lester and neil (nintendo and etc) created by risenpaw
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Page 25, when you want to fight, but your opponent is an expert and has super effective moves...

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New comic from Risenpaw, The Full Moon 2 is now updating weekly on Patreon.
The Full Moon 2 takes place a year after Lester and Ness had met each other. Lester has been reveling in his sweet daily life with Ness since then. However, an unexpected storm is about to be brought upon these two love birds' relationship by a mysterious character…

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The Full Moon 2 is now updating weekly on my Patreon, you can pledge on the $5 comic tier to get early access!
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  • Comments
  • I wonder where the story will go, honestly. I still hate this random guy, and I'd be surprised to see Risenpaw change that. I have faith in their artistic capabilities though, not a single one of their comics has flopped, in my eyes. Keep em coming!

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  • drunk_dragon said:

    Knew it. He enjoys it. Disappointing.
    Honestly I enjoyed this artist because of the first comic and how it got wholesome but now it's just wanton sex.
    Turned out exactly how I thought it would: "Learn to like it" rape.

    Nothing in this comic will touch on this forced interaction, all the characters will be totally fine with this, and they'll probably regularly invite this new guy in for sex.
    I expect an open relationship at the end. Sad.

    I'm sorry, I will get a lot of shit for this but is very annoying how you keep borderline shitting on this artist because they are not doing what you wanted, if you dont like it then just dont read the comic.

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  • asdaface said:
    I'm sorry, I will get a lot of shit for this but is very annoying how you keep borderline shitting on this artist because they are not doing what you wanted, if you dont like it then just dont read the comic.

    No you won’t because unironically you’re fucking based.

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  • bitWolfy

    Former Staff

    drunk_dragon said:
    Got a record for this. Done with this website. This was not a "failure to use blacklist" as I got punished for, I was merely voicing my distaste on the direction the comic is going, which I guess is not allowed. People are allowed to make comments insulting artists and saying their work is "ugly", and that's totally ok, but god forbid someone not like the direction a comic is going.

    You were given a record because you keep coming back to this comic to complain. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
    It's not just this comic, really. You keep complaining about everything. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

    Criticizing artwork is fine, unless they deliberately harass the artist about it.
    Complaining about the contents of the artwork not being to your liking is just annoying.

    Ideally, you would simply stop whinging. But if you'd rather ragequit the site entirely, that works too.


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  • SnowWolf

    Former Staff

    Man, being able to see a comment's edit history is wild sometimes.

    user 274563 said:
    Honestly, still not cool you would put this here and call me out to everyone looking so they can all come laugh at me. I felt embarrassed and regretful that I made those dumb comments, but this remains to insult and poke fun at me.

    We don't receive a notification that someone hid a comment they made. We don't check back constantly. You didn't hide your comments until after Bitwolfy made his comments, so he had no way of knowing that you regretted anything at that point.

    If you wanted Bitwolfy to consider hiding his comment, you could have asked, or submitted a politely worded ticket on the matter.

    We also do not know if someone has seen a reply we made, so hiding it after a few hours is rather counterintuitive, especially when, to the last we knew, there was no regret on your part.

    I really feel like moderators should not do such a thing. They are supposed to hand punishments out privately, not gather the masses to attack someone else.

    Well, to our perspective: You were given a private *warning* to stop. You didn't. You came here to start complaining about how we gave you a warning. Like, complaining a lot. We don't mind "I got a record for this, that sucks" or "I'm angry about this" or "I don't think that's fair" or "I don't understand why I got a record." but you went a fair bit beyond that, while still emphasizing that you didn't like the picture. Which... is kinda ignoring the warning we gave you at the start of this.

    At this point, we have three options:

    1) ignore your complaining, and let you continue to do the thing we asked you not to do
    2) punish you a second time (in this case, probably a short term ban)
    3) respond and point out why you received a record, since you were expressing confusion/frustration on the matter.

    You also flat out insulted me, yet if I were to say what you said to me to another member here, I would be given a record.

    there's a difference between saying that you are doing something and you ARE something. Stop whining isn't the most polite statement, but it is not, in any way, an instant record. That's actually one we let pass very regularly, presuming it's not attached to more inflammatory content. Regardless, you've submitted a ticket about this, so Nimmy will respond to you about that specifically.

    Mods here have pretty big double standards, something I have seen across this website since I first started using it.

    I wish I could express to most people how big this website is, and how much work it is.
    We have had, since 2007, 3.7 million posts. That's more posts than there are people in Mongolia or Croatia.
    We have had 1.3 million users sign up. That is more people than there are in Estonia.

    In the last month, there have been more than 60,000 posts submitted, which is about 2000 every day. I don't know how many users, but it's a lot. I have counted 50 tickets from the last 24 hours, and I do not know how many comments we get each day, but we've got over 7 million of those... so if you can presume that comment numbers and post numbers are connected, it's safe to say we are getting thousands of comments every day.

    The staff team is about 20 people, and we're all volunteers contributing what time we have available where and when we can. We're not perfect. we make mistakes. and we can't be everywhere at once and we're not a hive mind to know what's everyone else would do in a situation. And writing guidelines for what to do, to define where the line is, and what's inappropriate and what isn't is really hard. and we are all victim to real life happening to us whether we want to or not. So...

    We're a buncha people doing our best with what we have available at any given time. That is why you can report staff members, in case we ARE stepping out of line.

    You can't strike a member for "being mean" and then immediately do the same back to them in a comment because it's "justified". If I went to a comment someone made about a tag being disgusting and I told them to stop whining and being stupid, I'd get a strike. Why are you allowed to do it?

    as I covered before, saying 'stop whining' isn't a strike in and of itself. And it seems more like your issue was that Bitwolfy 'called you out' rather than the part where he said 'stop whining' (whinging, rather, but y'know)

    Look, I promise we're not trying to be cackling evil overlords. we're just a buncha nerds who like tags running on not enough sleep but trying to help out a website we do love and care about in between everything else going on in real life. It's possible we're a little short sometimes. We hold each other accountable. we have conversations about did-i-mess-up regularly. We've got mom and dad lurking over our shoulders to call us out if we step out of line.

    And that's for nimmy to determine, not me.


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  • It's fine, I overreacted. I have no filter anymore after lots of bad experiences with people over the years on the internet. People have been toxic and awful to me so much that I've kinda turned into them. Regardless, I'll be deleting my account I think since I've butchered my image beyond repair and any future post I make will get downvoted and most likely receive "aren't you that guy that-" replies. Sorry for my trash behavior. However I still think that deleted posts should not appear in replies. Many sites update posts when a quoted message is deleted.

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