banzai, mufasa, nala, sarafina, and scar (the lion king and etc) created by backlash91
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That name clicked a memory in Sarafina's head and she prowled forward. Nala immediately spun around and hissed, making her pause.

"Banzai...I've heard that name hang around shenzi and that idiot hyena...I should've known it'd be one of you who fucking hurt my daughter!"

"SHUT UP!" Nala snarled. Sarafina watched her daughter with growing anger.

"Don't talk to me like that, young cub. You are still–"

"I'M NOT A CUB ANYMORE!" Nala said spitting saliva on the ground. She started prowling back to her mother in an oddly intimidating way. Sarafina in fact found herself backing away as if her daughter were suddenly a honey badger.

"In fact mother, I haven't been a cub for MONTHS NOW!"

Sarafina grit her teeth and looked at Banzai with fury. "So he's...this hyena raped you then..."

"NO!" Nala snarled. she rolled her eyes to the sky and then snapped them right back to her mom with a look of angry incredulity. "Great Kings above, Banzai was right! You adults NEVER LISTEN!"

Sarafina finally got her ire back and stamped a paw to the ground. "Well then tell me! Who hurt you Nala! Because when I find them I'm going to–"

"MUFASA!" Nala yelled. Tears streamed down her face and the Cub curled into a ball and began sobbing into her paws.

Sarafina felt her mouth fall open once more, she even saw the shocked expression on Banzai's face, apparently he hadn't known that either. He spoke up for the first time, a mere whisper.

"Y-You told me Scar was–"

"M-Mufasa did first! And Then w-when S-Scar b-became king, He did it t-too!" Nala cried, shivering even as Sarafina shot forward and scooped her up into her paws, regardless of how close they were to Banzai. At least he looked...remorseful? She wasn't really paying him any attention at the moment.

"N-nala sweetie, must be wrong...Mufasa was a g-good king, he would never–"

"Well he DID!" She screamed, burying her muzzle into her mothers chest fur, "He did! H-he took me out t-to the watering h-hole...a-and then told me to f-follow his orders..."

She cried more, Banzai whimpered and scooted closer. Sarafina growled at him, but to her astonishment he seemed not to care. His eyes said he was genuinely worried for her cub.

Banzai locked eyes with Sarafina, his voice nervous but heard. "She ah, told me about Scar, and how when you guys go hunt he'd...order her to do stuff...but she never told me about Mufasa, so that's new for both of us."

"Shut up, hyena, quiet..." Sarafina snarled. Once more Nala surprised her, quickly backing out of her mothers grasping paws, and effectively shoved her crotch right into Banzai's face, He'd had the decency to snort and pull away, but it meant his teeth were right at her nape.

Sarafina didn't like that one bit. "Nala, please, come back, he's not–" She opened her paws and beckoned for her daughter to come back, but Nala shook her head and even turned around.

"N-No, you stay away from him. Banzai isn't the bad guy here...He's my friend."

Banzai looked like a fish out of water as Nala gripped his head in her paws and pulled him down for a face hug. Sarafina bore daggers into him. He frowned.

"Kid, she's just trying to protect ya, go easy on her."

But Nala wasn't having any of it. She growled and snipped his wound, making him wince. "Shush. Let me clean those cuts...and besides," Nala said sourly. "I found out the hard way that no one can protect me, not even my mother.

"Nala..." Sarafina gasped as if she'd been struck, and Nala glared back at her.

Sarafina slumped backward and growled, "I've been doing the best I can! I know food is scarce and times are hard, b-but the king isn't given us much to work with here. I'm protecting you to the best of my abilities but–"

"Yeah? then where w-were you when Mufasa was shoving me up against a w-wall, t-telling me if I didn't swallow his cock, he'd he'd kill me?"

Sarafina fell silent, horror written on her face. Nala continued, not noticing her licks were a little too hard and Banzai was wincing.

"Where were y-you, when Scar had me pinned under a paw, using the other to break me inside so he could rape me?!"

Nala, standing in anger, spun around and went nose to nose with her mother. "Where were you, when I found out that Scar and Mufasa liked taking turns fucking me! Mufasa on one day, then Scar the next!" She thrashed her tail back and forth and then the fire died out in her eyes. "They made a fucking game of it...of me." She glared back up at her mom. "And when I needed help?"

"You weren't there..." She whispered. "You weren't and Grandma Sarabi wasn' one was..." She sniffled. "I cried, and I cried, I begged them to stop...Hell, I begged them to explain at least why they were doing it all...I never got an answer I felt was the real one, they'd just say it was my duty as a lioness....Then my tears dried up and they did it all over again..."

The area fell silent as Sarafina shuffled her paws, unsure of what to do. Eventually Nala went back to nuzzling and bathing Banzai, to her disgust.

"Eventually," Nala spoke up, even daring to kiss Banzai's lips right in front of her mother. Banzai blushed and looked anywhere but the furious lioness across from them. "I discovered that I alone could protect myself, as you guys were already struggling to do the same. The pride is very weak right now...and sure I'm a kid by age, but I'm now a lioness by right."

"A lioness by right?" Sarafina murmured. "Nala, that's not how it works..."

"I was bred by not one king, but two!" Nala smacked her tail on the ground loud enough for it to make a thump. "I asked Grandma Sarabi, ya know, the current Queen? What makes a cub into a lioness, Grandma? And that's what she and several other lioness said."

"Well Sarabi shouldn't have told you that!" Sarafina growled and looked at her paws. "I cannot believe this..."

Nala dryly chuckled and then glared back, "Then don't. Mufasa and Scar even said no one would believe me...I guess they were right..."

Sarafina felt like she'd been slapped again. "That's not...I didn't mean it like that! Nala I do believe you. You've been acting strange even before Scar became king, and yes I noticed, I'm your mother for crying out loud. But....but I don't know what to do about it..."

Banzai lifted his head and nuzzled Nala. Draping a paw over her back. "I don't think Scar is gonna be King for very much longer...Even the Hyena aren't happy with him."

Sarafina rolled her eyes. "Of course they aren't, you steal our food, you steal our home, and its still not enough!"

She growled and unsheathed her claws. "Then you go and fucking molest my–"

Nala whipped around so fast Banzai got smack with her rump. "You leave him alone!"

"Why should I, Nala?" She growled. "By all accounts it sounds like he's doing the same thing to you! Something that our former king and current one did as well...and are doing apparently." She dug her claws into the dirt.

I'm gonna castrate Scar in his sleep...

"He's not! Banzai is better than that!" Nala said, sitting. "You wanna know how Banzai and I got here? Are you actually willing to listen?"

Sarafina fell quiet..."I..." Was she? The situation they were in was one of the worst and strangest she'd been in in a long time.

Not since that time Sarabi got a dung beetle stuck inside her– Sarafina shook herself. Not important! Her daughter needed her now more than ever, and clearly she needed to be there.

Lowering her head to her paws, she splayed out her ears, a sign of submissiveness that Nala had only ever seen her mother do when the kings were around.

"Alright...I promise I'll listen..."

Nala looked sceptacle, but a nuzzle from Banzai made her relax a little. She walked back up to her mother, stepped into her paws, and curled up, resting her head in the space just under her mother's chin. A growl escaped her muzzle.

"Im telling it all, so let me talk and don't interrupt..."

Both Banzai and Sarafina looked at one another, and for the moment, a truce was to be had. Nala waited until Banzai had scooted closer, and then she sighed, looking at her paws.

"Mufasa told me he wanted to teach me something special while you were all away on a we went down into the gorge..."
Sarafina was a kind lioness. A loving friend and doting mother when she could be. Most of the pride would say she was the epitome of beauty too, having even earned a chance to mate with the king and successfully sired Mufasa a cub. Said cub was currently nestled in against her belly, firmly suckling her teats, and kneading her other ones. The cub was exhausted, having bawled into her mother's chest fur for hours.

And never had Sarafina wanted so badly in her life to commit murder.

Nala had told her and Banzai everything her former king and current one had done to her when the pride was away. Mufasa would take Nala on "royal walks", having told Sarafina he was teaching her the land, and showing her how She would help the pride...

In truth he'd been using these hours alone with Nala to molest and rape her repeatedly. The first time he'd brought her into the gorge, and after threatening her life, nearly gagged her into unconsciousness on his cock and semen.

Sarafina had seen how distraught Nala had looked when she'd gotten back, but Mufasa said she was all roughed up from nearly getting trampled by a herd of zebra. She'd thanked him for "saving" her, and had never seen how hurt Nala had looked in that moment.

Then the next several "royal walks" followed a similar pattern. Only Nala wouldn't come back so roughed up, and Scar was taking her on walks as well. Every other day they would take turns removing her far from the pride, and then raping her in ways so brutal and cruel, that to even to hear Nala re-tell them, one point Sarafina had gotten up and simply walked several feet away before vomiting into the grasses.

Mufasa was more sadistic then she'd ever known...and apparently Scar was thrice as bad. Mufasa loved choking her, and simply watching her convulse beneath him, even as his cum blocked her attempts to breath around his cock. He'd playfully control her breathing while he fucked her, sometimes using his paws around her neck, a couple times he'd dunk her head under water while breeding, or simply lay down on top of her face and body while his cock and balls smothered her face, and eventually his shaft grew erect down her throat.

Scar liked to force himself into her without any prep or warning, humping so hard she got rocked back and forth under him, and her hind legs and rump would be so sore afterwards that walking was pretty much a no go. He also apparently loved beating her and yanking her ears and tail until she screamed. Sometimes he'd hold her up by her tail or ears and then fingered her while she flailed.

And that was just the physical stuff they did...Scar would make Nala feed him, then he would have her clean his inner mouth with her tongue, sometimes engulfing her head in his jaws so she could reach the back, which usually led to him forcefully kissing her and tongue fucking her throat. She would then have to suckle his fangs or his tongue.

Mufasa would tell her to say terrible things about herself or the other lioness, to him while he was with her, and a rare few times they both would rape her at once, mixing their fetishes together.

216 times gods, I can't even imagine once...Nala had kept count of how many times the males had forced them selves onto her...It was all she could really do. They'd threatened to kill her, Sarabi, even Simba and Sarafina herself if Nala didn't obey.

Nala hadn't actually made it all the way through her story before she basically passed out from exhaustion and stress. Sarafina had never seen her cub cry so much. She'd spent a good long while simply bathing her daughter, and crying herself.

Banzai had given her some space, even giving her the remainder of his food, which she begrudgingly accepted. Her empty stomach thanked him a lot more with happy grumbles.

Eventually, Sarafina herself had also drifted off too. She thankfully had a dreamless sleep, and woke to the grey over cast skies. Banzai had Shuffled closer during the night but was still a respectful distance from her and Nala.


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