. It wasn't too bad, at least not at the moment, but it was insistent, just like the earlier stimulation had been. It buzzed on and on, through his entire length, second after second. And every time he moved even an inch to try and relieve the building sensations his dick rubbed against that of the weasel's it was still pressed up against. The forced frotting was, if anything, even more extreme and it was almost impossible not to gasp with every change in position. Tilting his head he saw that Judy was looking a little out of it as well. Judging from the sticky mess on her paw and between her legs she'd been having some fun too and was only just now starting to come down. Maybe now that she'd released some tension she might be persuaded to let him go. A glimmer of hope shone.

"C-carrots? Judy..? H-hey -Hnn!- c-could you t-turn it -FUCK!- Turn it off already?!"

"No can do Mr. Wide, it'd be terrible to deny our friend here his fun just because he managed to outlast you."

"Yeah, fuck off fox. -Rrrf!- Can we maybe turn it back up a bit?"

Not for the first time Nick tried to push the smaller male off of himself, pushing forward with his bound hands and trying to buck him off his hips. But that only led to a fresh bout of scintillating stimulation and he fell back to the floor groaning with pleasure. Worse the mustelid had wrapped both legs around his waist, holding himself firmly in position. The sick fuck was really starting to enjoy the whole situation, increasingly desperate for his own orgasm. The canine whimpered as suddenly the assault on his shaft grew more vehement; the noodley bastard wriggling about in some attempt to get more stimulation. He nearly snarled in response.

"A-aaaah! Fuck's sake stop!"

"It don't go off until I get off, Wilde."

"What? -Ggghnn!- Are you shitting me? You're pointed right the ffff-ffuck at me! I don't want that crap in my fur!"

The fox's eyes went wide as it started to dawn on him that he could soon be covered in two messes. His coat was already uncomfortably wet and sticky from his own climax, which had managed to paint his face and chest with its ferocity. But he was in a curled up position, his larger, thicker cock keeping both males' tips pointed up and over his chest. When the weasel blew it'd hit him the same way. The night was bad enough as it was without him having to wash the stink of another guy out of his coat. This was even worse than simply being bound up with the guy. Suddenly a very sarcastic voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Don't you now? Because if rumors are to be believed I apparently made such a mess on you one lunch break that you were barely able to clean up in time to get back to work. Different now is it?"

"K-kk-kk- Carrots, please... I'm -oh God- I'm begging you to stop this. I'll answer any... any questions i-ii-iifffffFFFFF-!"

"Still trying to bargain?"

"Heh... hah... he's got quite... quite a mouth on 'im."

"He's got a silver tongue alright. Come on Nick, maybe a little dirty talk will get things over faster."

"What?! There is no wa-aaAAH!"

Nick was aghast. There was no way in hell he was going to do anything of the sort. But his incredulous words were interrupted by a shuddering gasp as a fresh bolt of sensitivity flashed through him. The severity of the stimulation was only growing minute by minute and he was only becoming more sensitive to it. This had happened to him before a few times, when a girl wanted to keep going after he'd peaked, but it hadn't been anywhere near as drawn out as this. Something about the machine,a bout what it did was keeping him hard long after he should have withdrawn. The assault was unrelenting and unmerciful; continually building on itself, an unending buzzing, vibrating tingling sensation that set every one of his nerve endings on fire. But he couldn't, simply couldn't, bring himself to do what was being asked of him. Even putting aside who it was, sweet talking another guy was just... He didn't even know where to begin, what to say. No, there surely had to be some other way, any other way of getting out of this.

"Oh come on now Nick, we both know you want this to be over, right?"

"Nnnggggh! Yes!"

"And it won't stop till the weasel goes pop."

"C-carrots... -HNNF!- c'mon..."

"Well... maybe if you tell me about those rumors you've been spreading...?"

"Gnnf! Okay! Yes! I've been telling - Hhh-aaah!- Telling people we're fucking! -Ohgodohgodohgod!- For months now! It's just shooting sh-sh-SHIT! Guy talk! I swear just- -NNF!- Just a load of crap! C-c-carrots... PLEASE!"

He was barking his words now, choking them out between gasps and pants. Things hadn't started off too badly but as minute followed minute with no end in sight it was rapidly becoming absolutely unbearable. His body felt like it had white hot wires embedded in it, wrapped around his cock and tracing up his spine. Every second made his back arch and his fur stand on end. And still it didn't stop, continuing to push him forward, to demand more of him even though he had nothing to give. What was left of his pride was rapidly eroding beneath the sensual assault like butter under a flamethrower. It wasn't fair; he'd climaxed, that was supposed to be the end of it! He whimpered, actually whimpered, as the buzzing, fizzing overstimulation filled his body from tip-to-tail. He squirmed and writhed in his bonds, straining at the cuffs around his wrist and struggling to pull himself to his feet. But Judy knew her cuffs and he was completely helpless, doing little more than help out the weasel as their cocks rubbed and ground against each other. He'd admit anything, anything for relief.

"So you finally come clean, huh Slick? It's all true is it? Saying you banged Francine? The administrative staff? Me, you and the chief in a threesome?"

"Y-yyyy-YES! Oh sssshit! It's all true!"

"Well I have to say I'm very disappointed, I expected better. So instead of letting you off for that I'm gonna get him off with this. Have fun."

The vulpine's eyes rolled back in his head and his hips bucked and jerked at the air as the current boosted up yet again. Even Duke was having trouble now, throwing his head back and panting like a polar bear in midsummer. The two captive males wriggled and squirmed and struggled; both trying their hardest to maintain control even as they were pushed further and further to their limits. Nick's mind had drawn completely blank; if admitting everything wouldn't get him out of this situation then there was only one option left to him, and everyone there knew it. Through vision blurred with tears and sweat he watched a very predatory looking bunny lean over toward him, grinning.

"You want this to stop?"


"Then you want him to pop. Go on now, say it?"


"Come on, six words... 'I want the weasel to pop.'"

"Hhh-HHNNN! I... I want the weasel to pop...."

"And you don't care if he makes a mess on your fur?"


"Then go ahead and tell him, tell him how badly you want him to cum. Go on, we're both listening..."

Duke let the words drift over him. Part of him wanted to respond, but he was too far gone to even speak now. His body was no longer under conscious control; it was bucking and struggling and moving on its own now, driven forward by the tantalizing sensations that buzzed through his cock and burned in his chest. And he loved every second of it; loved hearing the bunny tease and the fox beg. Loved watching and feeling them building him up to climax. Oh he'd sold himself out for this; deep down he knew it. And he'd regret it later, but in there and now... it was pure bliss. He struggled to hold off just a bit longer, to get as much enjoyment as he could out of this single, golden moment before the cold reality of life fell back into place. He was just a few seconds away...

"Aa-AAAH! Fuck! FUCK! I want him to cum dammit! 0HNN!- I want him to make a big fucking mess all over me! I... I -AAAHN!- Just dump your fucking load already! I can't take it anymore!"

There was a cheerful, lapine chirp and the current kicked up almost imperceptibly. But that was enough for the mustelid whose entire body went rigid. His hips bucked skywards as his cock flexed and spasmed, jerking and twitching in tune with the blissful static that filled his rigid rod. A warm... hot... burning pressure boiled up from within him, his balls pulling up and seeming to pour the sensation into his abdomen, filling up his limbs as a streak of lightning jetted up his dick. Then it burst forth in a thin, silvery stream, shooting several feet into the air before landing on the stomach of the still begging fox, followed by a second, then third streak. Abruptly the current cut off, and with it the stimulating sensations, but that didn't matter anymore; the sheer force of his climax kept him going. There were shouts and screeches and growls, some of them his, some of them Nick's as he thrashed about, bound, in the canine's lap. Finally everything wound down, the rush of climax passing. It took a minute or so for him to realize his peak had passed, and for his body to suddenly go limp, panting heavily as he collapsed to the floor, flat on his back.

Duke was left hot and exhausted, coat soaked with sweat and even a few drops of the tail-end of his load. The fox too had stopped moving, likewise gasping for breath, eyes glazed over and tongue hanging out. Had he climaxed again? It was impossible to tell; things had simply got so animated at the end that he'd completely lost track of what was happening or where he was, let alone what anyone else had been doing. His thoughts were a total blank, mind an empty static. His body twitched gently; feeling the ghosts of the sensations that had only just ceased to flow through it.

"Well, that's a nice start. Now that we've confirmed the reality of the rumors I don't think your corroboration is needed anymore."

[Story too long for the description, scroll down for the last few paragraphs.]

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  • As the story is just slightly too long for the description, here's the ending.

    Rest of the story

    Through a fuzzy pink mist Duke was vaguely aware of someone talking to him; of something slipping off and being pulled back. There was a quiet clink as the cuffs holding his wrists behind his back his the floor, allowing his arms to hang limp at his sides. There was heavy panting in the distance, maybe it was his, maybe someone else's. Strong paws gripped him and pulled him to his feet, still swaying slightly. Zombie-like he was lead to the door, his vision starting to clear and his mind come back to him as the rabbit beside him drew into focus. He was led outside, to the darkened, cooler hallway beyond, where he tried to gather his scattered wits. For another minute or so he simply leaned against a wall, feeling his pulse slow and his breathing become more regular. Bit-by-bit reality leaked back in and made him recall he was standing naked and slightly sticky in a darkened building. Someone was shaking his paw.

    "Thanks, this was even more useful than I thought."

    "Yeah... whatever..."

    "You can come back in a few hours, we'll have cleared out by then."

    "Uh-huh I- Wait! A few hours?!"

    "I'm not done, I need details, not just a confession, I've got a lot of work to do."

    "Well what'm I supposed t' do 'till then?"

    "I'm sure I don't know. Get dressed, go for a walk, pickpocket someone."

    "Yeah, sure... damn bunny. Hey; this isn't gonna spread right? Mr. Gossip in there ain't gonna spill his guts to nobody?"

    "Do you really think he's going to admit to having been through that? I'm hoping this little experience... and a much longer one to follow... will blunt his eagerness to gossip about anyone's sex life. Besides, nobody would believe I'd let you see me nude."

    "Yeah yeah, very funny, fluff. Geez... I can't believe I just did that..."

    The rabbit's eyes twinkled like two amethysts as she smiled knowingly as she stood there, far more intimidating than a naked bunny should have been. It was only then the weasel noticed that she was holding a plastic, carrot-shaped device; one he recognized as being some sort of recorder. He shivered... how much of what had happened did she have on tape? A lot most likely, both of him and the fox. He flinched as she scuffed a foot along the floor, kicking up a small pile of dirty fabric, paw snatching it out of the air and tossing it to the mustelid. It was what little clothing he usually wore, shorts and shirt. He clutched at them, almost defensively.

    "Really? Don't tell me you didn't enjoy it, and not just getting one over on Nick either."

    "It was messed up. I was forced. You got some sick kinks bunny."

    "And so do you. So let's hope this all stays nice and quiet and I don't have to make you admit anything; because I might just be tempted to."

    "What? Hey no! We're done coppah!"

    "For now. Goodnight, Mr. Weaselton."

    The rabbit twirled gymnastically on her heels, turning in place before stepping briskly back into the room she'd just vacated. Duke caught a flash of something silver before the dim light there narrowed to a crack and vanished. The door closed with a solemn finality, the *click* it made somehow booming through the entire apartment complex like the catastrophic collapse of a mountainside. For a minute or two the mustelid stood there in the dark, clutching his clothing and rooted to the spot. Then, as if some spell had finally been broken he snapped back to reality as he hurriedly tried to dress himself before he was spotted by anyone, not wanting to wait around and hear what would happen when the machine was reactivated. As he strode briskly away from the scene of the crime he tried very hard not to think about the possibility of the crazy bunny roping him into a repeat performance. And especially not on how little he objected to the idea.

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