werewolf calendar and etc created by blackpassion777
Viewing sample resized to 38% of original (view original) Loading...


[EDIT/EDIT] :iconwolfbane3: wrote a beautiful poem to compliment this!


[EDIT] OMG a DD! I'm so excited! I never thought I'd get one, so this is a pleasant surprise! Thank you to everyone who has commented and faved! Thanks for the suggestion Lazywolf and thank you for the feature Pixel-Spotlight!

[EDIT] KAY I went in and fixed what the lovely Dragoness pointed out in her fantastic critique and what you guys saw was the problem, so let me know if it still needs more.

Here's what it looked like before I fixed what Dragoness critiqued [link]

For the werewolf Calendar Contest, since there isn't a limit to the number you can submit.

Hosted by :iconmyenia: [link]

You can see some of the backbreaking detail here, still at only 200dpi ---> [link]

  • Comments
  • I swear to god I saw this on DeviantArt once like 15 years ago and it was basically the tipping point that turned me into a massive furry. I remember thinking how the werewolf's hand looked so cool. And the weird temple thing in the background really stood out.

    Ok so I just found it on DA, the artist posted it 11 years ago. Holy shit time flies. https://www.deviantart.com/shapooda/art/Requiem-171514697

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