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My longest animation to date, funded by users over at Furaffinity and undeserved by users here on e621. But, since FA broke all new animation uploads and seem to have zero interest in fixing it, e621 once again proves to be the useful idiot.

This once again features Harse and Nelli, the King and Queen of the questionable consent tag. Because this time I converted the base animation to APNG before converting it to my first ever WebM, I had far, far, far more frames to work with and was able to make a much longer animation that really emphasises the "chasing" aspect. If you've got a kink for being chased then today will be one of those 'glad I logged in' days for you.

To put it in perspective, my usual animations at this resolution max at around 330 frames. This one made it to 1556 frames.

So for those who don't know, what's Harse and Nelli's deal? Well, I don't really feel like explaining it in great detail so here's a copy and pasted short explanation from FA:

Per these two characters, you either know them or you don't. I don't want to bog down this description trying to explain their whole 'deal' so your best bet is to view/read their previous escapades to get a feel for it. In short: They're come a small and peculiar community of squirrels who put an intense emphasis on competitions, especially between males and females, something which reaches its zenith during the mating season. Want to know more? Go read the stuff.

The stuff:

  • Comments
  • whimsicalsquirrel said:
    It's a mockup of a game. A hybrid of sorts, basically because the kids like video game mechanics in their porn.

    I see, this is actually pretty good tho, hope you make more longer vids like this :)

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  • this is impressive, you really went the distance on this one to have an (in)appropriate narrative. whatever funding you got for this was well-deserved! thank you very much for sharing it here.

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  • Apologies, but is anyone else unable to watch this on mobile?
    I can't seem to get it to play for me.

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  • bird_dad said:
    Apologies, but is anyone else unable to watch this on mobile?
    I can't seem to get it to play for me.

    I don't know about mobile but it's been playing just fine for me on PC as well as for all the people who faved and updated it, presumably. Are you the one who flagged it as 'broken?' Because that would be a very odd thing to do without first confirming if it's an issue specific to your device.

    (EDIT: Works fine on my phone)

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  • whimsicalsquirrel said:
    I don't know about mobile but it's been playing just fine for me on PC as well as for all the people who faved and updated it, presumably. Are you the one who flagged it as 'broken?' Because that would be a very odd thing to do without first confirming if it's an issue specific to your device.

    (EDIT: Works fine on my phone)

    Works fine on my set of devices too, great animation as always. I'd pay for a game like this, great concept

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  • psychicfiresong said:
    Works fine on my set of devices too, great animation as always. I'd pay for a game like this, great concept

    Thanks. Honestly, I'm just hoping any/all future comments don't get wrapped up explaining whether or not it works for them. One of those things that threatens to derail an entire comment section beyond the point of no return.

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  • bird_dad said:
    Apologies, but is anyone else unable to watch this on mobile?
    I can't seem to get it to play for me.

    It depends on the phone it seems, the codec doesnt works with some older phones (or not powerful chips)

    EDIT: i saw the video and it seems that the video has a way too weird fps count, when nothing moves its litterally 1fps, and when they do it suddenly goes up to 70fps, so its just the video being badly optimized, if you want to try and watch it just download VLC and pray that your phone supports such fps changes.

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  • whimsicalsquirrel said:
    I'm sure it came to mind a few times while I was making it. I think I edited Harse's running animation a little to make it a little less Benny-Hill. I'll just be thankful it took this long into the thread for somebody to make the reference.

    Amazingly, if you start the Benny Hill song linked right when the chase starts, it syncs almost perfectly with the scene changes in the animation and tone changes in the song... And ends right when the animation fades to black. You'd be hard pressed to make it more fitting if you tried.

    I think the result elevates this for me to give you my first e621 +fav...

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  • bicycles2 said:
    unsure why this is flagged, it works

    Oh probably just part of the hilarious yet undeniable conspiracy of events meant to doom this animation from the start, including FA breaking all animations, indefinitely, days before I finished it and then e621 going down unexpectedly for a couple hours immediately after I settled for posting it here and linking it back. So sure, let's toss an unjustified flag in there from one guy in particular with a crappy phone, honestly wouldn't feel right without it.

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  • bird_dad said:
    Apologies, but is anyone else unable to watch this on mobile?
    I can't seem to get it to play for me.

    Modern codecs assume that the resolution can be divided by 2 and they use chroma subsampling where the color information is halved. Chroma subsampling also means that if you do pixel artwork, highly recommended to scale the video 200% using nearest neighbor (or no interpolation) option to keep the pixels perfect and from bleeding or having massive quality degradation.
    Technically you can do it with webm, but it will cause massive amounts of issues especially with software that wasn't expecting that. As such these generally get replaced or deleted as broken.

    whimsicalsquirrel said:
    I don't know about mobile but it's been playing just fine for me on PC as well as for all the people who faved and updated it, presumably. Are you the one who flagged it as 'broken?' Because that would be a very odd thing to do without first confirming if it's an issue specific to your device.

    (EDIT: Works fine on my phone)

    Also when talking of it working or not on e621 is that does the original file work or does the samples work?
    Because the transcoded samples use resolutions that can be divided by 2, fixing the problem.

    whimsicalsquirrel said:
    Thanks. Honestly, I'm just hoping any/all future comments don't get wrapped up explaining whether or not it works for them. One of those things that threatens to derail an entire comment section beyond the point of no return.

    There was contesting system to have people comment about these things directly without clogging comment section, but it was utterly broken and was then completely removed.
    I also hate it when I get to flag and the comment section is full of "works on my machine" with zero data or information outside that, it's useless and basically spam.

    whimsicalsquirrel said:
    Oh probably just part of the hilarious yet undeniable conspiracy of events meant to doom this animation from the start, including FA breaking all animations, indefinitely, days before I finished it and then e621 going down unexpectedly for a couple hours immediately after I settled for posting it here and linking it back. So sure, let's toss an unjustified flag in there from one guy in particular with a crappy phone, honestly wouldn't feel right without it.

    Please don't attack users using our flagging system. If people are having issues then we want them to use flagging system so that we can actually get here and figure out what's going on, this is one reason why we hide the name of flagger nowdays so they can feel free to flag without fear of being crusified.

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  • I've enjoyed your work for a long time so I figured I may as well leave a comment for once since you put so much effort into this one. You really nailed the 'chase' part and I loved how Harse got visibly more desperate to get his hands on Nelli as things wore on; the scenes were Harse caught her but wasn't able to get it in before she escaped were really great as well. It did veer into slapstick comedy at times and Harse's running animation does look a bit like something from Scooby Doo, but the tone of the entire thing was pretty light with the banter and the intro scene hammering it home that this is some sort of regular game between them so it didn't feel particularly out of place.

    Overall this is definitely one of your best works and I hope to see more great stuff from you in the future!

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  • macharius40k said:
    I've enjoyed your work for a long time so I figured I may as well leave a comment for once since you put so much effort into this one. You really nailed the 'chase' part and I loved how Harse got visibly more desperate to get his hands on Nelli as things wore on; the scenes were Harse caught her but wasn't able to get it in before she escaped were really great as well. It did veer into slapstick comedy at times and Harse's running animation does look a bit like something from Scooby Doo, but the tone of the entire thing was pretty light with the banter and the intro scene hammering it home that this is some sort of regular game between them so it didn't feel particularly out of place.

    Overall this is definitely one of your best works and I hope to see more great stuff from you in the future!

    Thanks, G. I must admit I was never nuts about Harse's run animation but I hate making walk or run cycles so much that I just decided, fuck it. I think an earlier version was actually more goofy but I wasn't willing to do a complete overall. What probably needed to happen was for me to redo his model entirely to make him leaning forward more while running, rather than editing his existing, standing model. But as you said, the whole thing is, frankly, pretty dumb so I saw no need to make him look too serious and for people who are still deciding whether or not they're into this kind of thing, the sillier presentation probably makes it go down easier.

    The overall goal was to make a series of scenes that would heighten the viewer's anticipation for the inevitable finale and really make that payoff hit as much as possible but I think for many, it's probably too long and they just wanted to fast track to the sex. Given how few works there seem to be around here involving chasing and what not, I guess that tracks, so this ones for those few of us out there into that particular niche.

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