I was in the mood to do a little paw-related mini animation because, honestly, it's just kinda fun to watch the pawsluts squirm. So I whipped up a quick poll of all my models and asked the Patreon folks who they'd like to see in it!
I learned some interesting things. Apparently, fox paws are best paws, as two foxes won the vote handily. Even my generic fox girl model was pretty high in the votes with 20, only being beaten by BFCT with 26, who I believe is an outlier just because everyone loves BFCT in general. :P As a general rule, paw fans seem to prefer soft fluffy paws, as anything with pawpads did relatively well, all of them managing to hit at least double digits.
The other thing I learned is that nobody likes birb-talons apparently. The two birds on the list, Adhina (2) and BJ (4), lost the vote pretty dramatically, with Adhina here being notable because he only managed to get a measly two votes before I shut the voting down so I could start animating. I was a little surprised honeslty- here we've got a character I bothered to name and actually tried to do stuff with, and he was still beaten out even by non-characters such as "Kobold" (6), "Gryphon" (8), and even "Horse" (7). I'm not even sure how pawplay would work with a horse hoof...
Anyway, congratulations everyone. You managed to make an imaginary bird self-conscious about his feet. I hope you're happy. And you managed to make -me- feel bad about an imaginary bird, and if I have to suffer I guess you do too. Look how sad he is.
Oh, but look what time it is. Happy New Year! Silliness aside, the animation featuring the winners is currently rendering and will be on it's way shortly. This just popped into my head and demanded to exist for some reason so I made it a thing. :P
MemberAdhina a will remember that
MemberTalons are the best, poor Adhina
Hand Machine Gun
MemberTalons are my favorites and this thread hurts me not for only that, but also because Adhina is sad. :(
MemberThere were only two Chads that answered correctly my man.
Membershe is adorable <3
MemberI am not in the patreon so I can't vote, but personally I often find avian legs and scalie legs to have better paws than most mammal species, especially if it's done by the right artist. Give us pawsluts a bit more than one animaton per blue moon though, and you shall see that the paws of other types of characters get more attention.
MemberHe's got 2 fans, which is more than none. Make sure you appreciate those who like you instead of worrying about how many people do.
MemberIt’s okay Adhina, Syandene just has name recognition (and delicious paws).
MemberAw, poor guy. I'd kiss those cute little birdy talons any day!
MemberI think his talons are cute :>
MemberI'd say it's just because of the disparity between the number of enjoyers of a certain genus. People who enjoy avians are greatly outnumbered by canines. Personally, I enjoy avians more, but I'm not that into paws and such so eh. It's the same as asking the community as a whole what species they like most, you will notice a very similar data pattern.
MemberScrew them Adhina you have the best !!
Stavinair Caeruleum
MemberAdhina's the best. Don't let the haters bring you down man!
user 556309
MemberSORRY, I got was going to post this on the other copy of the image, where the pic was tagged female, had one ambiguous character, and was also tagged girly.
Again, sorry.
MemberI didn't see the poll, but I would have voted for bird talons. :>
You -are- pretty.
MemberCan I just hug him
MemberWell, I'm pretty sure there's a LOT of MLP fans out there want to know too....
BlockedThat's because birds dont have paws, the technical terms are "feet", "talons", or "claws" or various medical/scientific terms that I cant spell.
Memberif it had been a claw poll, and not a paw poll,
Adhina woulda won the straw poll
JAB the Tab
Memberthe poll asked about the best paws. if you widened the parameters to include talons, adhina wins
Memberthere are talon fans, i have a commissioner that likes them a lot.
MemberNoooooo! This is a tragedy that must be rectified. Poor baby has some damn cute feet and I won't stand for leaving her out.
MemberThis mf made a better research than a lot of jornalistic researches I've seen
MemberAdhina needs more love !!!!!!
MemberEveryone is mean. birb is such a good boyo. Would totally let em perch all day. ^^
MemberFor sure I will choice Adhina with his cute paws ❤️
High Fidelity
MemberI usually prefer paws to talons, but the way Ruadri animates them, I love watching Adhina's talons react to orgasms. It's just so visceral.
MemberI feel bad that I couldn't vote since I only recently got on e6 but his talons are beautiful. I would worship them any time.
MemberNot into feet but honestly, a talonjob doesn't seem to bad. Talons are about as flexible as a hand so it'll be easy to wrap them around. Easier than wings, that is. And, for my fellow masochists, there's a little danger of getting cut.
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