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Feline Fantasies is a furry visual novel game where you can find, meet and interact with different furry felines from some of your favourite games. Explore Southern and Northern Ruby Island, get frisky with the locals and find out more about your past, the island itself and a looming threat that has thrown everything in disarray.

What started out as a small Flash project has now made its way on to the Unity Engine. Feline Fantasies has been completely remade from scratch, with new visuals, art, animations and mini-games. Southern Ruby Island and the new update which adds Northern Ruby Island includes twelve different unlockable characters with up to sixteen different NSFW scenes to enjoy, including but not limited to:

- Three different feline Pokémon, namely a Litten, Espeon and Meowstic
- Three different video game felines, namely a Gatomon, a Felyne and a Villager
- Three different anime felines, namely Puck, Luna and Blair
- Three different Disney/Pixar felines, namely Duchess, Nala and Mittens
- The classic art as seen on the flash game, as well as completely redrawn art for every scene
- Ten simple mini-games with an easy, intermediate and hard option
- An explore option to find new locations, characters and unlock items
- Dialogue trees with different branches that create different outcomes
- An original story interwoven within the game
- Original animations and a little bit of voice acting at the intro

This game was made possible thanks to our incredible support over on Patreon! Please check it out if you want to support further development of this game!

You can also join me on my Discord to keep updated on the game!

Plans to finish the main game for Feline Fantasies are in development, which includes the ending of the story and a final boss battle complete with custom animations for the attacks and two different ending scenes!

ThatAverageDude - Project Lead & Main Writer
Vehlek - Writer
Elysian-prince - Writer
Side B - Main Programmer
Suiro - Secondary Programmer
LovelyMew - Editor
Afterglow - Editor
Pilitan - Main Artist
Disko. - Secondary Artist
PimpArtist - Secondary Artist
The-Greatest-Mystery - Animator
Bugma - QA Tester
Mystical87 - QA Tester
Tir Amahn - Legacy Flash Programmer

  • Comments
  • i'm genuinely excited for this to come out haha, y'all are doing god's work with this project~! cannot thank y'all enough for making this, there are so many great cats put into this game, and they all look wonderfully drawn~! cannot wait to try out the new chapter! <33

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  • Wonderful work my friends, all that hard work has certainly paid off! A million upvotes to you and a million more to come!

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  • catmakinbiscuits said:
    i'm genuinely excited for this to come out haha, y'all are doing god's work with this project~! cannot thank y'all enough for making this, there are so many great cats put into this game, and they all look wonderfully drawn~! cannot wait to try out the new chapter! <33

    Thank you so much for the kind words and all the support! It really is appreciated! <3

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  • farcrycat said:
    thank you guys for putting so much time and money to bring us all this amazing game 💕

    You're quite welcome! It's only thanks to all the amazing support I was able to create this game in the first place alongside my good friend Side B. This community made it all possible! <3

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  • phoenixgod1996 said:
    I thought Puck from Re:Zero was male

    I was going through the trailer and pausing every few seconds to look at the dialog trees and at 27 seconds Puck says "This might come as a bit of a surprise to you, but I'm actually male.” … “Remember how the curse only allows female felines to live on this island? Well, I was going to be toast if I didn't do something drastic about it, so I did the only thing I could think of and magically turned myself into a female.” (I don’t know if it counts as a spoiler because it’s in the trailer, but I’m still going to mark it as one.)


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  • Wasnt too interested in the game, personally but the end of this trailer was a very nice touch. I very much didnt expect it and it filled me with those good meta level vibes. Credit where its due, thats some good work.

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  • i really want a way to disable the minigames because i have little interest in them (do i really need to be downvoted for stateing my opinion, i still love the game)


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  • This game are so good so hot
    Happy to see it's update
    Even New mini-game all very good

    Just advice not to push.that old mini-game is too hard I think..that made play second round isn't a easy work

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  • Is Gracie bugged for anyone else? I keep getting told to go talk to Gracie and she just keeps telling me about the Catastrophy

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  • -w- said:
    Is Gracie bugged for anyone else? I keep getting told to go talk to Gracie and she just keeps telling me about the Catastrophy

    That’s not a bug, you have to go to Rosie first and have her ask you to go talk to Gracie.

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  • Maybe I'm just worse at talking to cat girls than I thought, but I can't figure this new update out for the life of me. Anyone got cheat codes to unlock the gallery scenes? I'll trade ya some wood and rope!

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  • justanotherpokefurry said:
    I can’t get the climbing mini-game to work. I don’t know if it’s just me, but the arrows that say what directions to go don’t show up. I can still use my arrow keys to input, but I don’t know the pattern to input the keys in.

    It's not just you. Unfortunately, the topaz mini-game sometimes bugs out. We're aware of this and are currently looking into fixing it. Apologies for the inconvenience!

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  • franzfloatzel said:
    Maybe I'm just worse at talking to cat girls than I thought, but I can't figure this new update out for the life of me. Anyone got cheat codes to unlock the gallery scenes? I'll trade ya some wood and rope!

    There are no cheat codes, but people have asked for a walkthrough before. It's something I'm considering for the foreseeable future. For now, let me help you out a bit: you need to get a new skill called Feline Seduction. You can get the skill from Luna. Unlock her dialogue tree and from there, new options open up.

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  • thataveragedude said:
    It's not just you. Unfortunately, the topaz mini-game sometimes bugs out. We're aware of this and are currently looking into fixing it. Apologies for the inconvenience!

    You don’t have to apologize for the ‘inconvenience.’ If the players are kept updated on what’s happening, it’s an amazing game, and hey, what game doesn’t have bugs when a huge update is launched? I can tell from all the positive comments that the community you’ve made is highly appreciative of the work and time you’ve put into this high quality game. Thank you for your time, money, effort, politeness, personality, and positivity you’ve put into this amazing community and game.

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  • Thanks for making such an awesome game, I loved every second of it. I think I completed this release to 100% but I don't feel so sure about that, would you give us a hint to an obscure secret of the game?

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  • Duchess, Nala and Mittens ARE from Disney-Disney. Actually.
    So, it has nothing to do with Pixar.
    Common error, "Disney isn't 3D that's pixar"

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  • I'm so glad that I found this game while looking at different porn subjects. I've played it for a whole day and unlocked everything. It's now easily my favorite furry game. The story is really well tought and I was so immersed in the game that I didn't see time pass. Every character is charming in their own way and it was a hard time for me to decide which one was my favorite. I can't wait to play the last chapter and to wrap up the story.
    I hope you guys continue to make great games like this and you keep being a good ass team cause I would love to see more games like this one and I think you're the only ones I've seen that made an intencing sex game that is so good that I can forget time.

    I think Puck is my favorite from how actually wholesome she is in this game.

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  • Hmm, seems interesting. What was the game again? I zoned out halfway through it so I couldn’t get the name, and it’s interesting and I wouldn’t mind playing it.

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  • All I ask is please provide some folk a "lazy fuck mode" the mini games require more though then a erection cares about.

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  • monman151 said:
    All I ask is please provide some folk a "lazy fuck mode" the mini games require more though then a erection cares about.

    The lazy fuck mode is the gallery you get after beating the game. It isn't that hard. You can beat the game in a few hours max without any prior knowledge and after, you can enjoy whatever scene you want in the gallery. Either just the art, or the entire scene with the dialogue.

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