nintendo and etc created by scruffythedeer
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Alright, so this one will need some explanation:

This (and all the alts) is a commission featuring the braixen from post #3496235 utilizing the "milk worm" symbionts from post #3010312 to make her tiddies embiggen.

My idea was to open up a lil package deal for commissions (solo character, full color, 2 alts, included theme of expansion in genitals, breasts, etc) and this was the "guinea pig" commission to figure out the pricing. Turns out, the alts and shading and etc even for a solo pic clocked me ~16hr of work, which is way more expensive than I wanted the package deal to be for people. Back to the drawing board.

  • Comments
  • I know parasites aren't everyone's cup of tea, but damn, hope this gets the upvotes it deserves

    Great work scruff!

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  • gekko said:
    I know parasites aren't everyone's cup of tea, but damn, hope this gets the upvotes it deserves

    Great work scruff!


    the milk worms are symbiotes :V not parasitic

    EDIT: GOOD NEWS EVERYONE. I googled it instead of talking out of my fuzzy ass and turns out I'm.. sort of wrong?

    Turns out symbiosis is an umbrella category that includes parasitism, commensalism, and mutualism (which would be what the milk worms do). So saying "they're symbiotes" doesn't definitively absolve them of parasitism. I would have to specify that they are a "mutualistic symbiote" :v

    Anyway don't listen to deer on the internet.


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  • scruffythedeer said:

    the milk worms are symbiotes :V not parasitic

    EDIT: GOOD NEWS EVERYONE. I googled it instead of talking out of my fuzzy ass and turns out I'm.. sort of wrong?

    Turns out symbiosis is an umbrella category that includes parasitism, commensalism, and mutualism (which would be what the milk worms do). So saying "they're symbiotes" doesn't definitively absolve them of parasitism. I would have to specify that they are a "mutualistic symbiote" :v

    Anyway don't listen to deer on the internet.

    I like your research and clarification. Good shit.

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  • scruffythedeer said:

    the milk worms are symbiotes :V not parasitic

    EDIT: GOOD NEWS EVERYONE. I googled it instead of talking out of my fuzzy ass and turns out I'm.. sort of wrong?

    Turns out symbiosis is an umbrella category that includes parasitism, commensalism, and mutualism (which would be what the milk worms do). So saying "they're symbiotes" doesn't definitively absolve them of parasitism. I would have to specify that they are a "mutualistic symbiote" :v

    Anyway don't listen to deer on the internet.

    While I appreciate your honesty, it does bring attention to the fact that a mutalism tag is probably sorely needed; people get squicked out by the icky parts of parasitism but would like to more of the mutual, symbiotic relationships like this one.

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  • scruffythedeer said:

    the milk worms are symbiotes :V not parasitic

    EDIT: GOOD NEWS EVERYONE. I googled it instead of talking out of my fuzzy ass and turns out I'm.. sort of wrong?

    Turns out symbiosis is an umbrella category that includes parasitism, commensalism, and mutualism (which would be what the milk worms do). So saying "they're symbiotes" doesn't definitively absolve them of parasitism. I would have to specify that they are a "mutualistic symbiote" :v

    Anyway don't listen to deer on the internet.

    I learned something today! :3 The internet sure is cool.

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  • zregs said:
    Always a good idea to test your boundaries on what you can do for commissions.

    The frustrating part is that there is still a point at which I need to assign an empirical value to the perceived quality of my work, which is just so darn abstract and subjective that I still struggle with it. In this case, it's deciding how much 1hr of my time spent drawing is worth in dollars. Honestly, despite all the testing and stuff, I still just don't even know where to begin with that part.

    omnomynous said:
    While I appreciate your honesty, it does bring attention to the fact that a mutalism tag is probably sorely needed; people get squicked out by the icky parts of parasitism but would like to more of the mutual, symbiotic relationships like this one.

    I think this is another one of those things that begins to clash with the "Tag what you see" philosophy. Something like this would only so rarely be visually identifiable, so it sounds like this would be a lore tag. Maybe the worm is friendly, maybe its not, but the average person is still just gonna see worm in titty.

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  • sarnak said:
    So anyone else hoping she runs another round, and on more than just her breasts this time?

    I think she can't support more thant the 40 days

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  • scruffythedeer said:
    The frustrating part is that there is still a point at which I need to assign an empirical value to the perceived quality of my work, which is just so darn abstract and subjective that I still struggle with it. In this case, it's deciding how much 1hr of my time spent drawing is worth in dollars. Honestly, despite all the testing and stuff, I still just don't even know where to begin with that part.

    I think this is another one of those things that begins to clash with the "Tag what you see" philosophy. Something like this would only so rarely be visually identifiable, so it sounds like this would be a lore tag. Maybe the worm is friendly, maybe its not, but the average person is still just gonna see worm in titty.

    Worm is friendly :>

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  • scruffythedeer said:
    The frustrating part is that there is still a point at which I need to assign an empirical value to the perceived quality of my work, which is just so darn abstract and subjective that I still struggle with it. In this case, it's deciding how much 1hr of my time spent drawing is worth in dollars. Honestly, despite all the testing and stuff, I still just don't even know where to begin with that part.

    I get this. For the longest time when I would draw I didn't have a method of payment and would do free art. Once people flocked over more and some were expecting actual quick commission grade art it got frustrating. Eventually I had a method of money and decided I'd do research leading me to a deviant art thread by a lovely artist who helped put false to most artists work with a simple routine. If your doing more than just a quick skets then here's how you determine. We'll, how I do for myself. First I remember that if someone complains bc the price is high just say who cares your not worth my time. And once your drawing I like to time myself on an average art piece for myself by hours. I also chose to round up when it came to exact to have a less complicated number. Minimum wage in the US is 7.89 if I'm correct. I rounded up to $10 to average hour of work into a project, timed various project portions. Amd stopped the time at the line art and timed again for the coloring and then added that to the after total. Put on the average cost per hour for shading, if there's detailed background do the same process and then use those numbers to find an average field. Example: my original pfp head cost was $30 for line art and color, +$20 for shading, and that was it. It also helps to make some parts optional to see the price without the extra wanted and if they want a detailed background or nice shading add the costs of those to the rest. Hope this helps.

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