Disclaimer: no vore this time, sorry everyone, I really hope it isn't too much of a deal-breaker :(
Once again, I had to butcher the video to make it fit e621's file size limit, so HERE is a link to a better quality version.
EDIT: Really sorry if it came out wrong, but I really want to specify that I did NOT have to cut scenes out because of e621's max file size! I removed them because I felt the animation had enough content already. I tend to grumble about the limit a lot, but that's only because wrestling with the bitrate in FFMPEG is the very last thing I do before uploading, so it kinds of stays in my mind while I write the description. But so far I have always been able to work with it so it's all good.
I originally planned to do four different "big" parts for this animation, but ended up only doing two because seriously, 14 minutes is WAY too long already. I had to leave out a bondage scene along with some handholding, plus some more info about the backstory I had in mind when I planned the whole thing. Sorry if the end feels a bit rushed and wild, I tried to squeeze as much content from the leftover scenes as I could before cutting my losses.
For those wondering, the plot I had in mind was supposed to be something along the line that the deathclaw, named Mellow, was an offshot of the Enclave intelligent deathclaw program, which escaped with a few of her siblings thanks to a scientist that took pity on her. The whole group was ambushed later, and as far as she knows, only her and the scientist's protectron survived the encounter. That would have explained why she is living with a protectron with a tranquilizer gun, why she has an enclave tatoo, who "dad" is and a few other minor things.
The deathclaw model is the original FO4 one, with some edits from me to add eyelids and slit, which I might upload somewhere if people are interested. I fucked up the topology in a lot of places, and my concept of rigging is legally considered a cognitohazard so don't expect much.
Map is a mix of de_swamp and ar_shoots from CSGO.
EDIT: The VR version is out! Available right HERE
MemberHoly moly! I would love to see more of Mellow 🥰
Ateji The Leader
Memberwhat a masterpiece!
MemberThis is sooo wholesome, i hope there's gonna be more of her
MemberNow that was damn good, makes me wonder if there could be more at some point
BlockedThis is something that everyone has been waiting for. A real true fuckin masterpiece. pb472 you've done it again! <3
Pericles Corde
MemberThis is amazing! Honestly a great animation with a lovely concept, a fitting theme and some greatly executed ideas. Honestly would love to see more like that, this is great!
MemberThis is amazing! Very wholesome too. <3 An actual masterpiece.
Memberi think if you get a deathclaw girlfirend then you scored in the apocalypse
MemberJoke side : deathclaw have a "RADS" in body / claw / teeth **be safe to fuck her**
btw. my heart get melt for this one awwww
MemberWhat the fuck why was this genuinely adorable. She was so gentle. Where's my insecure deathclaw girlfriend
MemberThere needs to be more of this holy shit!
MemberHandholding?! FILTH!
MemberWow good work! Ive actually never seen stuff like this before. Great Work!
Memberits soooo goood!! Plz do more like these!!
MemberLovely an a bit wholesome
MemberAwesome animation. And I know it's probably a typo but "unscatted" is also probably a thing here. I would also like to remain both unscathed and unscatted after this encounter.
BlockedI think that absence of vore isn't a problem.
What your animations make great are the characters.
Even if this is yiff, you care about giving them a personalities and dynamic between them connected in short, yet wholesome, stories plus the details and interations (example, how Mellow accidently knocked down the pan from the shelf or how the lava dragoness cooled herself down in the waterfall before "interaction" with her human friend).
It is pitty that uploud limit of e621 doesn't allow you to put the more scenes and more info about what is going on also offstage.
I hope that we will get know Mellow more in your next projects ^^
MemberThis, is wonderfully wholesome
Amazing animation m8
MemberThis was super sweet and very heartwarming story for the both of them, would definitely love to see them more often
MemberNot to kink-shame at all but I definitely prefer this scenario without vore. No deal-breaker here.
MemberBeauty and the beast, fallout adaptation!
MemberI love this story and the potential it has to grow. This was so cute!
Member" I had to leave out a bondage scene " now i am curius need mroe female deathclaws
MemberAn actual character that i genuinely care about beyond just being a sex object.
And yeah, she's just precious.
Membera part 2 is definitely needed! This would be a great series!
MemberVore or not (been a while since I've seen good vore tbh anyway) this was wholesome af, love when the bigger, clumsy "monsters" have a soft, gentle heart, probably why I like Toriel, Mama-gens, Alphys, etc... and such, big gals (or Bois) everyone else seems to hate them, but you lucky individual get to see their really awesome, cute and adorable, loveable side :3 keep it up, would love to see more wholesome stuff, maybe a kiss or two? X3
Memberwould love to play around with the model, looks great
MemberGood holy fucking shit this is outstanding. super adorable too! love it! ^^
Shadow Scythe
MemberNot having a vore scene I feel made this more enjoyable as a whole tbh. Wouldn't mind see more of Mellow at some point, still do severely hate the ending of sorts for the deathclaws from the Enclave. Do believe that alot more than 1 ever got away...I mean their deathclaws, last I checked in FO4 not even a squad of BHOS soldiers with a power armor user could take one down...and these ones are sentient and intelligent which should make them even more dangerous.
Memberthats is amazing!
user 802145
Memberthe deathclaws all got massacred when they hid in i think it was vault 3 in FO4
MemberBro More Egg Laying PLZZ
MemberInsane work and story. Love it so much!...
MemberAww. I really want expecting a vid with a death deathclaw to be so sweet
Membertfw no 300 pound mutant murder chameleon girlfriend
MemberThis is so sweet I got Diabetes
Memberfemale feral deathclaw suddenly just became a fetish of mine <3 your conveyance of fear and need are both excellent! gj
MemberMy new pet human
Membera nice little story
very wholesome
MemberWow, I...didn't expect to like this that much.
JanitorHighly recommend Newgrounds. Actual video hosting site that more than welcomes material like this.
MemberI actually don't like vore but like female deathclaw x human so this is right up my alley. X3 Is there a sound version coming later?
MemberPlease make more of these two, they’re so cute together.
I ship them 🥰, liked and faved.
This just further proves that deathclaws aren’t just killers, they’re lovers too.
MemberDamn, *Injects 100 RadAway*
MemberYou've climbed all the way to the
MemberShe is very polite
MemberSomeone is going to need to rent FISTO for some lessons for this big gal.
Rosa Klo
MemberI mean, there IS a perk that lets you pacify lower level creatures
MemberNow THIS is what we need more of, wholesome porn is always the best
user 902721
MemberThis was amazing, I hope to see more
MemberLove every second of it. Completely wholesome, but I wouldn't complain on her being that needy. .w.
Comrade Grigory
MemberAs someone that would have had this masterpiece blacklisted if it had vore I for one thank you for the decision not to have it. Damn, hope to see more.
MemberPretty ideal!
Also gotta say I laughed at her smoking afterward. She's easy to please but adorable XD
I personally think this is much better without vore.
BlockedThis dude was really scared of a protectron 💀
MemberThis here, is hands down the best Deathclaw on this site! Mellow is so cute and I'm glad you didn't slap on a par of tits on her. I really hope to see more of her evan in SFW way. The hug in the end was so wholesome.
Great work on this!
MemberNeeds fap noises
MemberAWWW SO CUTE ❤️❤️❤️
Fluffy Inferno
MemberI think the only other way to up your chances for survival in the nuclear apocalypse other than having kick ass power armor is a deathclaw gf.
MemberDefinitely would love to see more! Maybe some sound next time but overall very nice!
Kitsune Wizard
MemberI for one am VERY happy this is voreless.
MemberDeath Clussy
MemberAwwwwwwwwwww this is super cute!!!!
user 1061163
MemberIt's wonderful, this needs sound!
MemberI'm really enjoying every moment of this. By far the best Deathclaw action I've seen on this site. Who knows maybe even the best bestiality I've ever seen as well.
MemberThis is so cute... Wish there would be more of the story to see or read :3 I made a similar Story in the mapcreator of a d&d game once with a female golden dragon
MemberOne with sound and a sequel
MemberI haven’t seen an intelligent Deathclaw in a while since the Enclave killed most of them
Moderatorthat cigar keks me, I am kekked
You could use some shelter? *roof quite literally non existent*
MemberThe deathclussy is a dangerous thing
Big Poppa Pump
MemberThe cigar moment alone makes this video top tier.
Also, no big, wholesome, intelligent deathclaw gf...
Why even live?
Memberthis, I loved this.
As'K'or Hawkstone
MemberI'll be honest the one thing that would have made this take the place as my top favorite of all time was if the egg was about 1.5-2x the size and had a bit more to the laying. So it will sit at second instead. Still bravo indeed.
MemberHuh, seeing a Deathclaw stripping (even if it's just only by taking off her belt) has no business being as sexy a sight as it is.
MemberDaaaaaw! She's so sweet. What a loving story.
MemberComing for deathclaw porn, staying for wholesome deathclaw love
MemberReally good! Wouldn't mind watching a longer video or a part two with the scenes you mentioned.
also wondering how difficult it would be to mod a fallout game to accomplish this
MemberGreat animation would love to see more deathclaw porn like this
Larry or die
Proud Monster Fucker
MemberWould love to see a sequel with more of Mallow! Your animations are all great.
MemberAlso kinda glad this didn't have vore. Really not into it, and if it had the tag I probably never would have stumbled across this absolutely wonderful and sweet video. I have to ask though, is she an actual character from the game? The background for her in the description looks like something you'd 100% see in a Fallout game, so I'd love if she were an actual character.
MemberDamn... I need a mod just like this.
MemberI'm not one to comment on anything but this was extremely beautiful and cute, please bring more asap 💖
MemberThis is my new favorite deathclaw content of all time.
MemberWay better story than the main story
MemberMore stuff like this PLEASE!?!
MemberYES! Finally deathclaw stuff without huge balloon tits!
MemberThat's the opposite of a problem.
Membernot usually my thing, but had to go through it, because it was so wholesome <3
MemberPretty sweet, though i would not mind meeting the fire dragon again. As the comments shows though, branching out is always good.
MemberI want to be in history myself, so I'll just say that it was a really good job and you should aim to make your own mod/at least lore sometime, if you want everything that's on your mind to be.
MemberActually it's really awesome without the vore, I would like to see more of these.
MemberOnly thing I wish would be changed, at around 11:30 when she turns over with the dude's arm still inside her, I kinda wish she would've tightened up, trapped his arm so he couldn't rotate it, and gone ass over tea kettle. Would've been a GREAT moment.
MemberAnd this is why intelligent deathclaws need to come back... Seriously.
Lord Ocean
MemberNow THAT is a female deathclaw! No stupid wobbly bits; just a beautiful deathclaw.
And so wholesome! Even hugs and cuddles! That's the good kind of porn.
I'm also not missing the vore. Thank you for not including it. I could have not seen this animation otherwise.
MemberCalm down son it's just porn.
user 1241100
MemberThis was the hottest, sweetest and best thing I have ever seen. I wish I could upvote it a thousand times. This has everything for me. Some romance, innocence, death claw, oviposition all sorts of stuff.
MemberHoly shit... All I can say is that I hope that mellow gets more under her tag, it feels like having a "simple & wholesome dynamic"™ is a lost art.
Also I am going out of control over at those shots looking upwards from under her. I have just learned I have a affinity for the smooth connected leg and pelvis area(don't get me started on it thrusting towards the camara) in a way only a death claw can fully deliver on!
I hope feral death claws will be touched more now by other artists, but I also pray that this isn't the last time you use a death claw model either!
MemberI wish that become a real mod for Fallout 4 <3
MemberThis is probably the best video I've saw on this entire site; besides that, it could be the beginning of something really big. What do you need to make more of it?
MemberThank you all for your kind comments!
As usual, I started rendering a VR version of the video, which should take one to two weeks to complete (there's over 40000 frames to render!). I'll post it on FA with the others when it's done, along with some of the models I used.
Afterward, I'm definitely going to do a second part of Mellow's adventure. It might or might not be the very next animation I do, as I had another story in mind that I wanted to animate, but who knows.
She's not an official character unfortunately! Her backstory is all from me.
Memberare you seriously comparing rape and trauma to watching a porno film and feeling uncomfortable
MemberYeah I think you're better off doing stuff without vore. If you wanna reach a broader audience at least. I certainly would have never seen this, if it had the vore tag, which I assume is a big nope for a lot of people.
Idk bro
MemberThis is absolutely amazing, regardless of porn I really hope we get some kind of sequel because that deathclaw is just too damn precious!
MemberI love everything about this. I already liked deathclaws, and now I love Mellow. Lack of vore is the extreme opposite of a problem for me, so if it had it I never would have seen this wholesome masterpiece due to blacklist. I have a massive fear of death so vore freaks me out.
I'd like to see more Mellow and her human. It's so wholesome, and I love everything, her, her story, and how gentle she is. The cigar was hilarious. I'm really hoping for a sequel, or maybe even a series between them. 15 minutes is a hell of an accomplishment, so you should feel proud that you made something of this sheer top tier quality.
MemberYooo thats so wholesome. We need more of this.
MemberThis is really good but it could be 10x better if you found a retextured/remastered model for the animation. Not that the original FO4 deathclaw isn't sexy, but I feel like it was never intended to be looked at up close, if you catch my drift.
BlockedWill in second animation of mellow's adventure be scene where the egg hatches?
Memberomg she is absolutely adorable, I would love more cute stuff with her, like, the sex is nice and all, but her adorableness is even better.
MemberDisclaimer: no vore this time, sorry everyone, I really hope it isn't too much of a deal-breaker :(
I think it’s best if it’s vore-free. It would’ve broken the already perfect atmosphere and immersion.
MemberI think it’s best if it’s vore-free. It would’ve broken the already perfect atmosphere and immersion.
MemberThis is such a sweet animation, and what a great little story, I hope someone can add audio in the future though.
MemberI absolutely love the idea of romance with giant scaly monsteresses. Deathclaw girls have a special place in my heart. I would love to see more of this, although I do think you need a higher resolution deathclaw model. And that animal crossing speech from the dragon one would fit here very well too. Keep up the good work!
MemberThe embodiment of staying for the plot
MemberWould like to see her father's reaction about her human boy friend and I hope that there is going to be more of them
MemberGah damn that was so fucking wholesome. I want more of her. Vore or no vore
MemberMay not be a popular opinion, but I'm very glad to see a deathclaw gal without giant tits slapped on.
I want my monster girls to be monstrous, dammit!
MemberWent from laying an egg on his crotch to asking him to teach her how to read. This was a rollercoaster of emotions.
Jokes aside, that was fucking grand.
Ragnars rock
MemberNot vore is what made this not a dealbreaker good sir
Good stuff, Love gentle giant wholesome type things.
Only complaint is that he is a bit of a one-pump chump.
BlockedJust... Wow
Doug Miles
MemberThis man might had his way through hard battles, but nobody is prepared enough for sudden love 💖
MemberDamn, I really would like to read a fanfic about these two, they were cute.
MemberPlease, sir. May I have some more?
Mr mansand
MemberUnscathed? Yeah over my broken pelvis
VetraNyx is sexy
MemberI personally enjoyed this without any vore, but if you decide continue this story line please keep it that way 'cuz this is my own desire in FO4 givin' form. Wouldn't mind seeing some submissive Mellow anal, but that's me. Please keep up the awesome work.
MemberHey after your next animation comes out i feel like you should try untitled verbegers green dragon
MemberHey, I really love content like this!
Idk if there is anything better than a wholesome interspecies relationship.
It melts my heart, I cant stop watching.
I really hope you post more!
And I'm glad you excluded vore, as it's on my blacklist.
MemberAwwwn ❤❤❤
MemberGuys really lucky finding a sentient deathclaw let alone one that he can frick
MemberI love how wholesome this is lol
user 1281324
MemberOmg it's so wholesome
MemberThis is really perfect and hot I enjoy the wholesome relationship and hope to see Mellow and her human lover in a future sequel ✨💙
MemberThis is way too hot and too cute 🥰 I’m genuinely curious about the rest of the animation now. Was it Mellow that ends up tied up, or the human? Hehe
MemberI'm up-voting just BECAUSE it has no vore.
I'll kinkshame vore people all day.
MemberAll this love and affection with a big ol' monster wife is absolute perfection!
MemberSpeaking, intelligent Deathclaws had been introduced in Fallout 2 and they reapeared in Fallout Tactics.
Therefore, this is possible in canon.
It also looks like that Gorris and Xarn both managed to spread their genes. Screw you, Chris Avellone.
MemberI like how this was cute and sexy at the same time
MemberI won't be able to live without a part 2
MemberI love this so much deathclaw are aways cute
MemberWish it had sounds.
MemberI was about to ask the same thing, I really want to hear Mellow's voice.
MemberHonestly fantastic, definitely don't worry about no vore I think it's better without, insecure but sexually dominant monster girl sexual exploration/experimentation is pretty rare to find, especially with something like a deathclaw.
I really enjoyed it, I'd happily watch a couple hours of this, even without the sounds any day.
I like how even though the model still has the lower quality textures you managed to make the additions look natural, just everything about this animation is super nice I love it.
Tirsiak Ingolf
Memberdude went in too deep, he's a daddy now. I don't think he minds though.
MemberPlease add sound
KKomrad Doomer
Blockedthat cigar made me smile kinda funny
MemberOk I fucking loved this and will watch more of this
MemberSo cute 😍
MemberI hope you're working on a sequel to this. ❤️
MemberDamn, what a masterpiece! I would love to see more of these 2 in the future. They're so sweet together~
MemberI'd love to see Mellow give him a blowjob all the way until he cums in her mouth and she swallows it all. A footjob where he lays down and she stands and strokes his boner with her foot would also be nice.
MemberGood story and animation
MemberNice! This was pretty enjoyable to watch, good story too!
MemberVery nice ☆(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*
MemberI agree with this.
MemberMore pls?
MemberDo hope so that egg hatches
Shadow Scythe
MemberI know its been roughly a year since this released but I do still hope we get to see Mellow again in the future. Hopefully with the one character being able to talk, or at least for us to see the sort of text display that you'd see for fallout when choosing what to say. (Though, probably easier to just the same method as Mellow rather than going through all that work)
Still, always hoping to see the continuation of this.
Memberno matter how many times I come back to this video, its still always beautiful.
MemberЯ испугался, когда кончил настолько сильно, что аж запачкал телефон в руках
MemberCame here for the mommy deathclaw, left with a bigger heart, dam if it is good.
Darkness Listens2
MemberJust came across your video's, and I have to say, this is my favorite one so far. I like the character, I like the context, I like the interplay and the sex, and I really like how you ended it.
Quality content mate. I hope you feel proud of this one - it's well deserved.
MemberMake more of this is amazing
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