As you step down into the crypt, a bright flash of light momentarily obscures your vision. When you can again see, the room has changed from derelict to pristine. The stone columns are flawless, and the painted designs no longer tarnished and worn away with age. The floor is immaculate; not a single crack or chip to be seen. In front of you stands a lean figure, ankle-deep in a shallow wading pool of crystal blue water. As your eyes adjust to the intense glow emanating from seemingly nowhere and everywhere at the same time, you see that he is adorned with golden jewelry and ceremonial makeup. Draping his body are what appears to be the remains of linen used in mummifications. Movement snaps you from your daze, as he turns slightly toward your direction. His long tail twitches, the tip almost wispy in how it moves above the water's surface. Looking back up toward his face, that's when you notice the golden, yet living, three-eyed snake wrapped around his left arm.
Your head is swimming, lost in confusion. Wasn't this place an empty tomb? A long-forgotten set of ruins? You were sent here to explore the ancient relics left behind centuries ago... Weren't you? Yet here stands someone made of flesh and fur amongst brand-new architecture. Perhaps it's just a hallucination. Or perhaps the life you once lived is the hallucination. Both seem equally real to you in this moment. An ethereal voice calls out to you. "Come. Bathe with me. Serve your god." For a second or two, you question whether it came from the ferret, or from the serpent that is now staring into your soul. It no longer matters. Your previous life no longer matters. All that is important now is the beckoning male before you. As you step into the pool, your clothing, and your memories, melt away. This is where you belong now. Forever.
user 503721
Member"Oh, uh... I'd be honored, sir... at least, I think you're a 'sir'..."
Magic W Mushrum
MemberSnek looks very confused pfft
MemberStare o-o
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