bethan (blizzard entertainment and etc) created by sparrow (artist)
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Commission! Of Passionfruit's Bethan (, a.k.a. some poor worgen alley cat recovering after an extended play date with some kind gentleman suitors.

But! Many aren't so lucky. Every day thousands of bitches just like her waste away without proper dickings: volunteering at your local animal shelter today can really make a difference in the lives of these underpriveleged horndogs.


  • Comments
  • Acolyte said:
    Keep a woman in her place, that's what I always say.
    But not loud enough for my girlfriend to hear.

    Fortunately or unfortunately, girls are much better than we in any case.
    So I can't agree with you. Thanks girls we exist. No girls - no guys.

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  • Not entirely true. If females had not existed then we would have evolved as a breed that has no need of them. Gotta love science!

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  • Rook said:
    Or not at all. I do not believe there are mammals who can spontaneously change gender, or provide the necessary ingredients for asexual reproduction. (If I am wrong, feel free to correct me. A quick google search proved fruitless)

    That generally lies in the realm of lower classes of animals than humans such as snails, earth worms, the komodo dragon and so forth.

    Mammals no, Amphibians? Frogs can change gender if there's a shortage on the other gender if I heard correctly.

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  • Rook said:
    Or not at all. I do not believe there are mammals who can spontaneously change gender, or provide the necessary ingredients for asexual reproduction. (If I am wrong, feel free to correct me. A quick google search proved fruitless)

    That generally lies in the realm of lower classes of animals than humans such as snails, earth worms, the komodo dragon and so forth.

    Vividly is correct. No mammals. But certain species of frog *can* change gender.

    Now... Who all heard that from Jurassic Park..? ;)

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  • ThebisRa said:
    Vividly is correct. No mammals. But certain species of frog *can* change gender.

    Now... Who all heard that from Jurassic Park..? ;)

    Vividly said:
    Mammals no, Amphibians? Frogs can change gender if there's a shortage on the other gender if I heard correctly.

    i 8elieve there is one species that also changes gender near the end of their life cycle and starts the life cycle as male, though i can't quite remem8er which one it is.

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  • zenkitamura said:
    Not entirely true. If females had not existed then we would have evolved as a breed that has no need of them. Gotta love science!

    Bull shit. We would so die out before that happened. That or raped each other to death.

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  • Loc0 said:
    Fortunately or unfortunately, girls are much better than we in any case.
    So I can't agree with you. Thanks girls we exist. No girls - no guys.

    The reversal of that same logic is also the case. We're part of a binary species, no one of us is a complete example of a human being, it always takes a man and a woman... from a scientific viewpoint at least. from a political view point then piss off and leave me and my husband alone.

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  • KhajiitSneakThief said:
    The reversal of that same logic is also the case. We're part of a binary species, no one of us is a complete example of a human being, it always takes a man and a woman... from a scientific viewpoint at least. from a political view point then piss off and leave me and my husband alone.

    Sort of? With the help of scientists, the use of lab equipment, and because females possess an extra chromosome, it is possible to create sperm using female DNA to fertilize the egg of another female. It's similar process to cloning however it uses two different subjects rather than trying to create a carbon copy of the first.

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  • Midnight_Wolf said:
    Sort of? With the help of scientists, the use of lab equipment, and because females possess an extra chromosome, it is possible to create sperm using female DNA to fertilize the egg of another female. It's similar process to cloning however it uses two different subjects rather than trying to create a carbon copy of the first.

    It is however incredibly likely that a line of female only births like that would be incredibly short. The list of genes that are combined during a natural birthing process are quite extensive, and the changes that each gene causes is even more so. It's like wearing two left shoes. Yes you can do it, but not without trouble happening after a while, such as blisters on your feet, or if you persist, possible skeletal damage due to forcing your feet to conform to an unnatural position.

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  • Acolyte said:
    Keep a woman in her place, that's what I always say.
    But not loud enough for my girlfriend to hear.

    "my girlfriend"

    You mean your hand?

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  • Vividly said:
    Mammals no, Amphibians? Frogs can change gender if there's a shortage on the other gender if I heard correctly.

    Some species of fish and mollusks (such as a species of clam) can change gender, too.

    Oh, and Rook? You completely missed zenkitamura's point. He (she?) was saying that if females had never existed, we would have evolved with some other means of reproducing. Not saying that if females disappeared, we'd suddenly evolve the ability to change genders, but that if they'd never been around in the first place, we'd have found another asexual reproduction, or being all hermaphrodites, or something.

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  • Loc0 said:
    Thanks girls we exist. No girls - no guys.

    ...your retarded... chicken egg... they are equal. When it comes to (human)life girls are just as incapable as men and both genders are required to produce an offspring. So whatcha gotta do is get off that feminized high horse and realize the facts... When a country that did not allow women in the workplace had changed their laws to allow women to work, the Country's GDP went up %9. Feminists loved this fact and spread it like aids at a weekend pride festival but the fact is,%50 were now work eligible resulted in a %9 gain in GDP... 50=/=9?. Anytime u increase ur workforce by %50 u should see far more than a %9 return. Now does this mean women should be some sort of 2nd class citizen?? of course not that inhuman and retarded but it doesnt mean u should mis-represent information to benefit urserlf.

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  • Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
    Well yeah this is a cool biology lesson and all but i still kinda hate Acolyte

    I would agree with you, but with all the shit I see these feminists say, It really isnt worth it

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  • sim21075 said:
    I would agree with you, but with all the shit I see these feminists say, It really isnt worth it

    I do wish they knew where to draw the line between feminism and all out sexism. Those seem to be one in the same these days, unfortunately.

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  • Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
    I do wish they knew where to draw the line between feminism and all out sexism. Those seem to be one in the same these days, unfortunately.

    Hmm, you sure you don't have a little feminist in you? You seem like the type.

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  • sim21075 said:
    Hmm, you sure you don't have a little feminist in you? You seem like the type.

    I never said I didn't.

    I said that I wish that 'feminists', or so they call themselves, would understand that sexism goes both ways. I guess you could say that radical feminists have that problem (see 'KILL ALL MEN!' stereotype.)

    I mean, yes, I do support the idea for true equality of the sexes, not just legislation-based, but I can't be a feminist because I'm a male. Only a feminist supporter.

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  • Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
    I never said I didn't.

    I said that I wish that 'feminists', or so they call themselves, would understand that sexism goes both ways. I guess you could say that radical feminists have that problem (see 'KILL ALL MEN!' stereotype.)

    I mean, yes, I do support the idea for true equality of the sexes, not just legislation-based, but I can't be a feminist because I'm a male. Only a feminist supporter.

    Oh, so your one of those man-ginas or whatever they call them then.

    I personally believe in what makes people happy, if a women wants to be a house wife, she should be allowed to. If she wants to go work for herself, off she goes. I think we shouldn't force equality on people, let them live how they like. Women are allowed to do pretty much everything a man can, so why not let them chose? Also, there are still differences with men and women physically and mentally so no matter how hard you try, you wont ever get true equality.

    Anyway, like you said before, feminism and sexism is one in the same. If you know most of feminism is just sexism, why do you support it?

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  • Are all Indians Hindu?
    No. Some are.
    Are all feminists sexist?
    Some are.
    There are nutjobs and fools who don't understand the causes they pruport to stand for in any group of political motivation.

    I'd call myself a feminist. I'm male. I know women fond of that idea and those not too fond of that precise identification of me. I just want people to be happy, so just be fucking wondeful to each other, and we'd all have a nicer planet to starve to death on.

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  • If their ever was an apocalypse were only a few guys were left and no girls we would be fine because we could just make test tube babys since the male has both the x and y gene you could remake both genders from that

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  • Spike00 said:
    If their ever was an apocalypse were only a few guys were left and no girls we would be fine because we could just make test tube babys since the male has both the x and y gene you could remake both genders from that

    That's not how genes work, sorry.
    Either way, if all women or men specifically in a non-asexual species disappeared one day the chances of survival for about 99% of those species is slim, but as for humans, we have sperm banks and even spare eggs in labs across the world, we could make do. As for evolving in a single lifetime to change genders, bullshit to that. Evolution is due to mutations through sex.

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  • So much bad science on here but the chromosome thing especially. The human race could survive without a Y chromosome, but any baby conceived with two Y chromosomes (rare genetic anomalies, it happens) will not become a viable human that can survive long enough to be born.

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