created by magpi
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Some big raptor toes. Tried a diffrent method of coloring/shading that I'll want to use more of in the future. This was early access on Patreon.

  • Comments
  • If those are skyscrapers, that thing's head is in the stratosphere. Should probably be sinking into the ground down to bedrock.

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  • aethelred said:
    If those are skyscrapers, that thing's head is in the stratosphere. Should probably be sinking into the ground down to bedrock.

    To be fair, bedrock isn't particularly deep down in a lot of places. Sometimes it even pokes up above the surrounding dirt.

    But even the bedrock itself would likely struggle to support the weight of this raptor, so some cracks and ground shifting would be expected. A modest earth quake likely releases less energy than this paw pushing its weight down on the ground.

    It wouldn't be surprising if the whole continental plate itself would buckle a bit as a result. Likely create some rather large canyons as the fault lines forms, potentially spilling forth a bit of molten rock from bellow as well. Though, this macro raptor might be a lot more careful and oddly light weight for their size.

    But to be fair, the high way sign is a bit large, so even with perspective in mind, the buildings are likely not more than typical high rises to be fair.

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