created by zonkerdoodledoo
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a surprise gift...

  • Comments
  • potatoflamingo said:
    I can't figure out what this is supposed to be

    My best guess...
    Living goo is entering a guy's dick and sack, and he is transforming from a human to something furry, possibly a werewolf.

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  • achy said:
    My best guess...
    Living goo is entering a guy's dick and sack, and he is transforming from a human to something furry, possibly a werewolf.

    Oh, yeah, I think I see it now. The appendage in the foreground with the claws is his left foot. His right foot is sticking out to our left. The big red thing in the middle is his cock, with his balls just beneath that. The furry triangle-thing is his chin; his arms and torso are covered by his hips with this angle.

    A confusing piece, but now that I can follow it it looks cool.

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  • multispatial_rending said:
    Oh, yeah, I think I see it now. The appendage in the foreground with the claws is his left foot. His right foot is sticking out to our left. The big red thing in the middle is his cock, with his balls just beneath that. The furry triangle-thing is his chin; his arms and torso are covered by his hips with this angle.

    A confusing piece, but now that I can follow it it looks cool.

    Sorry! I’m a new nsfw artist, you’ve got it right on what’s meant to be what. With practice hopefully I can avoid having such a visual puzzle, thanks for taking the time to look so closely!

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