An older Scootaloo, her cutie mark a butterfly, flies above a rolling green hill during a sunrise over a bay. She is looking slightly down below the sun, her expression determined. As she is older, her mane is also a bit longer, reaching down past her withers, touching her shoulder slightly before curling back up.
Artist's description from dA is as follows:
This is something I just couldn't resist doing. It is inspired by I'll Fly Higher.
In this picture, Scootaloo has grown up and followed in Rainbow Dash's hoofsteps, and is reflecting on this during a sunset.
It was hard to figure out what cutie mark she would have, and I ended up with my idea of what a modernized variant of the previous generations' Scootaloo's cutie mark would look like. Here are my thoughts from when I drew it, and what I've told commenters here and on EqD: "My headcanon is that it is more representative than literal; seeing how butterflies go through many stages in their life, so, too, will Scootaloo pass this 'caterpillar' stage and blossom forth into the beautiful, epic, flying mare we see here"
Tech Specs:
Took about 8 hours to draw, after about 4 hours of rendering the background, which took about 3 hours to perfect
Programs used:
Terragen 2 for the background
PhotoImpact X3 for Scootaloo and the after-effects
Gaussian Blur on the background, to make it more of a setting than a focal point
Lens Flare on the sun to emphasize its brightness
Diffuse Glow to bring out the colors and light levels in the scene
MemberThis is my fucking dream. Mare Scootaloo flying and having her cutie mark.
MemberIs she a lepidopterist?
MemberLOL maybe. I just imagined her finding her talent while being near butterflies, but you never know :P
Tat would be funny if she ended up more like Fluttershy than Rainbow Dash X3
Lieutenant Cupcakes
MemberA WHAT?!?!?! O_O
Thank you wiki, now i know more :D
Memberamazingly done, love it
Mephiles the Dark
MemberYou know, Tails' theme "Believe in Myself" fits Scootaloo PERFECTLY.
user 121833
MemberIt would make more sense if her cutie mark was a scooter.
MemberWhy? Because Rarity's is a dress, or Cheerilee's is teaching? :P
Cutie marks are about what made you find your talent, not what it is :3
user 121833
MemberAh, I see where you're coming from. But with your logic, in what way would butterflies help her get her cutie mark?
My psychic powers tell me this will soon become a flame war.
Chaos hoodie
Blockednice ,
MemberSee my description :P
user 121833
MemberWell I sorta guess this picture is now officially outdated. Scootaloo got her cutie mark, canon.
MemberYes, yes, I'll get around to it when I have the time.
MemberWhen you see it
You will shit bricks
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