zs'voyd, fid-el, hexiol, rel, x-s, and etc (cartoon network and etc) created by lumen fox
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Let me know in the question if you want to be left anonymous, or I might include your username in the response.
No guarantee I'll respond to every question asked, just the ones the characters would have an interesting response to.

  • Comments
  • 1, Do you xeno girls do yoga? 2, hey champ, think you can kiss two girls at the same time by splitting you mouth in two sideways? 3, Do you by any chance have your own vehicle Rel and if I would give you Ramen, would you prove the truth if humans can get female kinecelerans pregnant with no birth control meds? 4, two the rel and xs, do you use your tails for when you want to get naughty with your tails like whip the cute ones on the butts? 5, rel, what would you do if someone have hurt your sister's feelings, abused her, or hurt her 1 to 10 on the scale ratio?

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  • A question for champ, would you have sex with your female fans as if they were your herem or give them autographs the old fashioned way?

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