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  • Comments
  • Is it just me or-...
    Oh who am I kidding.
    This guy has more of a Micro-Macro fetish than.....
    Something very big or plentiful?

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  • Why is it that whenever an amazing 3D artist comes along they make it so only people with weird fetishes can enjoy them? You've got two hot, gay furries up there and just like that they're pretty hot, plenty of people love that kind of thing. Then... you just throw a dozen humans on there? Why? Seriously, way to ruin high quality stuff for the majority...

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  • peanuts said:
    Why is it that whenever an amazing 3D artist comes along they make it so only people with weird fetishes can enjoy them? You've got two hot, gay furries up there and just like that they're pretty hot, plenty of people love that kind of thing. Then... you just throw a dozen humans on there? Why? Seriously, way to ruin high quality stuff for the majority...

    I appreciate you saying that I'm an amazing 3D artist, but I don't think I'm anywhere near that level of quality myself.

    As to your comment, because basically nobody else makes 3D macro animations. If I would make other stuff as you say, then I'd be joining the masses and make generic sex animations to blend in with 28429428 generic boring sex animations. Macro makes things more interesting for me, and other macrophiles out there. This animation is obviously not for you, which is understandable and I respect that. However when you go on and rant about how some submission isn't for you and say how it should be based on YOUR interests and nobody else's, then that kind of comes off as ignorant and egotistical.

    Ironically, this animation is the result of people in my stream suggesting what they wanted to see and what they wanted me to animate. It was a special community event where I listened to all suggestions from many different macrophiles in my stream and picked the most popular ones. Everything from characters, to positions, to movements and content, was suggested by the community, for the community. None if this is of my ideas at all.

    So I appreciate your concern over me not doing generic sex animations. I am a macrophile, and I enjoy making animations for other macrophiles. I cannot please everyone of every fetish/genre. If you expect such work from me, please look elsewhere because I am not going to change.

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  • Corvidius said:
    I appreciate you saying that I'm an amazing 3D artist, but I don't think I'm anywhere near that level of quality myself.

    As to your comment, because basically nobody else makes 3D macro animations. If I would make other stuff as you say, then I'd be joining the masses and make generic sex animations to blend in with 28429428 generic boring sex animations. Macro makes things more interesting for me, and other macrophiles out there. This animation is obviously not for you, which is understandable and I respect that. However when you go on and rant about how some submission isn't for you and say how it should be based on YOUR interests and nobody else's, then that kind of comes off as ignorant and egotistical.

    Ironically, this animation is the result of people in my stream suggesting what they wanted to see and what they wanted me to animate. It was a special community event where I listened to all suggestions from many different macrophiles in my stream and picked the most popular ones. Everything from characters, to positions, to movements and content, was suggested by the community, for the community. None if this is of my ideas at all.

    So I appreciate your concern over me not doing generic sex animations. I am a macrophile, and I enjoy making animations for other macrophiles. I cannot please everyone of every fetish/genre. If you expect such work from me, please look elsewhere because I am not going to change.

    I make a comment on this site for once and I make an ass of myself. I don't honestly know what made me rant like this but you definitely didn't deserve it

    You're right, it's your art, your audience, your content, and I'm sorry to imply that you weren't free to make it. I'm not normally this brutally stupid, honest, I'm just letting my emotions get the better of myself for no good reason. I wouldn't say I was egotistical because I don't have enough self-esteem to have an ego, but I was definitely ignorant. I mean for christ sake, open-mindedness is my favourite virtue and then I'm telling you... what, to be more normal? I'm a gay, furry, masochist, geek, and whatever else out of the norm telling someone hypocritically to cut out the kinks. I don't have a clue why and I don't have an excuse, I just hope I'm not being judged too much for this and this message counts as some sort of apology

    I admire your skill, your confidence, your discipline and your attitude, I know that I could never have any of it and I hope you do actually realise how gifted you are. Keep making whatever makes you feel happy and I know that you'll end up being among the best at what you do; don't let someone like me get to you

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  • peanuts said:
    I make a comment on this site for once and I make an ass of myself. I don't honestly know what made me rant like this but you definitely didn't deserve it

    You're right, it's your art, your audience, your content, and I'm sorry to imply that you weren't free to make it. I'm not normally this brutally stupid, honest, I'm just letting my emotions get the better of myself for no good reason. I wouldn't say I was egotistical because I don't have enough self-esteem to have an ego, but I was definitely ignorant. I mean for christ sake, open-mindedness is my favourite virtue and then I'm telling you... what, to be more normal? I'm a gay, furry, masochist, geek, and whatever else out of the norm telling someone hypocritically to cut out the kinks. I don't have a clue why and I don't have an excuse, I just hope I'm not being judged too much for this and this message counts as some sort of apology

    I admire your skill, your confidence, your discipline and your attitude, I know that I could never have any of it and I hope you do actually realise how gifted you are. Keep making whatever makes you feel happy and I know that you'll end up being among the best at what you do; don't let someone like me get to you

    Thank you for taking the time to reply with a well-written response. Not many people on the internet, in the furry community, (in my opinion from my experience) are as sensible as you and I completely respect you for that.

    I know many of us go through things in our lives which can have a significant impact on our emotions and I can understand how that may have gotten in the way with you.

    Like you, I too value open-mindedness in everyone. I respect people for who they are as a person, just like you. It does not matter if they like macro, micro, inflation, herm, diaper, vore, scat, transformation, or anything. Whatever floats their boat and makes them happy, I can respect.

    Thank you for your kind words. I wish you well in life and that you have a great future ahead of you. I do not want to be indirectly putting you, or anyone down. Never say never, we are all created equal and I'm sure you can succeed with whatever you put your mind to! Time just differs between person to person, so I'm sure you'll find you way eventually in the future!

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  • Corvidius said:
    Thank you for taking the time to reply with a well-written response. Not many people on the internet, in the furry community, (in my opinion from my experience) are as sensible as you and I completely respect you for that.

    I know many of us go through things in our lives which can have a significant impact on our emotions and I can understand how that may have gotten in the way with you.

    Like you, I too value open-mindedness in everyone. I respect people for who they are as a person, just like you. It does not matter if they like macro, micro, inflation, herm, diaper, vore, scat, transformation, or anything. Whatever floats their boat and makes them happy, I can respect.

    Thank you for your kind words. I wish you well in life and that you have a great future ahead of you. I do not want to be indirectly putting you, or anyone down. Never say never, we are all created equal and I'm sure you can succeed with whatever you put your mind to! Time just differs between person to person, so I'm sure you'll find you way eventually in the future!


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  • *Reads the tags*

    I have a feeling this ain't gonna end well.

    *Watches every seen*


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  • Upvoted for how much it made me laugh. Then I read the comments, and for the first time ever a furry fight resulted heartwarmingly well. You guys make life seem a little bit brighter.

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  • reshiram_ said:
    this flash is more awesome if there wasnt humans around..

    For the first time I can remember, fewer humans is good.

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