cornwall, faffy, devon, dragon, blue-eyes white dragon, and etc (miss kobayashi's dragon maid and etc) created by expression (artist)
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Dragons of Pop Culture

They are from left to right: The Reluctant Dragon from The Reluctant Dragon, Eustace from C.S Lewis's The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Pong Ping's pet dragon from Rupert the Bear, Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty, The Ice Dragon from Noggin the Nog, Madam Mim from The Sword in the Stone, The Soup Dragon from The Clangers, Uncle Deadly from The Muppet Show, Elliot from Pete's Dragon, Gorbash/Peter from Flight of Dragons, Figment from Epcot's Journey into Imagination, Singe from Dragon's Lair, Falkor from The Neverending Story, Shenron from Dragon Ball/Z/GT/Super, a Gwythaint from The Black Cauldron, the Railway Dragon from The Railway Dragon, Errol from Discworld's Guards! Guards!, Gorwen from Through The Dragon's Eye, Smirkenorff from Knightmare, Ureychyoburenitho from Charles Ashton's The Dragon Fire Trilogy, Montague Bunsen-Burner from Dick King-Smith's Dragon Boy, The Dragon from The Pagemaster, a Charizard from Pokemon, Draco from Dragonheart, Flicker from Blazing Dragons, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon from Yu-Gi-Oh, Devon and Cornwall from Quest For Camelot, Mushu from Mulan, Spyro from Spyro the Dragon, Shendu from Jackie Chan Adventures, Dragon from Shrek, Ffup from Debi Gliori's Pure Dead/Deep series, Haku from Spirited Away, Saphira from Eragon, the Dragon from Reign of Fire, Faffy from Dave the Barbarian, Dojo from Xiaolin Showdown, Fang from Avatar the Last Airbender, Jake from Jake Long: American Dragon, the Hungarian Horntail from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Narissa from Enchanted, The Great Dragon from Merlin, Terezi's lusus from Homestuck, Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon, Spike from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Drogon from Game of Thrones, Hiram McDaniels from Welcome to Night Vale, Smaug from The Hobbit, Digby from Digby Dragon and Tohru from Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid.

  • Comments
  • Why did you not put bahamuth and Tiamat?
    (From Final Fantasy and Dungeons & Dragons)
    They are very known in lots of medias!

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  • evellon said:
    I'm curious, which one would be the strongest? Or a top tier?

    Shenron, who is a literal god that can warp reality by granting wishes. Also the biggest and longest of the others (most likely).

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  • phantomking said:
    Wait a minute charizard not a dragon.

    Also Maleficent and Madame Mim are both spallecasters that are not dragons just transformed themselves into dragons. Also, you would be surprised by this one: Blue eyes white dragon.
    The dragon in question is the manifestation of a spirit so it is not a dragon true. Also yes playable card game yadda yadda.

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  • p-aws089 said:
    Shenron, who is a literal god that can warp reality by granting wishes. Also the biggest and longest of the others (most likely).

    Incorrect. Shenron IS NOT a God. Evidenced by the fact that Shenron can't grant every wish and that he CAN be killed.

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  • evellon said:
    I'm curious, which one would be the strongest? Or a top tier?

    From what little I know, I say Smaug since this is film Smaug.

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  • Hear me out: The Gravemind from Halo.

    Its most common depiction has the same exact pose as all of these peeps, and dragons are often benevolent or malevolent representations of perfect organisms, which the Flood absolutely is. Dune's Worms are basically dragons in mythos, name, and physicality, too.

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