growlph created by ruaidri
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Three-Word Sketch - tentonsslowly

For tentonsslowly , the words I was given are "Drooling, Chastity, Toy"

I could find -nothing- that I wanted to use as an image ref this time around. I assumed the toy was meant for his back end, and drool generally comes from the front end, so I wanted a pose that showed both off to at least some degree. I just couldn't seem to find one I liked.

So instead I decided to just make something up. It's probably good that I do so every now and then anyway, just so I don't forget how. Gotta keep the imagination gears all lubed up and such. So no picture ref for this one, I hope that's alright!

So... who wants to push that knot in for him? It seems to be giving him a bit of trouble, but a good hard shove and a lot of lube should do the trick.

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