created by ruaidri

Time Out

My bondage scenes are getting progressively more uncomfortable. Wonder what that means...

Anyway. It appears as though our mystery female purple wolf is being punshed for something. Tied up in a rather uncomfortable looking pose. Head forced back by a strap on the back of her head, head forced upward by the staps on the front of her muzzle, muzzle over her mouth to keep her silent, arms tied behind her back, legs tied together, spreader bar, nipple clamps with vibrating attachments, a silly spreader bar on her feet for the hell of it, and the ubiquitous big toy held inside her. xD

So she's all tied up and put into the corner to wait out her punishment, hehe. Somehow, I suspect she doesn't mind -nearly- as much as she looks.

Basically, NONE of my commissioners have gotten back to me with necessary info all day, and only one so far, so I had nothing to work on except my own stuff. So I tossed this together for fun.

Uh, enjoy. xD

  • Comments
  • I think this pose deserves it's own pool. It appears to have been copy-pasted and flipped a couple dozen times.

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