legoshi's chimera, stanley, albert, oscar, theo, and etc (beastars) created by sunny frostwolf
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From my AO3 fanfic, The Wolf-Rabbit.

All characters from left to right.

Lee the Wolf-Rabbit - The son of Haru and Legosi and the main protagonist of "The Wolf-Rabbit". A good kid with some anger issues who's just trying to get through high school and live a normal life.

Albert the Zebra - A star runner on the track team. He currently hates and fears Lee. Not very friendly.

Eli the Chicken - Legom's son. A very relaxed and friendly aspiring musician. He likes to relax by playing his guitar while high on THC (Don't tell Mom).

Oscar the Harlequin Rabbit - Mizuchi's son. A very friendly and supportive kid. Currently struggles with weight issues but believes he can slim down before he graduates.

Theo the Angora Goat - A huge technology enthusiast. Wishes to be an IT consultant someday. He's somewhat skittish, especially around Lee.

Stanley the Anteater - A harsh and cynical young man who dreams of being a movie director. He's very unfriendly but incredibly talented. He is the new Drama Club director.

Art by SunnyFolf on Twitter.

  • Comments
  • Will look at it.
    UPD: Took a look. So far it's not BEASTARS, it's Chainsaw Man,「 アイラブユー、貶してくれ」, Leucochloridium paradoxum and such, and this is not a compliment, sorry. The art is good because it's an imitation of the original manga and anime style, but imitating is not enough, sorry again.


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  • alpha_entittie said:
    Will look at it.
    UPD: Took a look. So far it's not BEASTARS, it's Chainsaw Man,「 アイラブユー、貶してくれ」, Leucochloridium paradoxum and such, and this is not a compliment, sorry. The art is good because it's an imitation of the original manga and anime style, but imitating is not enough, sorry again.

    I'm absolutely struggling to see what my fic has in common with Chainsaw Man. Also, the art is good because Sunny is a very talented artist. Don't insult him by calling his work "just an imitation".

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  • greatlizardwizard said:
    I'm absolutely struggling to see what my fic has in common with Chainsaw Man. Also, the art is good because Sunny is a very talented artist. Don't insult him by calling his work "just an imitation".

    Them being a good artist doesn't contradict the fact this is just an imitation. Also let Sunny decide whether they are insulted or not. And in your desire to be insulted on their behalf you ignored "the art is good" part completely. AND, the art is better than your fic. As for what it has in common with Chainsaw Man, it's written right in the comment that insulted you so much: "To love is to be humiliated", "Women are parasites" and such.

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  • nospam said:
    Them being a good artist doesn't contradict the fact this is just an imitation. Also let Sunny decide whether they are insulted or not. And in your desire to be insulted on their behalf you ignored "the art is good" part completely. AND, the art is better than your fic. As for what it has in common with Chainsaw Man, it's written right in the comment that insulted you so much: "To love is to be humiliated", "Women are parasites" and such.

    > "To love is to be humiliated", "Women are parasites"


    What does that even mean??????

    I have never written anything even close to that. And why would I think women are parasites? I AM a woman.

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  • greatlizardwizard said:
    > "To love is to be humiliated", "Women are parasites"


    What does that even mean??????

    I have never written anything even close to that. And why would I think women are parasites? I AM a woman.

    Just to let you know, you aren't crazy. I have no idea what the comparison to chainsaw man is. I read the first three chapters and see no clear similarities in plot, characters, or themes. The only media that I can think of it borrowing a lot from is Beastars which is understandable. The art is definitely similar to Beastars especially with it's character design and some of it shading but it's not like it's the same. Your style tends to lack a lot of the abundant detail and excessive shading of the original. It's not a bad start to a story and it's definitely better than a lot of fanfiction.

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  • just_lurking said:
    Just to let you know, you aren't crazy. I have no idea what the comparison to chainsaw man is. I read the first three chapters and see no clear similarities in plot, characters, or themes. The only media that I can think of it borrowing a lot from is Beastars which is understandable. The art is definitely similar to Beastars especially with it's character design and some of it shading but it's not like it's the same. Your style tends to lack a lot of the abundant detail and excessive shading of the original. It's not a bad start to a story and it's definitely better than a lot of fanfiction.

    Thank you for the reply! But I should clarify that it's SunnyFolf's "style" not mine. He does all the art and intentionally tries to draw in a more Beastars style. I wanted it to be consistent with the style of Beastars and he absolutely nails it. Also, I appreciate the feedback on my writing.

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