Feb 26th:A new bill in Arizona is making its way through the Senate that would force sites like e621 to implement mandatory age verification for all users—or face potential lawsuits. This system would require third-party vendors to verify every user’s age through a government database. Not only is this a massive violation of privacy, but it also introduces serious risks, including identity theft through phishing schemes and other malicious methods. Worse still, we would have no control over ensuring that user data is permanently deleted after verification.
Since e621 operates out of Arizona, this law would almost certainly impact us if it passes. If you want to help ensure that we can continue serving you without being forced to collect personal information, we urge you to contact Arizona’s senators and ask them to vote NO on this bill.
Please help spread the word about this issue and encourage others to take action.
Further information on the bill itself can be found at the Free Speech Coalition: https://action.freespeechcoalition.com/bill/arizona-hb-2112/
Jan 7th: Small update to the Uploading Guidelines today: We now no longer allow paintovers of AI generated content. Or in other words AI generated content that has been edited to some degree by humans.
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MemberSoviet Anthem intensifies!
MemberIt is indeed their relationship
MemberJokes and hilarious memes aside. This is sooo fucked. Like she’s prepared to assaulted him and potentially harm him so she could keep
hertheir boyfriend to herself. Fucking psycho bitch.I’d be terrified if I was Alphonse. This shit is how people get murdered.
Deadra Runo
Memberin a relationship for years and a random guy was added in without really asking alphonse should understand that its not fair to try and wedge himself into that.
Though to be fair this is a porn comic so no one is really being hurt.
but before you call her psycho put yourself in her shoes rather then feel bad for needy catboi
Silver Warrior
MemberUnion indestructible free republics
Союз нерушимый республик свободных
United forever Great Russia.
Сплотила навеки Великая Русь.
Long live the one created by the will of the peoples
Да здравствует созданный волей народов
United, mighty Soviet Union!
Единый, могучий Советский Союз!
Hail, our free Fatherland,
Славься, Отечество наше свободное,
Friendship, peoples reliable stronghold!
Дружбы, народов надежный оплот!
Soviet banner, national banner
Знамя советское, знамя народное
May it lead from victory to victory!
Пусть от победы, к победе ведет!
Through the storms the sun of freedom shone for us,
Сквозь грозы сияло нам солнце свободы,
And the great Lenin lit the way for us.
И Ленин великий нам путь озарил.
We were raised by Stalin - for loyalty to the people
Нас вырастил Сталин - на верность народу
He inspired us to work and deeds.
На труд и на подвиги нас вдохновил.
Hail, Fatherland more free,
Славься, Отечество чаше свободное,
The happiness of the peoples is a reliable stronghold!
Счастья народов надежный оплот!
Soviet banner, national banner
Знамя советское, знамя народное
May it lead from victory to victory!
Пусть от победы к победе ведет!
Skvoz grozy siialo nam solntse svobody,
Skvoz grozy siialo nam solntse svobody,
I Lenin velikij nam put ozaril.
I Lenin velikij nam put ozaril.
Nas vyrastil Stalin
Nas vyrastil Stalin - na vernost narodu
Na trudi na podvigi nas vdokhnovil.
Na trud i na podvigi nas vdokhnovil.
Slavsia, Otechestvo chashe svobodnoe,
Slavsia, Otechestvo chashe svobodnoe,
Schastia narodov nadezhnyj oplot!
Schastia narodov nadezhnyj oplot!
Znamia sovetskoe, znamia narodnoe
Znamia sovetskoe, znamia narodnoe
Pust ot pobedy k pobede vedet!
Pust ot pobedy k pobede vedet!
We raised our army in battles,
Мы армию нашу растили в сраженьях,
We'll sweep the vile invaders out of the way!
Захватчиков подлых с дороги сметем!
We decide the fate of generations in battles,
Мы в битвах решаем судьбу поколений,
We will lead our Fatherland to the glory!
Мы к славе Отчизну свою поведем!
Hail, our free Fatherland,
Славься, Отечество наше свободное,
The glory of the peoples is a reliable stronghold!
Славы народов надежный оплот!
Soviet banner, national banner
Знамя советское, знамя народное
May it lead from victory to victory!
Пусть от победы к победе ведет!
Memberinsert earrape anthem here
MemberA bit overly-possessive here, don't you think...?
I mean, it does look like she's trying to strangle him...
MemberCue jill and alphonse making out cause she realizes she likes to dom him around.
Sharkbait hoohaha
BlockedI second this. A lot of folks kinda ignoring the fact Jill was Richards girlfriend from the beginning, and is doing this out of fear of losing him to Al who quite literally forced himself in as a wedge between the two out of love and spite.
On the other hand... What the hell was Jill expecting when agreeing to an open relationship in the first place?????
Charles Bon
MemberThis wasn't how i thought it would happen. It was MUCH better.
Memberwhen people in the world start sharing everything with others
MemberI thing he has been in the wrong book
Memberthis is for mother russia
MemberI detect a little communism
Member"Patrick, that's my boyfriend."
"Have you learned nothing of sharing?"
MemberSeize the means of Reproduction
Memberkek .. gold
MemberRush the Dick
Suka blyat
MemberYou know what they say about communism. The bread is so good people are lined up around the block to get some.
MemberThis one hits different!! XD
MemberCommunism hits hard
Deadra Runo
Memberwell jill seems to see open relationship as just sex and she is find with that, but AL wants more and Jill is trying to cute that part off before it gets ..uglier
MemberBruh this is an L take if I’ve ever seen one. Don’t take the side of the guy butting in on a platonic relationship bruh
MemberIt's hard to blame Jill or Al here... Richard was the one who came onto Al in the first place, and forgot to mention the whole "by the way I've have a girlfriend for a while now". He literally didn't know she existed until he met her in person.
Open relationships only work when you're, you know, OPEN about them lol.
Spoodge Pukem
MemberWhat the fuck did I just walk into?!?
MemberI'm pretty sure cutting that part off would get ugly all by itself. I mean, there's a fairly significant blood supply connected to it...
Jess WhiteClawz~
Memberida told him no, i wasnt ok with an open relationship, instead of lying and fucking everything up to then play the dumb innocent bitch card... i hope hes bringing back another dude, bitchs get so possessive over other PEOPLE!
Membernot her choice....
MemberI can hear the communist anthem
MemberComunismo es basura
Gary Glenn6969
MemberI don’t give a fuck about Jill my entire being wants Richard to dump the psycho bitch and stay with Al
MemberCommunist detected on American soil. lethal force engaged.
North Quill
Memberyeah you just get violent toward someone who has never done anything to you that you didn't approve of and- wait...
North Quill
MemberThat was actually the US for about 30 years
BlockedIf it involves the U.S.S.R. ...
MemberI have never laughed so hard at one of these comics!
user 157520
MemberI can understand both sides of this, but Jill overall is the one that turned this into a war and escalated it to the point of physical violence (which she initiated herself).
MemberIt started playing in my head the instant I saw the last panel. 😂
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