bread (nintendo and etc) created by ashraely
Parent: post #3014377 that has 2 siblings (learn more) show »

didn't know it was forbidden to post AI interpolated animation here, here's the original version

  • Comments
  • chuckedtesta said:
    Hold up. Who's says it's forbidden to post AI animation.
    That Sounds freaking Awesome!!

    Nah this kind of IA animation is pretty trash honestly, imagine google translate quality but visualy, it’s the bare minimum of animation without the subtility/artistic choices of an human’s work.

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  • drkseraphin said:
    Nah this kind of IA animation is pretty trash honestly, imagine google translate quality but visualy, it’s the bare minimum of animation without the subtility/artistic choices of an human’s work.

    Your comparison gives AI frame interpolation a lot more credit than you intended. Which is fair because it definitely has it's uses, but many people have this fanatical hatred for it, and they for some reason think everyone else just blindly and ignorantly love it and don't see why it doesn't usually work. Of course people being pretentious about something art related is nothing new.

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