created by ailah
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  • An unabashed breath of fresh air; [wheeze] Woah! It <em>really</em> must have been a while...

    There is hardly anything meaningful I can say about this...Well...That doesn't quite sound like me.

    If that is supposed to be a violin, it is missing the tuning pegs. It also doesn't even seem to have strings. I also don't quite like how wiry the wolf's fur is in some spots (like a boar's fur). The subject : background correlation could also be alittle better defined; The wolf especially seems alittle bit disconnected from the environment.

    But everything else? The posture, the expressiveness of the face, the character imparted by the markings, the shading; excellent. The weasel is adorable. The background is a omgoshholyf!#$<strong>masterpiece</strong>!

    The artist should be feeling <em>very</em> good about herself right now.

    Keep drawing.

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  • The artist got a Daily Deviation for it at the very next day she submitted it. So yes, she can be very proud of it.
    And I have to say, I still love this picture and the artist...

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  • Wow, this artist is a human printer. Awesome!!!!

    Wraywolfe said:
    Where did she get the violin?

    LOL zomd

    The weasel brought it in his bitchin' Camaro.
    It was airdropped in via C130 along with one ton of cream cheese, a Zamboni machine and a stick of dynamite.
    She was digging for a bone she'd hidden from the weasel ("yeah buuuuuddy") and found the violin instead.
    The same place she got those knickers.
    The photographer gave it her as a prop.
    She was a good wolfie all year so for Christmas, Santa gave it to her.
    The weasel plays a singing saw. They swap instruments every week. Sucks; they have to share the bow.
    Dr Moreau gave it to her just before she mauled him.
    Purina sent it to her after she mailed in five years of Purina Anthro Wolf Chow box tops.
    Gift from her tutor before she went on to work with the London Philharmonic.
    She asked her parents for a car, but they gave her a violin.
    It came with her copy of Violin Hero.

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  • Kyuubi said:
    The artist got a Daily Deviation for it at the very next day she submitted it. So yes, she can be very proud of it.
    And I have to say, I still love this picture and the artist...

    Aww, I can't find it on dA :(

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