nintendo and etc created by third-party edit and unknown artist
Parent: post #255759 (learn more) show »

I was bored.

  • Comments
  • I'm debating making this my avatar.
    On one hand, I think it would be funny.
    On the other, I don't want to get in trouble for "impersonating" an admin.

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  • Hammie said:
    Ahaha, just noticed Char actually is using this now.
    I'll have to find another avatar now.

    His old one? :P

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  • is it me or dose the head kinda look like Ang form the 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' series ?

    none the less it put a smile on my face

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  • I'm not tagging it as such, but the face is too.. Out of place for it not to be minor nightmare fuel to me. But hey, I'm just absolutely weird...

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  • Fralee said:
    is it me or dose the head kinda look like Ang form the 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' series ?

    none the less it put a smile on my face

    Hey, I see that too!

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