nintendo and etc created by pokemonfromhell
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  • Thou shalt not fuckle with thine shuckle, for those who do seldom live to tell their tale.

    but those who piss off thou mighty shuckle, whelp they're just straight fucked beyond the point where death doesn't want to touch them!

    Remember my children; fuckle with shuckle once, shame on you.

    fuckle with shuckle twice, shame on you again.

    but fuckle with shuckle a third time and shame is not felt compared to thine holy wrath.

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  • Lesolan said:
    Reminds me of cordyceps.

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... Get it? I'm a clicker! XD

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