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SCP 1471-a escaped. Nine-Tailed Fox is a Mobile Task Force squad that must Secure, Contain and Protect the object.

This is 2nd part of SCP short film.

Part 1:

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  • Comments
  • did she infect a swarm of Nano-bots
    cause i like the effects (personally the part were the chains slowly start forming from thin air at 1:04)

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  • Awesome work, this is really well-made
    I like the sound, that adds a lot to the atmosphere.
    Hope to see more of your work in the future.

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  • picklechungus said:
    What would you do if she just disappeared after saying "fuck"?

    That would be hilarious. It'd then be like 5 minutes of us looking around the room, expecting something to happen the entire time, but nothing does happen.

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  • Holy fucking shit that messed with my ears so much i was having chills down my spine and i think my ears just came like my dick-

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  • im gonna sleep with this playing it's asmr to an extent and hell maybe it will kick a few mental gears in motion and actually let me have a good dream for once.

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  • The heart eyes effect at 4:45 to represent her approaching state was a nice touch. This was just as much an audio treat as a visual one. Fantastic job overall!

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  • Everything from the sound work, the animation, the model, itโ€™s all just incredible. This is nothing short of amazing and a prime example of what perfection looks like.

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  • This is definitely one of my top three favorite Mal0 animations.

    The animation is great, the sound effects and voice acting are the icing on the cake.

    This is a perfect video.

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  • This is absolutely wonderful. Stupendous animation coupled with awesome voice acting. I love this animation. The first one sets the story, and then this one delivers on the action. It's a wonderful display! Keep up the great work!!

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  • zhewatcher said:
    I realize it's just me being too much of a purist. But I always find it weird when the person can see them without the use the APP or Mirror.

    It's possiable

    During the first 24 hours following the installation of SCP-1471, the mobile device will receive images taken at locations commonly frequented by the individual. After 48 hours, the mobile device will receive images taken at locations that were recently visited by the individual. After 72 hours, the mobile device will receive images of the individual in real time with SCP-1471-A appearing within close proximity to the subject.

    Individuals with >90 hours of exposure to these continuous images will begin to briefly visualize SCP-1471-A within their peripheral vision, reflective surfaces, or a combination of the two. Continued exposure to SCP-1471 after this point will cause irreversible and sustained visualizations of SCP-1471-A.

    Personally, I love this, easy favorite and download. The voice acting / audio work was stupendous even coming out my laptop speakers, can't wait to try it with headphones on.

    The credits were interesting to watch, and I liked a glimpse at the behind the scenes work. Not sure if there's something else coming after this, but I'd like to think she left him naked for a reason. There... there is a reason right?

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  • Anyone else uncomfortable with how our neck is on the credits preview?

    I mean, I also have a very human neck with a very human neck length.

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  • By far, the best video with Mal0 I've ever seen, and it's not like the competition isn't tight either! The binaural audio was such a great touch, I wish more media used it. Movies, games, animations, wether the SFW or NSFW kind, it's just that good. lol

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  • oshaviolationrat said:
    dude grunts JUST like doomguy

    the fun thing, it starts just like doom 2016 when the slayer wakes up.
    and yes, its the same sound used for classic doomguy from soundIdeas,
    just like Decino said in his video of doom sound origins.

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  • you really, REALLY did something perfect, your animation is incredible!, the sounds, I've never seen anything like it, congratulations!

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  • holy shit this is a work of art, love the special effects with the chains and powers, and the audio work is something i've never heard outside of horror games and asmr and i've got to say you got it done perfectly! on a side note my right ear feels strangly clean(?) now if anyone gets what i mean

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  • goldythefox said:
    and i'm pretty sure the VA of SCP-1471 is FakyraXOXO

    The VA of the moaning/kissing/licking is for sure Fakyra, or somehow sounds exactly like them.

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  • zerothian said:
    The VA of the moaning/kissing/licking is for sure Fakyra, or somehow sounds exactly like them.

    goldythefox said:
    and i'm pretty sure the VA of SCP-1471 is FakyraXOXO

    I'm not 100% sure, but I think the audio might be "borrowed"

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  • enbycoffeecat said:
    Vid wonโ€™t play for me, on mobile. Any way to play this anywhere else without having to bust out my laptop?

    I watched it on my Fire TV with the Silk browser. Silk sucks as a browser on Fire TV and is much better on a tablet, but can't be picky if you don't have any other methods.

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  • No idea why, but this isn't working on mobile for me, is there a way to make it work like the first part, I would love to see this but I don't have anything else to view it on. It's an old iPad btw, if there was some odd way this one was uploaded compared to part 1, that might be why.

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  • Man, I wish there were more videos with ASMR audio

    By the way, I'm not completely sure about it but, I think I recognize those moans (not the voice, just the moans) and I could swear it sounds like Fakyra Xoxo, an ASMR vr artist

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  • Iโ€™d love to watch this, but it doesnโ€™t seem to work on my tablet. It seems other people are having the same issue. Other webms on this site work just fine.

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  • Sure the paycheck is good but you'd really think that the damn admins would make better security protocols at this point

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  • picklechungus said:
    What would you do if she just disappeared after saying "fuck"?

    I would probably hide for my life and throw the phone away before the I got more exposed to SCP 1471 and get my memory erased so I can live in peace without being stalked or exposed by her

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  • I just realized that every time people have Mal0 do anything requiring lips (like kissing) it just comes off as awkward.

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  • vanillabun said:
    Man, I wish there were more videos with ASMR audio

    By the way, I'm not completely sure about it but, I think I recognize those moans (not the voice, just the moans) and I could swear it sounds like Fakyra Xoxo, an ASMR vr artist

    I can confirm it is from Fakyra, and they did not consent to their audio being used like this.

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  • Honestly this could have been a completely blank screen and that audio would have been incredible. But this animation being absolutely stellar on top of it is just wonderful.

    Loved this whole thing.

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  • I like the part where the guard decides to just embrace the beautiful girl and pets her head/hair~. Such a nice tender moment within such...erm...scary sexiness I suppose? '^^

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  • charlies_d_junior said:
    did she infect a swarm of Nano-bots
    cause i like the effects (personally the part were the chains slowly start forming from thin air at 1:04)

    As a legend once said, " Nanomachines son! They harden in response to physical trauma!"

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  • I swear to god that was Fakyraxoxo'a voice D:
    I may be wrong but that damn fembois voice has been stuck in my head for too long ๐Ÿ˜ญ
    that aside.. this is really well made and hot :3

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  • sytern said:
    I swear to god that was Fakyraxoxo'a voice D:
    I may be wrong but that damn fembois voice has been stuck in my head for too long ๐Ÿ˜ญ
    that aside.. this is really well made and hot :3

    That is most certainly FakyraXOXO's voice ๐Ÿคฃ

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  • I swear, I recognize that voice anywhere. The licks and moans, that is FakyraXOXO. Though I don't know if Fakyra consented to their voice being used for this or if the creator just yoinked the audio from somewhere.

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  • picklechungus said:
    What would you do if she just disappeared after saying "fuck"?

    Figure out a way to free myself then find her so i can prove her wrong. (Hopefully)

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