dextus, eclipse, and sinister (cafe plaisir and etc) created by dark violet
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[Incest] In the Shadows

He'd left.

That's what you thought, at least. What you'd heard. Something had been going on with him - something with the new hires, then some comment about being shoved into blacked-out rooms, while red eyes and yellowed fangs gleamed in darkness. Then there'd been a ruckus, something had blasted out a handful of windows on the east side of the Café, and suddenly he was gone. Terminated, is what the higher-ups said. His brother and sister were still here, but him? Like he didn't exist, as far as the Café was concerned. Dead, some would say.

But you know Mightyena. More than just their cackles in the small hours of the morning, or the way their claws dig into your side as they near climax. Nah - simpler than that. At their core, at the basis of so many of their motivations and thoughts, you know they're loyal.

And you know that goes for him, as much as it does his siblings. Even if you don't want to admit to yourself what that means...

So when you hear those sounds at the end of the corridor, your heart freezes.

But h-hey. Come on now. It's the twins, snarling away in the night, like always. Enjoying one of their totally-a-secret romps with the door ajar. Who here hasn't heard their muffled howls through a wall?

But there's something more. Something deeper. A growl that ripples through the ground and sends shivers up your legs. A snarl that everyone who worked here back then still knows, even if some would rather forget. Ingrained into the psyche. A scar in the mind, that's never quite going to heal over.

You creep to the door. You'd be worried about your footsteps, but the sound is hidden through that gravelly baritone of a canine muzzle working around unfamiliar words. Little encouragements, hissed gasps and grunts. A muttered comment, a chastisement that rumbles through the doorframe, the sound of shuffling - through the crack in the door, you see a claws sink into grey fur, shove someone down. A wet slap punctuates a satisfied groan...

Mightyena are loyal.

And as you lean in to the gap in the door, icy fear trickles down your spine...

Would he so easily abandon his Café?

Man, I've not drawn Eclipse for a hot minute. Why not take advantage of that~? Especially with OctoberFlixard 's 'Year of October' series ramping up, and black claws are once again reaching across the sky... maybe it's time for him to make an appearance. Brief, unseen, and certainly unprovable - but still, nevertheless... back.

I had fun with the cock here, drawing one outside my regular shape - more bulgy, less perfect. I had to redraw it halfway through, and I'm not totally happy with how the shape came out, but I'm pleased with how it draws the eye. And the overall pose, which I spent a long time on... well. It's Eclipse in his natural habitat - and his little brother and sister, proving their own loyalty too. Just like the old days, it seems...

Just like the old days.


Want to find out more about Eclipse - and read the story that planted some inspiration for this picture? Check out...
Under Blue Moonlight

Enjoying such unyielding dominance~? Well then, why not enjoy...
The Witch of the Wilderness
[NC/Impreg] Vicious Glee
[Incest/Rough] Savage Pleasure

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