created by ecmajor
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For a lifetime of unwavering loyalty and companionship, consider bonding with your very own genetically engineered designer dog spouse - tailor made to your specifications and featuring Augmented Organic Intelligence (AOI™️) technology"

Don't worry if it sounds like she's reciting poetry whenever she speaks... that's just the way her brain processes speech. You'll get used to it - some people even find it to be oddly beautiful.


This took a while to finish but it's finally done!
There's so much detail, this version sized for posting doesn't really do it justice...

Hmm, would anyone be interested in sending a tip for the fullsize PNG?
If so, you can send me a few "coffees" via ko-fi or directly through paypal! There's also the shinies thing here on FA (see my main page) - Just put April Dog in the subject line so i know what it's for!
I'm going to be gone all day tomorrow but saturday afternoon i'll gather up the emails from people who sent tips and email you all a link to the file.
Thanks so much for your support <3 I get a lot of satisfaction from simply sharing my art and having people enjoy it, since i do it for fun - but a little bit of extra cash is its own kind of reward!

  • Comments
  • I want to get my face down on her belly and blow raspberries on it ...

    Do they make those in a male version? (Asking for a friend.)

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