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terminal_mango said:
Cheats must be entered at title screen -

Always female = up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a

Always male = type 'lolfurfags'

infinite life = down, right, up, left, Y, B

  • Comments
  • lol... When those things start rapeing you, blow job, or when you are a woman that tenticle thing rapes you... Press pause.

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  • Fox2K9 said:
    lol... When those things start rapeing you, blow job, or when you are a woman that tenticle thing rapes you... Press pause.

    how do you press pause if there isnt a pause button? :/

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  • NekoChrissy said:
    There are cheats, but I'm not telling :D

    But I will =p

    cheats must be entered at title screen -

    Always female = up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a

    Always male = type 'lolfurfags'

    infinite life = down, right, up, left, Y, B

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  • Jack-Redgaze said:
    The character's name is Buster and he/she's an armadillo, not a rabbit.

    God, this is a total rape of a l33t game. Damn you all!

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  • Jack-Redgaze said:
    The character's name is Buster and he/she's an armadillo, not a rabbit.

    I was just about to ask about what seemed like scales on the his/her back.

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  • Awesome little game (once you put the invincibility cheat on >.>). To bad there aren't more characters that fuck the main character though. :-p

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  • stacie said:
    code "marijuana" brings up a Hidden Gallery option displaying the games bestiary.

    wish some one said so sooner....

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  • On the 'third' level, after the fish women, it is impossible to continue. The two floors are stacked on top of each other. It is the level where the mouth demon roams on the top floor.

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  • quelthias said:
    On the 'third' level, after the fish women, it is impossible to continue. The two floors are stacked on top of each other. It is the level where the mouth demon roams on the top floor.

    Although this might be a month old post, The answer to your problem is to quickly jump from the bottom out of the way of the other platform and move back on the above platform all in one jump. It's hard but possible

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  • Jack-Redgaze said:
    The character's name is Buster and he/she's an armadillo, not a rabbit.

    I got to the end screen and the name that he had there was "Bunker"

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  • MikaelO3O said:
    I wish there was a way to play with one hand

    use the infinite life code, then press the walk buttons with you chin and the others with the free hand, the sex scenes are infinite (unles you press < and >) so you have time to adjust your head back, WORKS WITH ALL THOSE TYPES OF GAMES, I swear xD

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  • the tags said that there is breast expansion... did anyone saw breast expansion in the game?? and if yes, where??

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  • CuntDooku said:
    the tags said that there is breast expansion... did anyone saw breast expansion in the game?? and if yes, where??

    Third boss. It's a goo-thing.

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  • terminal_mango said:
    But I will =p

    cheats must be entered at title screen -

    Always female = up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a

    Always male = type 'lolfurfags'

    infinite life = down, right, up, left, Y, B

    stacie said:
    code "marijuana" brings up a Hidden Gallery option displaying the games bestiary.

    How exactly DO I imput the 'lolfurfags' and 'marijuana' cheat codes? Just typing them does nothing.

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  • terminal_mango said:
    But I will =p

    cheats must be entered at title screen -

    Always female = up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a

    Always male = type 'lolfurfags'

    infinite life = down, right, up, left, Y, B

    terminal_mango said:
    But I will =p

    cheats must be entered at title screen -

    Always female = up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a

    Always male = type 'lolfurfags'

    infinite life = down, right, up, left, Y, B

    always male cheat did not work

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  • fox2k9 said:
    lol... When those things start rapeing you, blow job, or when you are a woman that tenticle thing rapes you... Press pause.


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