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Public Release of Squab

New release "Dog Toy" is now up for subscribers at

Along with a lengthy update on where each of the several animations in production currently stand

  • Comments
  • superunknown101 said:
    This feels disturbingly realistic. Why couldn't I stop watching? 😑

    There are plenty of movie & series that gain intrigue because the characters act in a way that makes the scenario believable. But it doesn't make the story any less fictitious.
    The same applies here.
    Mr Bird is simply lucky enough to have very talented voice cast. In this case comprised of adult women.
    The rest is digital artwork, a lot of effort, & imagination.
    So feel free to enjoy this content guilt free.
    Disclaimer: no real anthropomorphic birds were bribed with cheeseburgers & fries

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  • daftcunt2 said:
    I'm sorry I know it's fictional but this just feels so wrong.

    You don't have to be sorry. If it's not your thing, that's cool.
    I'm not here to judge anyone's taste :3

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  • bazingoz said:
    Everyone involved in making these is going to be in jail soon when the new bill drops.

    Crazy how the internet has affected society

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  • bazingoz said:
    Everyone involved in making these is going to be in jail soon when the new bill drops.

    It is a fictional animation, no actual individuals involved in it. Not to everyone's tastes sure, but yeah, i doubt anything will happen.

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  • kywtdegenwriter said:
    When is the ETA of the next animation?

    The most recent animation (Dog Toy) has been released on his subscribestar, as mentioned before. And as for any other animations that BH is working on, not sure about that since they are in various stages of production still

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  • percy_graywolf said:
    Man, i hate cliff-hangers

    Can be like that yeah, and do wonder what the continuation of this might be, if that'd happen at some point. Will be good to see these two again

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  • BloodHawk's animations are quite good, but the "clipping" that happens sometimes can thorw me off, still quite good though.

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  • Only thing I dont like about Bloodhawk is the animation. It looks like those paper and pin dolls you make in elementary school, and the movements can feel a bit too jerky at times. Hell, it looks like the dick is going behind her mouth instead of into it. But the premises of the work are good, the voice acting is top tier, and the character designs arent bad. Its just the animation doesnt really work well for this

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  • Im the VA for the cub here, I also go by YimYim. It makes me happy to know that people are excited for new animations releases. Those who know me may be aware I have had chronic health issues including a hospitalization and petit mal seizures, which creates some delays in me getting audio out and I have backlogs of other clients including for art.

    Please be empathetic to me and other creators! We're not always in the best of circumatances. Regardless, thank you to the positive commebters as you guys are very inspiring and reaffirming and it helps more than you could know.

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  • yaoimeowmaster said:
    Im the VA for the cub here, I also go by YimYim. It makes me happy to know that people are excited for new animations releases. Those who know me may be aware I have had chronic health issues including a hospitalization and petit mal seizures, which creates some delays in me getting audio out and I have backlogs of other clients including for art.

    Please be empathetic to me and other creators! We're not always in the best of circumatances. Regardless, thank you to the positive commebters as you guys are very inspiring and reaffirming and it helps more than you could know.

    Don’t worry, some of us are able to understand that humans make these animations and the audio for them. Unlike the jackasses crying saying “4 mOnThS tO pOsT”

    Wish you and everyone involved all the best health, you’re an amazing VA 👍

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  • imkora said:
    Crazy how this would’ve been immediately removed in the genders were swapped

    Yeah, i doubt that would have happened. It wouldn't have been breaking any rules, so it would have most likely stayed even with the genders reversed.


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  • basilthefolf said:
    its fiction but the "fiction" is a child getting sucked off like fam

    My issue with this argument is, do these people think sexuality is a choice? Anyone who has explored the philosophy of sexuality (Freud et al.) knows that sexuality is one of those things which can be influenced by factors as far back as the first six years of a child's life...and especially the first ten or so years (Until the child understands that the parents aren't gods and are fallible) can have a profound effect on how a child develops sexually...pivotal moments, chance encounters, and various other experiences can leave an imprint in the mind...

    Personally, my father left our family when I was only nine. So I tended toward forming an intensely strong bond with my mother whom I could see was struggling to support us having no savings. That attachment (and abandonment by my father) at such an early age bled into my sexual development and created my incest fetish out of desire to ease the pain I was always reminded that she was going through...Would I ever consider taking advantage of that relationship with my mother for sexual gain? Never. (Though I'll probably end up marrying someone like her) I respect her and people like her too much and have a sense of empathy and a moral's never so simple as, "If you are interested in X, then you are bad." Life and the development of the human mind is supremely complex, so I try to refrain from making hard assertions about anyone's personal fantasies until I know them on at least a friendship level...and even then, only in effort to assist in their understanding of themselves...


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  • drucifer said:
    There are plenty of movie & series that gain intrigue because the characters act in a way that makes the scenario believable. But it doesn't make the story any less fictitious.
    The same applies here.
    Mr Bird is simply lucky enough to have very talented voice cast. In this case comprised of adult women.
    The rest is digital artwork, a lot of effort, & imagination.
    So feel free to enjoy this content guilt free.
    Disclaimer: no real anthropomorphic birds were bribed with cheeseburgers & fries

    i would moan into a mic if i was bribed with my favorite cheese burger and fries imo

    edit: why does she sound like my second grade teacher?!

    Edit 2: a memory of mine just resurfaced and madee realize that I'm not a virgin and I got a bj like little dude here and it happened around second to third grade and also I wanna see the part where little dude fucks the mom lol

    Updated by furrypickle

    User received a warning for the contents of this message.
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  • ooooohohoho, I KNEW I recognized that logo... it's from the "pet training" app from post 1966045. Between that and the next animation being titled "dog toy"...

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  • buttcheeks said:
    I don't think this sort of art should be illegal as it's completely ridiculous to give fictional characters human rights but I feel like anybody who is like really into this stuff should be put on a watchlist, y'know? Not saying that everybody who enjoys this is a danger to society but let's be real at least a couple of people here genuinely are. I don't feel any sort of malice to those who enjoy this but like it is definitely a red flag that someone might be into some more twisted shit that does actual real world harm.

    I know I am not one to judge as a fellow furry degenerate, but these are just my thoughts.

    You understand youre advocating for a lot of sexual abuse victims to be put on that list, right? Are there some predators watching this? yeah maybe some. But the vast majority of us are looking at content like this through the lens of the victim, not the adult or the abuser. Most of us survived abuse like this and are healing from it now in a non-harmful way. Why should we be "put on a watchlist".

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  • It was at this moment, I realised I'd be better off never seeing a bloodhawk animation again for the rest of my life.

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  • buttcheeks said:
    I feel like anybody who is like really into this stuff should be put on a watchlist, y'know? is definitely a red flag that someone might be into some more twisted shit that does actual real world harm.

    Obviously studies on this are rare as heck, or suffer from a severe lack of subjects. But the results seem to show that there's more chance that someone who reacts aggressively to seeing stuff like this is a real life abuser.

    buttcheeks said:
    Not saying that everybody who enjoys this is a danger to society but let's be real at least a couple of people here genuinely are.

    I'm not pointing a finger at you, despite how sus this line is. But letting everyone know how much they hate it and that they think anyone who likes it is dangerous, is exactly how abusers react. It's the defensive response because they're ashamed/scared. Could a child abuser exist who has no fear or shame? Sadly yes, I've seen one of them. But it was only one. The rest I've come across were the people who actively talked about how much they hated cub and loli art.
    Thought this might be interesting to know since everyone is getting on the subject.

    Catching them was never the problem though. In my country it's basically accepted and expected by the upper class to abuse children. And... Nearly went into a political rant. I just meant to add that there are bigger problems to solve first.

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  • Will we ever gonna see xanthe pregnant? Because she got impregnated and I wonder if there gonna do pregnant sex

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  • I mean absolutely no defense in this... god this family is F U C K FUCKED
    both lawfully and figuratively with the incest impregnations and subtle raping... I wonder if BH is ever gonna do a cop episode that would be interesting

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  • I think thats a Prequel to the Training for Schooltime Video, since it has the Symbol of the Training App on it.

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  • Are you guys going for a new record on rule-breaking comments on a single post? This one REALLY drew in the shamers from all corners, and it's really not that "bad" compared to some other stuff on this site. Good grief, what a trip these comments are.

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  • minus said:
    Obviously studies on this are rare as heck, or suffer from a severe lack of subjects. But the results seem to show that there's more chance that someone who reacts aggressively to seeing stuff like this is a real life abuser.
    I'm not pointing a finger at you, despite how sus this line is. But letting everyone know how much they hate it and that they think anyone who likes it is dangerous, is exactly how abusers react. It's the defensive response because they're ashamed/scared. Could a child abuser exist who has no fear or shame? Sadly yes, I've seen one of them. But it was only one. The rest I've come across were the people who actively talked about how much they hated cub and loli art.
    Thought this might be interesting to know since everyone is getting on the subject.

    Catching them was never the problem though. In my country it's basically accepted and expected by the upper class to abuse children. And... Nearly went into a political rant. I just meant to add that there are bigger problems to solve first.

    This is the purest form of coping on the internet. Your response can literally be boiled down to "no u"

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  • drucifer said:
    There are plenty of movie & series that gain intrigue because the characters act in a way that makes the scenario believable. But it doesn't make the story any less fictitious.
    The same applies here.
    Mr Bird is simply lucky enough to have very talented voice cast. In this case comprised of adult women.
    The rest is digital artwork, a lot of effort, & imagination.
    So feel free to enjoy this content guilt free.
    Disclaimer: no real anthropomorphic birds were bribed with cheeseburgers & fries


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  • ryloth said:
    This is wildly disturbing and attempts to draw way too many parallels to real, abusive content. It's not about whether it's real or not -- it's about what it emulates and therefore potentially enables. I can completely understand why it offends so many viewers, and honestly, am shocked it finds a place on this site. It makes the furry community appear genuinely reprehensible. I'm sorry to anyone viewing this who had something similar occur to them.

    they can just blacklist or not watch it?

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  • ozzyfox said:

    My issue with this argument is, do these people think sexuality is a choice? Anyone who has explored the philosophy of sexuality (Freud et al.) knows that sexuality is one of those things which can be influenced by factors as far back as the first six years of a child's life...and especially the first ten or so years (Until the child understands that the parents aren't gods and are fallible) can have a profound effect on how a child develops sexually...pivotal moments, chance encounters, and various other experiences can leave an imprint in the mind...

    Personally, my father left our family when I was only nine. So I tended toward forming an intensely strong bond with my mother whom I could see was struggling to support us having no savings. That attachment (and abandonment by my father) at such an early age bled into my sexual development and created my incest fetish out of desire to ease the pain I was always reminded that she was going through...Would I ever consider taking advantage of that relationship with my mother for sexual gain? Never. (Though I'll probably end up marrying someone like her) I respect her and people like her too much and have a sense of empathy and a moral's never so simple as, "If you are interested in X, then you are bad." Life and the development of the human mind is supremely complex, so I try to refrain from making hard assertions about anyone's personal fantasies until I know them on at least a friendship level...and even then, only in effort to assist in their understanding of themselves...

    You really prob shouldnt be telling random internet people that… in here for the animation yet.. just no man.

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  • dacobraman said:
    It is a fictional animation, no actual individuals involved in it. Not to everyone's tastes sure, but yeah, i doubt anything will happen.

    That Australian guy who made the "Get out Bart I'm piss" comic was sentenced to twenty years prison for it.

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  • *Laughs in American*
    You guys realize that we spend our time looking at (basically) animals, yet we sit here and debate the ethics behind the age of said animals?

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  • WOW, these comments. I mean, personally the acting is a little too much for my taste, but are we really back to "violent video games make people violent killers" gymnastics again?

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  • It's always funny to see how many people come to a cub video, with obvious tags, and then whine or grandstand about the content. The fact that they don't blacklist it leads to one conclusion - they go to the content.. fap, and then feel bad about it and try to overcome their guilt by saying those who don't feel guilt are bad.
    Responses to possible arguments
    1 - you can blacklist combination tags (IIRC) like cub force, etc etc
    2 - there's just as "bad"content in "mainstream" and "indie" movies out there in the general public
    3 - liking something for content, art, or even sexual fantasy does not equate going and doing it IRL
    4 - since you're so perfect, how about we take a look at your favorites and or saved files~?
    5 - if you don't have any favorites and you've been around for a while... what are you hiding~?
    6 - it's Furry, pretty sure it doesn't fall under like... any laws since they are not depicting humans (gotta be careful in some states because even a loli character can count)
    7 - if this is the thing that you choose to advocate against... then you might need to go outside for a little and see that there are actual problems that affect people outside of the internet
    Feel free to slide in my DMs about this. I find having pointless arguments serve as a great distraction when insomnia has me wide awake at 5am XD

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  • In all seriousness, I sincerely hope no victim of Childhood Sexual Abuse comes across stuff like this.

    My sincerest condolences go out to them.

    However this is indeed fictional, though it does depict a real issue.

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  • coolmintyfreshness said:
    In all seriousness, I sincerely hope no victim of Childhood Sexual Abuse comes across stuff like this.

    My sincerest condolences go out to them.

    However this is indeed fictional, though it does depict a real issue.

    It may surprise you to know, but some victims use content like this as a means of coping and therapeutic healing.

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  • carnivore4lyf said:
    It may surprise you to know, but some victims use content like this as a means of coping and therapeutic healing.

    I know. I assume it is used to help come to terms with the horrible things that had happened to them. People deal with grief in trauma in many different ways - Some of which may seem counterintuitive... But what matters is that if it helps them or not. I personally use humour to help deal with things, particularly in a self-deprecating manner and could seem in poor taste to someone who doesn't know the whole story.

    But excluding those who'd use things like this to confront/come to terms with their traumatic experiences, I'd assume that this sort of work wouldn't exactly be ideal for them to see. May make them relieve the experience in their head (ala PTSD)

    I'm no psychologist so I'm really just talking out my ass here lol

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  • My only gripe with it is that I feel bloodhawks VA is doing too good of a job, to the point where it sounds a little too realistic

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  • All I'm gonna say is that frequent consumption of content like this is likely to affect the mind and behaviors even if some people cope and say it doesn't. Still zerking off though

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  • muzzleloader said:
    All I'm gonna say is that frequent consumption of content like this is likely to affect the mind and behaviors even if some people cope and say it doesn't. Still zerking off though

    That would only affect one whose mind is already disturbed though. Most people would know better.


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  • good god this comment section. i feel like people forget that the reason child porn is illegal is because its production involves causing physical and psychological harm to a real child and not just because it's gross. anyways this shit is hot as hell, nice work


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  • bazingoz said:
    That Australian guy who made the "Get out Bart I'm piss" comic was sentenced to twenty years prison for it.

    he was in possession of real child abuse material. i can say that fully confidently without even looking it up, because that is how every case of someone allegedly being arrested for fictional underage porn actually happened. a guy is arrested for possession of real child porn, the charges for the fictional stuff are tacked on there because he lives in a country where it's technically illegal, and then pearl-clutchers misrepresent it for years to come. even if this stuff is illegal where you live, arresting everybody who looked at it would waste time and resources that could go towards saving an actual kid from abuse.

    also, i thought that comic was from mexico?

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  • Wow. Let's face it. That's a fucking blatant stuff presenting abusive rape of an underage by an adult, and also possibly by a closest relative.

    This shook me hard. It gave me all kinds of mixed emotions of intensity few things online can made me feel.

    It made my wonder if this video was inspired by the author's own traumatic sexual abuse. The execution and attention to details, gestures, voice acting, rush of conflicting emotions in the cub's reactions, physical struggling vs forcing of the female... it's too real to be caused only by vivid imagination. I can also imagine the amounts of hate mail the author received after posting this. I wouldn't have the courage to post this ever. I hope this is at least therapeutic for the author or someone.

    I'm also a little angry because I wasn't prepared for this by the lack of crucial tags: rape(!), abuse, forced, and also raped_cub. I put them just today. Why no one put it before until now? It's one of the most controversial stuff one can post legally, come on!


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  • polishonion said:
    Wow. Let's face it. That's a fucking blatant stuff presenting abusive rape of an underage by an adult, and also possibly by a closest relative.

    This shook me hard. It gave me all kinds of mixed emotions of intensity few things online can made me feel.

    It made my wonder if this video was inspired by the author's own traumatic sexual abuse. The execution and attention to details, gestures, voice acting, rush of conflicting emotions in the cub's reactions, physical struggling vs forcing of the female... it's too real to be caused only by vivid imagination. I can also imagine the amounts of hate mail the author received after posting this. I wouldn't have the courage to post this ever. I hope this is at least therapeutic for the author or someone.

    I'm also a little angry because I wasn't prepared for this by the lack of crucial tags: rape(!), abuse, forced, and also raped_cub. I put them just today. Why no one put it before until now? It's one of the most controversial stuff one can post legally, come on!


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  • drucifer said:
    There are plenty of movie & series that gain intrigue because the characters act in a way that makes the scenario believable. But it doesn't make the story any less fictitious.
    The same applies here.
    Mr Bird is simply lucky enough to have very talented voice cast. In this case comprised of adult women.
    The rest is digital artwork, a lot of effort, & imagination.
    So feel free to enjoy this content guilt free.
    Disclaimer: no real anthropomorphic birds were bribed with cheeseburgers & fries

    Get real, there’s no fucking way he wasn’t ordering chicken nuggets

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  • Post-nut clarity is a bitch. I may enjoy age difference and shota stuff but I just found my limit. Y'all enjoy, I'm going to look at some of the LESS realistic stuff this site has to offer because this is just too much for me.

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  • zippy00 said:
    Post-nut clarity is a bitch. I may enjoy age difference and shota stuff but I just found my limit. Y'all enjoy, I'm going to look at some of the LESS realistic stuff this site has to offer because this is just too much for me.

    What did i do?..

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  • polishonion said:
    Wow. Let's face it. That's a fucking blatant stuff presenting abusive rape of an underage by an adult, and also possibly by a closest relative.

    This shook me hard. It gave me all kinds of mixed emotions of intensity few things online can made me feel.

    It made my wonder if this video was inspired by the author's own traumatic sexual abuse. The execution and attention to details, gestures, voice acting, rush of conflicting emotions in the cub's reactions, physical struggling vs forcing of the female... it's too real to be caused only by vivid imagination. I can also imagine the amounts of hate mail the author received after posting this. I wouldn't have the courage to post this ever. I hope this is at least therapeutic for the author or someone.

    I'm also a little angry because I wasn't prepared for this by the lack of crucial tags: rape(!), abuse, forced, and also raped_cub. I put them just today. Why no one put it before until now? It's one of the most controversial stuff one can post legally, come on!

    Thank you for the new blacklist tags. The problem with blacklist is that you have to imagine tags which you wouldn't like to think exist.

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  • I do have to say, right off the bat, this is very realistic sounding, specifically the voice lines. While this is a bit of a turn off for me, I do have to say that they did really good on production, going so far as to include the sounds of the room in the background. So, good on the creators

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  • This has to be one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen. I get the whole "just blacklist it" argument, but this is just wrong.

    Updated by bitWolfy

    User received a warning for the contents of this message.
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  • Look all I’m saying is if you told your parents and coworkers this was your fetish you would never be invited to events where children are present. It may be allowed on this website, it may be fake. But we all know this isnt right. You just dont care. You tell me how many more tags i have to blacklist because this degenerate shit should be hidden and not included as in normal peoples searches. Report me if I’m right.

    Updated by Donovan DMC

    User received a record for the contents of this message.
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  • You tell me how many more tags i have to blacklist because this degenerate shit should be hidden and not included as in normal peoples searches. Report me if I’m right.

    Bruh most of the extremes like cub/loli/shota etc. are by default in your blacklist until you take it out manually. Any one of the mentioned tags appears on a post, then you don't see it. That's how blacklist works.

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  • deviousdion said:
    Look all I’m saying is if you told your parents and coworkers this was your fetish you would never be invited to events where children are present. It may be allowed on this website, it may be fake. But we all know this isnt right. You just dont care. You tell me how many more tags i have to blacklist because this degenerate shit should be hidden and not included as in normal peoples searches. Report me if I’m right.

    Same could be said about being a furry in general (or being into anything on this site), but I don't see you extending your moral grandstanding that far. Most fiction "isn't right," that's why it's fiction. Accept it as is and move on.

    BTW, about your favorites: post #2261577

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  • This... This here is what I love about BloodHawk's work; and it's not just the kinks featured or the scenarios, but the atmosphere of each and every scene. I actually enjoy the horror aspects of his work, really, because it catches me off guard most of the time. "Cub" and "horror" are two things that are rarely seen with each other and I'm happy I found this.

    Praise the bird.

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