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  • pantarhei said:
    Sorry, I flagged this for deletion because doesn't work in my browser either. I didn't test it properly before uploading. This is the new post #3555089.

    OK, so this is once again the situation of fixing the problem accidentally by doing something else, instead of fixing what was actually the problem.

    The reason why the previous post didn't work was because you were using gbrp colorspace, where most browsers expect yuv420, but instead of changing the colorspace, you changed the codec from VP9 to VP8. Why this works is because only colorspace VP8 even supports is yuv420 so it's forced, where because VP9 is more versatile, if the source isn't yuv420 already, you want to force it, -pix_fmt yuv420p with ffmpeg.

    The reason why I'm saying this is that VP8 at this point has been obsolete for years now and you have to use higher bitrates to achieve the same quality compared to VP9, so you might want to use VP9 instead.

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  • mairo said:
    OK, so this is once again the situation of fixing the problem accidentally by doing something else, instead of fixing what was actually the problem.

    The reason why the previous post didn't work was because you were using gbrp colorspace, where most browsers expect yuv420, but instead of changing the colorspace, you changed the codec from VP9 to VP8. Why this works is because only colorspace VP8 even supports is yuv420 so it's forced, where because VP9 is more versatile, if the source isn't yuv420 already, you want to force it, -pix_fmt yuv420p with ffmpeg.

    The reason why I'm saying this is that VP8 at this point has been obsolete for years now and you have to use higher bitrates to achieve the same quality compared to VP9, so you might want to use VP9 instead.

    Thanks for the advice, that was the indeed the problem.

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