created by thebigbrap
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  • Comments
  • Operation_Snooperfax said:
    Why is vaginal and digestion both there?
    Unless this anal unbirthing.
    Ether way, one should not be digesting in ones lower rectum or reproductive organs.

    are you sure she is being digeside?? i loked at the pic and notised that it seams to be stiky and thik (lok at her hair) so maybe its just a fucktone of cum??

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  • daregen said:
    digeside loked notised stiky thik lok

    really? this is the reason why texting is the problem with people's grammar and spelling, especially their spelling

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  • daregen said:
    are you sure she is being digeside?? i loked at the pic and notised that it seams to be stiky and thik (lok at her hair) so maybe its just a fucktone of cum??

    um, perhaps you could check your spelling before you post? Not to be rude or anything, but trying to read that alone made my eyes hurt.

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  • Operation_Snooperfax said:
    Why is vaginal and digestion both there?
    Unless this anal unbirthing.
    Ether way, one should not be digesting in ones lower rectum or reproductive organs.

    I think that there is a lot of sperm. ^^

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  • daregen said:
    are you sure she is being digeside?? i loked at the pic and notised that it seams to be stiky and thik (lok at her hair) so maybe its just a fucktone of cum??

    *Godzilla had a stroke trying to read this and fucking died*

    Jokes aside were you having a stroke?

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