⮚ "A Smug Girl" ⮘ by dogeoisie on FA. Description by MrMellow.
But you already knew that, didn’t you~?
Lexi knows she’s a looker. Or, at least, she can tell when people are looking. Usually, in her experience, it’s wild ‘mon stealing glances at her slender form when they think she can’t see. But recently… well, ever since the tickle fight that Mike suggested Xavier challenge Lexi to a few months ago, the two of them have been surprisingly close. Maybe there’s something about being so vulnerable around someone while also being allowed a cathartic expression of mischief onto them that endears people to each other and solidifies friendships.
Over time, Lexi had been noticing an occasional absent-minded gaze from Xavier trailing to the place they’d exchanged scritches: her feet. Thinking nothing of it at first, she soon realized he’d look away when she met his gaze. To prove a theory, she began laying the goods out more and taking better care of them, noticing a trend of sideways glances. With all the proof she needed, she hatched a plan to tease her canine companion. While they watched TV in their trainer’s absence one night, she pulled over a tablet and plopped her pretty peets into Xavier’s lap. Flushed, he asked what was up. Navigating to the camera app, she handed the tablet over to him and, using a human phrase she recalled, told him to “take a picture; it’ll last longer.”
It was said in her own dialect of course, because human phonetics are difficult. But see, Mike’s trainer has tried to accommodate his recent additions to the “team” as best as he can. The guest room is theirs, they have a TV, knick-knacks, handheld consoles, and - in all his wisdom - we see he gave them a tablet. All theirs and none of his business. So, the only people who’d see this picture are the person posing for it and the one not showing opposition towards taking it.
I don’t blame him; Lexi knows how to pose them toes~...
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