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“It’s a quiet night at the local theater. With very few watchers in the room, and the movie beginning to slow down, it looks as if your date for the night is looking to make their move. And it seems as if they have something a little more entertaining in mind."

Artwork & Animation done by: Feliscede ( Twitter )
Sound Editing done by: ZiggyZackStash ( Twitter )

  • Comments
  • Wow! What an amazing idea, and super well executed!

    Good job, ZiggyZaggy- ZickZack- ZickyZaggeryZoog- wowthat'sahellofausername...

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  • skoundrel said:
    Wow! What an amazing idea, and super well executed!

    Good job, ZiggyZaggy- ZickZack- ZickyZaggeryZoog- wowthat'sahellofausername...

    Ziggy can always work.

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  • Man, this whole animation has such a nice and wholesome vibe to it. Like, all three of them have distinct personalities but just want to the POV person a good time. I love how they all react differently to each other's methods, like the glasses one being very surprised with tsundere's aggressiveness, or vice versa with tsundere being jealous glasses got to go first and middle mommy vibe head soothing her. Just gives this air of togetherness that I love. The nice music helps too. Just a very nice and sweet animation all around.

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  • coolandhotsandvich said:
    Man, this whole animation has such a nice and wholesome vibe to it. Like, all three of them have distinct personalities but just want to the POV person a good time. I love how they all react differently to each other's methods, like the glasses one being very surprised with tsundere's aggressiveness, or vice versa with tsundere being jealous glasses got to go first and middle mommy vibe head soothing her. Just gives this air of togetherness that I love. The nice music helps too. Just a very nice and sweet animation all around.

    I've always wondered about multiheaded furs and OCs, which head controls the arms? Since people usually move arms and such when being expressive, so how would these girls go? Would the more aggressive head grip the base of his length tightly? The shy one in glasses maybe just keep her arms together, out the way? maybe the middle head being more feely and sensual? Rubbing up your belly softly? I dunno, probably a bit too deep for porn, since it's good yiff regardless X3

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  • midnightfolf said:
    I've always wondered about multiheaded furs and OCs, which head controls the arms? Since people usually move arms and such when being expressive, so how would these girls go? Would the more aggressive head grip the base of his length tightly? The shy one in glasses maybe just keep her arms together, out the way? maybe the middle head being more feely and sensual? Rubbing up your belly softly? I dunno, probably a bit too deep for porn, since it's good yiff regardless X3

    My personal belief is that they all have control over the actions of their lower body, but are coordinated enough to where this isn’t always an issue. Especially during instances such as when they’re putting more work into their respective head.

    At most, the only one who might cause the most fuss over control would be Chloe given her hot-headed nature. Zoe is pretty calm and motherly, and Seraphina is very shy and sweet. In fact, if you look at the character’s bio, the description reads they can all fight and share over control of the body.

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  • coolandhotsandvich said:
    Man, this whole animation has such a nice and wholesome vibe to it. Like, all three of them have distinct personalities but just want to the POV person a good time. I love how they all react differently to each other's methods, like the glasses one being very surprised with tsundere's aggressiveness, or vice versa with tsundere being jealous glasses got to go first and middle mommy vibe head soothing her. Just gives this air of togetherness that I love. The nice music helps too. Just a very nice and sweet animation all around.

    The balance of the music and lewd was excellent. Too much music kind of kills it for me, especially if it's goofy or catchy. This was relaxing which I loved

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  • achakclaw said:
    The balance of the music and lewd was excellent. Too much music kind of kills it for me, especially if it's goofy or catchy. This was relaxing which I loved

    I always prefer to select intimate / thematic music for my sound edits whenever its meant to be on the slower side of things. Especially as I don't really have the reach or connections yet to always provide voice acting.

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  • coolandhotsandvich said:
    Man, this whole animation has such a nice and wholesome vibe to it. Like, all three of them have distinct personalities but just want to the POV person a good time. I love how they all react differently to each other's methods, like the glasses one being very surprised with tsundere's aggressiveness, or vice versa with tsundere being jealous glasses got to go first and middle mommy vibe head soothing her. Just gives this air of togetherness that I love. The nice music helps too. Just a very nice and sweet animation all around.

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  • supertails28 said:
    Wow, amazing! I love how each one not only has her own personality, but also shows it in her own loving way.

    If I were to guess each head's ball-handling (with mouth)...

    Timid (glasses): Taint nuzzler, to be out of the way.
    Primary (middle): Tongue play, possibly scrotum cuff using tongue if aggressive head is hogging the balls.
    Aggressive: Total ball-hog, gulp and tug. She takes what she wants.

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  • midnightfolf said: I've always wondered about multiheaded furs and OCs, which head controls the arms?

    Since most of them have spines that split above the shoulders, the arms would (probably) be connected through the shared portion of the spine, so in theory they would all control both of them.... However, fully-overlapped control like that is problematic if there's any conflicting orders, which is why the hemispheres of our brain each have a side of the body they have primary control over. most likely, it'd work the same way as when the interlinks of said hemispheres are severed, with each arm under the full control of one head.

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  • ziggyzackary said:
    I always prefer to select intimate / thematic music for my sound edits whenever its meant to be on the slower side of things. Especially as I don't really have the reach or connections yet to always provide voice acting.

    Idk, I feel like rock music would’ve fit well with the left head.

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  • These three right here are why I'm a xenophile. Humans are so damn boring, if you're going to indulge in fantasy, fuckin' have fun with it.

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  • 2000 years ago people: 3 head snake? That must be god! Or satan! Scary creature.
    2024: I want a 3 head snake waifu. Fap material.

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