ratchet and rivet (sony interactive entertainment and etc) created by coffekat
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"we gotta preserve lombax species Ratchet!"

Art created by CoffeKat o3o

Ever since Ratchet and Rivet got together, Rivet and Kit have moved into Ratchet’s and Clank's apartment on Corson V. But every so often the four of them return to Rivet's and Kit's dimension to check on things and see how everyone is doing.

Having raised Rivet since she was a Kid, Ratchet and Rivet pay the Morts a visit every time they return to this dimension.

Having just spent several hours helping the Morts clear out a bunch of toads, Rivet is rather feeling in the mood x3

She grabs Ratchet and takes him back to her place so they can enjoy some much needed sex, and Ratchet certainly isn´t resisting x3.

  • Comments
  • They both make a great couple together. I really love the detail that Ratchet's ears turning up during culmination because of pleasure wave.

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  • You know even though i know it wont happen, if Ratchet & Rivet become a couple in the games, its going to be one of the unique thing about the series moving forward.

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  • darkfist2 said:
    You know even though i know it wont happen, if Ratchet & Rivet become a couple in the games, its going to be one of the unique thing about the series moving forward.

    and who says nothing will happen huh? because as I see it, everything depends on what insomniac fames decides and it is very noticeable that they are eager for something to happen between they 2

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  • I don't know didn't Insomniac say that they made her a lesbian canonically it's a shame too they should have made her bisexual then we might have had them hint at something more between her and Ratchet but unless they change how she is canonically based I doubt they're going to have them be anything more than friends which is honestly a damn shame cuz they would make a really cute couple.

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  • mad_lightning said:
    I don't know didn't Insomniac say that they made her a lesbian canonically it's a shame too they should have made her bisexual then we might have had them hint at something more between her and Ratchet but unless they change how she is canonically based I doubt they're going to have them be anything more than friends which is honestly a damn shame cuz they would make a really cute couple.

    Insomniac games never said that; it was Sam Maggs, who originally was the the lead writer for Rift Apart for a year until she got fired before the game was even announced because she kept trying to shoehorn her own ideals into the game and because she was harassing her coworkers and throwing tantrums when she didn't get her way. In Sam's Maggs' script, Rivet was literally a very masculine looking female Lombax who looked almost exactly like Ratchet, and she was also a huge bitch. Her name wasn't even Rivet, it was "Ratchette".

    After Sam Maggs was gone, Lauren Mee took over as lead writer and she completely rewrote Rivet's character as well as the story that Maggs had written, which is why Maggs is not listed as a writer in the game's credits, and why Maggs went on a massive Twitter rant about how "her work was erased". It was during this Twitter rant that she claimed Rivet is "canonically" lesbian... almost a full year after the game came out, and with no evidence to support it. This IS NOT how making things Canon works lol, especially after she had been fired from the company and hadn't worked there for over 2 years after not being affiliated with the company.

    Maggs also lied about everything she did for Rivet and rivet's design. She claimed she came up with the name "Rivet", but it was another IG employee David Kim who came up with it. All Sam Maggs did was sign off on the name choice lol, and the had the gall to try and steal all the credit for herself. Apparently almost nobody at Insomniac Games liked her, especially the game's lead designer Mark Stuart, who Maggs apparently continuously tried to undermine.


    No Insomniac has never confirmed or even implied Rivet is gay. It was an ex-employee who got fired months before the game was even announced publicly, who claimed it as """canon""" almost a year after the game launched, and almost 2 years after she was fired for trying to shoehorn her ideals into the game, trying to undermine the game's lead designers and directors, and harassing her coworkers.
    Rivet was completely rewritten after Maggs got fired, as well as the core story itself because Maggs' version was unacceptable and full of her own shoehorned ideals

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  • mad_lightning said:
    I don't know didn't Insomniac say that they made her a lesbian canonically it's a shame too they should have made her bisexual then we might have had them hint at something more between her and Ratchet but unless they change how she is canonically based I doubt they're going to have them be anything more than friends which is honestly a damn shame cuz they would make a really cute couple.

    Actually it wasn't Insomniac who said this, it was a former writer "Sam Maggs" who was fired and wanted attention, As for Rivet's role in the game, being just friends is the best option for future games.

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  • flamethedragon said:
    Insomniac games never said that; it was Sam Maggs, who originally was the the lead writer for Rift Apart for a year until she got fired before the game was even announced because she kept trying to shoehorn her own ideals into the game and because she was harassing her coworkers and throwing tantrums when she didn't get her way. In Sam's Maggs' script, Rivet was literally a very masculine looking female Lombax who looked almost exactly like Ratchet, and she was also a huge bitch. Her name wasn't even Rivet, it was "Ratchette".

    After Sam Maggs was gone, Lauren Mee took over as lead writer and she completely rewrote Rivet's character as well as the story that Maggs had written, which is why Maggs is not listed as a writer in the game's credits, and why Maggs went on a massive Twitter rant about how "her work was erased". It was during this Twitter rant that she claimed Rivet is "canonically" lesbian... almost a full year after the game came out, and with no evidence to support it. This IS NOT how making things Canon works lol, especially after she had been fired from the company and hadn't worked there for over 2 years after not being affiliated with the company.

    Maggs also lied about everything she did for Rivet and rivet's design. She claimed she came up with the name "Rivet", but it was another IG employee David Kim who came up with it. All Sam Maggs did was sign off on the name choice lol, and the had the gall to try and steal all the credit for herself. Apparently almost nobody at Insomniac Games liked her, especially the game's lead designer Mark Stuart, who Maggs apparently continuously tried to undermine.


    No Insomniac has never confirmed or even implied Rivet is gay. It was an ex-employee who got fired months before the game was even announced publicly, who claimed it as """canon""" almost a year after the game launched, and almost 2 years after she was fired for trying to shoehorn her ideals into the game, trying to undermine the game's lead designers and directors, and harassing her coworkers.
    Rivet was completely rewritten after Maggs got fired, as well as the core story itself because Maggs' version was unacceptable and full of her own shoehorned ideals

    Exactly you are right her information is not real and also if she is lesbian then they why dont say nothing about it on the release date in the last year or in the visibility day; is because that information is false and sam Maggs only wanted attenttion ahd create problems in the fandom community.

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  • spylora_fan117 said:
    I think the best option is they will be a couple because they have a great potential together, and also i saw 2 important things could do them as a couple:

    1. When lauren mee when lauren mee rewrote the script she put the scenes of Ratchet and Rivet are nervous and with the interactions that show a spark of romance between they two

    2. of all rivet arts only there are 2 arts that have received likes from 2 important people of insomniac games. These arts are Ratchet x Rivet, and also these 2 important people are Lindsay Thompson (senior animator of IG and very important person in the creation of rift apart) and Brian wyser (Animation director of IG) if you want i can give you the Twitter links so you can check it out

    I would really love if you showed me the links of arts which recieved likes by IG members.

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  • flamethedragon said:
    Insomniac games never said that; it was Sam Maggs, who originally was the the lead writer for Rift Apart for a year until she got fired before the game was even announced because she kept trying to shoehorn her own ideals into the game and because she was harassing her coworkers and throwing tantrums when she didn't get her way. In Sam's Maggs' script, Rivet was literally a very masculine looking female Lombax who looked almost exactly like Ratchet, and she was also a huge bitch. Her name wasn't even Rivet, it was "Ratchette".

    After Sam Maggs was gone, Lauren Mee took over as lead writer and she completely rewrote Rivet's character as well as the story that Maggs had written, which is why Maggs is not listed as a writer in the game's credits, and why Maggs went on a massive Twitter rant about how "her work was erased". It was during this Twitter rant that she claimed Rivet is "canonically" lesbian... almost a full year after the game came out, and with no evidence to support it. This IS NOT how making things Canon works lol, especially after she had been fired from the company and hadn't worked there for over 2 years after not being affiliated with the company.

    Maggs also lied about everything she did for Rivet and rivet's design. She claimed she came up with the name "Rivet", but it was another IG employee David Kim who came up with it. All Sam Maggs did was sign off on the name choice lol, and the had the gall to try and steal all the credit for herself. Apparently almost nobody at Insomniac Games liked her, especially the game's lead designer Mark Stuart, who Maggs apparently continuously tried to undermine.


    No Insomniac has never confirmed or even implied Rivet is gay. It was an ex-employee who got fired months before the game was even announced publicly, who claimed it as """canon""" almost a year after the game launched, and almost 2 years after she was fired for trying to shoehorn her ideals into the game, trying to undermine the game's lead designers and directors, and harassing her coworkers.
    Rivet was completely rewritten after Maggs got fired, as well as the core story itself because Maggs' version was unacceptable and full of her own shoehorned ideals

    I see you perfectly described the situation. Personally for me the fact that IG didn't credit Sam Maggs participation in developing the game says everything. They simply wanted to forget that person, like she was a bad dream. If she really had any impact on creating the main character IG would definitely mentioned her efforts. But she is just a hard feminist who yelled in the office like an idiot about Lombax chest being too big and making everyone else in the room feel uncomfortable with her awfull and unacceptable behaviour


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  • flamethedragon said:
    Insomniac games never said that; it was Sam Maggs, who originally was the the lead writer for Rift Apart for a year until she got fired before the game was even announced because she kept trying to shoehorn her own ideals into the game and because she was harassing her coworkers and throwing tantrums when she didn't get her way. In Sam's Maggs' script, Rivet was literally a very masculine looking female Lombax who looked almost exactly like Ratchet, and she was also a huge bitch. Her name wasn't even Rivet, it was "Ratchette".

    After Sam Maggs was gone, Lauren Mee took over as lead writer and she completely rewrote Rivet's character as well as the story that Maggs had written, which is why Maggs is not listed as a writer in the game's credits, and why Maggs went on a massive Twitter rant about how "her work was erased". It was during this Twitter rant that she claimed Rivet is "canonically" lesbian... almost a full year after the game came out, and with no evidence to support it. This IS NOT how making things Canon works lol, especially after she had been fired from the company and hadn't worked there for over 2 years after not being affiliated with the company.

    Maggs also lied about everything she did for Rivet and rivet's design. She claimed she came up with the name "Rivet", but it was another IG employee David Kim who came up with it. All Sam Maggs did was sign off on the name choice lol, and the had the gall to try and steal all the credit for herself. Apparently almost nobody at Insomniac Games liked her, especially the game's lead designer Mark Stuart, who Maggs apparently continuously tried to undermine.


    No Insomniac has never confirmed or even implied Rivet is gay. It was an ex-employee who got fired months before the game was even announced publicly, who claimed it as """canon""" almost a year after the game launched, and almost 2 years after she was fired for trying to shoehorn her ideals into the game, trying to undermine the game's lead designers and directors, and harassing her coworkers.
    Rivet was completely rewritten after Maggs got fired, as well as the core story itself because Maggs' version was unacceptable and full of her own shoehorned ideals

    Really well that's good to know I guess I got my facts screwed up and I'm usually pretty good when it comes to gaming news thanks for setting the record straight really appreciate it.😎

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  • mad_lightning said:
    I don't know didn't Insomniac say that they made her a lesbian canonically it's a shame too they should have made her bisexual then we might have had them hint at something more between her and Ratchet but unless they change how she is canonically based I doubt they're going to have them be anything more than friends which is honestly a damn shame cuz they would make a really cute couple.

    if by "Insomniac" you mean an Ex-writer for the company who's no longer doing anything with them anymore then yes
    the reality is that Sam Maggs has no saying on what becomes canon or not, whatever ramblings she or any other ex-employee do on twitter has no bearings on what's gonna happend to the series in the future.

    hell you would think that for somebody who makes a living as a writer that the definition of what's canon and what's not should at least be clear to them, but apparently not to Maggs, for something to be canon it has to be part of the work itself, wich Rivet being a lesbian is definetly not, there's 0 indication in the game as for that being the case and that's simply because Maggs felt the need to appropiate a character she had some part in making all for herself because she wasn't getting enough credit, she even made the claim that she came up with the name "Rivet" all for herself when that was absolutely not the case, and according to a lot of other developers who were sharing their developement time with her, she's definetly the kind of co-worker that you wish you didn't had to deal with on a daily basis.

    anyways the fact that she's willing to throw everybody under the bus just to get more attention for herself already speak by itself what kind of person she really is.

    but the point is that no one but Insomniac itself has any say on what Rivet sexuality is, what her future developement is gonna be or if she's even gonna appear on future games at all, in Rift Apart Rachet and Rivet interactions are canonically cute and adorable as hell so you make of that what you will, maybe it will become something more in the sequel maybe not but that's up to Insomniac to decide, but the fact is that's what's there is very telling of the feelings these two have for each other, meanwhile the ramblings of an Ex-writers such as Sam Maggs who's so desperate for attention as to make stuff up just to feel better about herself have no basis in reality, in R&C canon and never will unless she miraculously gets a job at Insomniac again as a lead writer wich is never gonna happend after all the bad blood she has made with her actions against her former co-workers, and thank god for that

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  • flamethedragon said:

    No Insomniac has never confirmed or even implied Rivet is gay. It was an ex-employee who got fired months before the game was even announced publicly, who claimed it as """canon""" almost a year after the game launched, and almost 2 years after she was fired for trying to shoehorn her ideals into the game, trying to undermine the game's lead designers and directors, and harassing her coworkers.
    Rivet was completely rewritten after Maggs got fired, as well as the core story itself because Maggs' version was unacceptable and full of her own shoehorned ideals

    Mother fuck, she sounds like Jessica Price on steroids...

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