March Exclusive 1/2 - Florence Magazine Cover.
So this was a bit of a fun time... Something I haven't done before, and I learned a bit trying to put it together, but still! I hope you guys all like this more, tasteful piece this month, as explicit content of this character is apparently undesired by their creator, which I was wholly unaware of when I added them to the poll. Nevertheless I managed to push the limits of risque and lewd while still keeping it clean enough. I'm still really happy with how it all came out, both pieces! Was a fun and somewhat silly experience.
As far as the magazine cover goes, I used as much of the context as I could from the actual story to fill in the "articles" and make it looks as "attention grabbing" as possible. I highly recommend reading the webcomic, which can be found here ! I still havent had the chance to make it all the way through, but I plan to continue reading it in my free time. Florence is an absolute gem <3
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MemberOne of my first and still one of my top favorite web comics. Discovered Freefall, Twokinds and Code Named Hunter while on a bit darker sandbox deployment. Love your Florence!
Member"as explicit content of this character is apparently undesired by their creator"
I've never seen him state that anywhere, and I'd be interested in seeing if he had. He keeps the comic PG, but Stanley's posted (tasteful) nude fan artwork of Florence on the front page multiple times, including this one recently:
And for a while now he's been doing more and more scenes in the comic where Florence sheds clothes. Though never with explicit detail. But it's still much more than he used to do.
Edit: And now he's done the first Florence frontal in the comic's history.
MemberNo End Town?
MemberI'll grant that I didn't hear it directly, but from a friend who also read through the comic.
However, I haven't read anywhere that they're 100% okay with explicit fanart, unlike TwoKinds, for example who's stated clearly that they don't mind it all and people are free to do as they wish with his characters.
Either way, I still took it as a fun challenge to try to keep it saucy but tasteful, which I admittedly don't have to do very often, so I still rolled with it.
And by explicit, I just mean straight up lewd bits showing. I could have drawn it twokinds-esque with just fur covering the lewd areas, but this was more fun. Appreciate your engagement with my piece!
MemberAs I'm not Stanley I can't answer authoritively, but given what he's done over the years it leads me to believe he wouldn't be of the "Please don't ever do this" variety concerning Florence. As I mentioned before he's posted some of the risque fanart images of her on the official site, directly below that day's strip even. A couple times they were so risque that one or more people complained and he removed the embedded image and changed it to a link with a content warning instead. Given he put them literally right under the strip makes me feel like he isn't super uptight about lewdish fanart. I mean I doubt he'd ever post a link to straight-up lewd art if he found it, but I just get the feeling he wouldn't be upset if he did come across it.
As for your piece itself, it's definitely one of my favorite Florence pieces so far. Given the simple art style of the comic combined with the fact that her design favors more of a canine physique with no discernable breasts or curves really, it's rare to see art of her that is sexy but still remains faithful to her character model. Your image straddles those two very nicely. Like if FreeFall were done in a slightly more realistic style, and Dr. Bowman decided to add some additional sex appeal to his creations for better human relations, heh, but didn't go overboard. Rather than the vast majority of Florence pieces that look nothing like her (and sadly, as much as I love his art, Tom's pics of her just look like a thinner, less-busty Natani to me.) You definitely got an upvote here from me.
Member"Do we really need a biosphere? - anonymous citizen"
Was this sent in by Mr. Kornada?
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