ranade empor created by critterslit
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In the spirit of the holiday season, here is a little space turkey getting stuffed. ✨
Poor little squeaker… can’t really squeak anymore without vocal chords. That synth is being a real meanie… 😔
And as if he wasn’t already mean enough, now he’s rammed himself straight through the back of the little guy’s skull! All those ruined augments.. yeesh. What a mess.

First proper comm involving my character getting absolutely annihilated.
If anyone gets repulsed by this, sorry I guess? But uh- Blacklist?

  • Comments
  • canttopthis said:
    I just have to ask. How do you get to the point where you like gore? Just a purely analytical question.

    I don't speak for everyone on this, but personally, I enjoy gore art because it allows a much greater level of anatomical detail. Sexually? I have no idea, but I'd guess it's somewhere along those lines, or maybe just cathartic for folks.

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  • gyo'vali said:
    I don't speak for everyone on this, but personally, I enjoy gore art because it allows a much greater level of anatomical detail. Sexually? I have no idea, but I'd guess it's somewhere along those lines, or maybe just cathartic for folks.

    Catharsis for me starts with generally bad people. Like you know that certain character is irredeemably bad, getting exactly what's coming to them. But here? This just looks like a poor innocent Avali getting horrifically brutalized for fetishistic reasons. No context, no reason, just "look here's my thing that I now like. Enjoy or don't."

    It just hurts to see this. And I now feel the need to expand my blacklist just because of this. It's... too much sometimes. But I know it should be expected, Regardless.

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  • canttopthis said:
    I just have to ask. How do you get to the point where you like gore? Just a purely analytical question.

    Honestly? I don't truly know why I'm into this, because ironically, I'm also absolutely terrified of death.
    I do think it started from enjoying RPs where my character got hurt, and eventually I got into ERPs, one day I started combining the two and... Slowly turned it into whatever the fuck this is
    Why did I commission this? Is it edge? Lust? Catharsism?
    Maybe it's all of the above? I mostly just wanted this because I could, that's the best answer I'm able to give tbh

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  • ranade_empor said:
    Honestly? I don't truly know why I'm into this, because ironically, I'm also absolutely terrified of death.

    Not gore, but I’m a huge hypno fetishist, even though hypno freaks me the fuck out. I deal with derealization and paranoia of memory suppression, which 99% of hypno is, so I can totally relate to a fetish being the same as an intense fear.

    Anyway, this topic could be a whole forum thread if there isn’t one already. I find it very interesting

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  • justine326 said:
    How erect do you have to be to even do that?

    I mean it's a synth, I feel like the only problem had here is how physically hard and tough the member even is, and he surely got you covered

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  • canttopthis said:
    I just have to ask. How do you get to the point where you like gore? Just a purely analytical question.

    As an artist, i just have fun drawing:
    - shiny, wet, transparent and/or reflective surfaces.
    - fluid dynamics
    - nude figures
    - anatomical studies, inside and out
    - animals
    - high levels of detail
    - unusual anatomy/poses/proportions

    Put it all together and what do you get…? That’s right. Furry gore porn. Lmao

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  • canttopthis said:
    I just have to ask. How do you get to the point where you like gore? Just a purely analytical question.

    extreme schadenfreude, but because its art its safe cause nobody actualy gets hurt, just a guess there honestly when it comes to gore i prefer it to be as unrealisitic as posible, candy gore being my favorite (bright coloration, internals entirly meat with few if any organs)

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  • canttopthis said:
    Catharsis for me starts with generally bad people. Like you know that certain character is irredeemably bad, getting exactly what's coming to them. But here? This just looks like a poor innocent Avali getting horrifically brutalized for fetishistic reasons. No context, no reason, just "look here's my thing that I now like. Enjoy or don't."

    It just hurts to see this. And I now feel the need to expand my blacklist just because of this. It's... too much sometimes. But I know it should be expected, Regardless.

    Oh, adding to this because that’s an interesting point. I totally get where you’re coming from and i totally agree with the “bad characters getting what they deserve” thing. That is definitely cathartic.
    But i think catharsis takes different forms for different people.
    Catharsis is just “The process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions”.
    That could be A LOT of things, many of which apply to gore content…or fetishes in general, really. Like… i’m sure if you think about it for a minute, a TON of “strong or repressed” emotions or situations would come to mind here. Sexual repression, control issues, insecurity/self loathing, the safe and fictional exploration of one’s trauma (or their fear of death), or just a good ol’ fashion strict upbringing that makes anything taboo or outside of the enforced “norm” seem very fun and appealing!

    …..or maybe they just enjoy heavy angst plotlines with their OCs and accidentally spilled some of that into their pot of horny thoughts lmfao whoopsie

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  • critterslit said:
    Oh, adding to this because that’s an interesting point. I totally get where you’re coming from and i totally agree with the “bad characters getting what they deserve” thing. That is definitely cathartic.
    But i think catharsis takes different forms for different people.
    Catharsis is just “The process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions”.
    That could be A LOT of things, many of which apply to gore content…or fetishes in general, really. Like… i’m sure if you think about it for a minute, a TON of “strong or repressed” emotions or situations would come to mind here. Sexual repression, control issues, insecurity/self loathing, the safe and fictional exploration of one’s trauma (or their fear of death), or just a good ol’ fashion strict upbringing that makes anything taboo or outside of the enforced “norm” seem very fun and appealing!

    …..or maybe they just enjoy heavy angst plotlines with their OCs and accidentally spilled some of that into their pot of horny thoughts lmfao whoopsie

    As for me, I wouldn't call it catharsis. I hate violent people (especially men against helpless kids and women) and I have quite the pacifist mom who taught me pretty much not to be violent at all.
    But nonetheless, even as a kid, I always drew pictures of people getting slaughtered. What's fascinating is that, back in the days, I wasn't even allowed to watch violent movies or play the according video games. So it was just my fantasy in the end, and of course it shocked everyone to see that. But now I'm a regular guy who is not violent against people, I just like gore pics. Can't help it :D

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  • For myself, I tend to find myself role playing what occupies my mind. Whether that was helplessness, lashing out, fighting back, doing worse. Sometimes in the same character, sometimes in the same role play. Enacting thoughts I would not carry out in reality.
    I was getting dragging into "daydreams" dozens of times a day. As much a nightmare as a dream.
    I learned to play the monster in my dreams. To revel in it. Because when I was the monster I wasn't the victim.

    I've mellowed over time, as my "daydreaming" became problematic.
    I used to do a lot of snuff. Now I rarely feel the blood lust to do so.
    That has to do with my mind getting less hostile.
    I can still appreciate gore & snuff, but I'm no longer doing it as an psychological painkiller.

    That said, I also have a fascination with trauma medicine and behavioral health.
    It is fun and interesting to break things which I would repair in real life.

    Also just enjoyable once I get going. Dunno exactly why these days.


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  • canttopthis said:
    I just have to ask. How do you get to the point where you like gore? Just a purely analytical question.

    I would never hurt a fly irl. I feel bad when I see anyone get hurt ever. But there’s something about fictional gore that gets me. I remember reading somewhere something along the lines of “For people like us, it’s so opposed to how we work that it fucks with our mind and drives our senses wild.”

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  • The commotion on this comment section is nice 👌 kinda rare a gore related image have this kind of "positivity".

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  • i came here by a simple black list acident, but some how, i just came out of this a new person
    with but one question. HOW

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  • mogudreth said:
    As for me, I wouldn't call it catharsis. I hate violent people (especially men against helpless kids and women) and I have quite the pacifist mom who taught me pretty much not to be violent at all.
    But nonetheless, even as a kid, I always drew pictures of people getting slaughtered. What's fascinating is that, back in the days, I wasn't even allowed to watch violent movies or play the according video games. So it was just my fantasy in the end, and of course it shocked everyone to see that. But now I'm a regular guy who is not violent against people, I just like gore pics. Can't help it :D

    So your mom was very pacifistic and put a priority on nonviolence when raising you? Not even allowed to watch violent shows or play violent games? Sounds like violent and macabre subject matter was a bit of a “forbidden fruit” for you!
    which i would say is totally within the realm of “catharsis!”
    It can be fun and exciting to explore the things we aren’t “supposed to”. Who knows... Maybe if your mom hadn’t been so staunchly opposed to letting you watch that kinda media as a kiddo, you wouldn’t really care about gore at all Lolll
    But seriously, who knows. I’m not tryna psychoanalyze you or anything hahaha
    I think most people who like gore are just “regular guys” (or gals ((or gremlins)). Just cuz you like something in media or fiction, doesn’t mean you want to emulate it in real life.
    There’s always tons of possible reasons to like a thing, and everyone’s got their own! :>

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  • raiyou said:
    The commotion on this comment section is nice 👌 kinda rare a gore related image have this kind of "positivity".

    Tbh yeah, I'm surprised how calm and collected this comment section is. I expected more open revulsion in the comment section when I uploaded it.
    Haven't been called a psychopath, yet.

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  • apparently i didnt blacklist gore, now im horrified
    Sorry if this was rude, just didn't expect to see gore while looking at avali, sad this had to be the post

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  • critterslit said:
    So your mom was very pacifistic and put a priority on nonviolence when raising you? Not even allowed to watch violent shows or play violent games? Sounds like violent and macabre subject matter was a bit of a “forbidden fruit” for you!
    which i would say is totally within the realm of “catharsis!”
    It can be fun and exciting to explore the things we aren’t “supposed to”. Who knows... Maybe if your mom hadn’t been so staunchly opposed to letting you watch that kinda media as a kiddo, you wouldn’t really care about gore at all Lolll
    But seriously, who knows. I’m not tryna psychoanalyze you or anything hahaha
    I think most people who like gore are just “regular guys” (or gals ((or gremlins)). Just cuz you like something in media or fiction, doesn’t mean you want to emulate it in real life.
    There’s always tons of possible reasons to like a thing, and everyone’s got their own! :>

    Interesting point, it might actually be like that. But then, like you said, who knows :D
    Thing is, people (including me) are fascinated by all kinds of shit, specially on this site. Looks like it's normal to a certain degree after all.

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  • canttopthis said:
    I just have to ask. How do you get to the point where you like gore? Just a purely analytical question.

    For me I've always had a fascination with death. I struggle with suicidal ideation, have fantasized about killing myself since I was 14 years old and have tried. I guess somewhere along the line that mixed with my vicious self hatred just got twisted in my head.

    It's catharsis more or less.

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  • tiiii12 said:
    On one hand... Avali die... sad

    On the other... Avali died to cock... horny

    I am torn, and it isn't helping my conflicting emotions of having nsfw art done of my Avali, who is an actual representation of me. I'm going too because someone I like a lot thinks it would be good, but at the same time it's like... I feel off about it. Is that normal? To be conflicted on that?

    It is indeed normal if you haven't done so before. You don't need to do so if you are not comfortable with it, maybe it is better to have another character for such a purpose instead. It mostly depends on how closely you hold the character to your heart, and how much of a reflection of yourself they are. Maybe that sort of thing would be better saved for later down the line, when you've grown more comfortable with the idea or have a good reason to do so. Important to remember there is no pressure to do things like this aside from your own desire to.

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