cassandra and krystal (nintendo and etc) created by ozoneserpent

'The being recoils back from the blast of pink energy striking its arm, releasing you.

While Jingle has interrupted your assimilation, the blast catalyzed a reaction between the sparksuit and the being's conversion substance. Your suit has been upgraded once more. You can no longer use the Discharge Burst ability. You sense that its new ability, or abilities, acts in harmony with boogie nature rather than in rejection.

The large being appears to be already repairing itself, though your appearance gives him pause.

You consider your options of taking advantage of the being's disoriented state to flee with Jingle now, or remaining and telling Jingle you'll catch up.'


3 lives remain. If you choose to have Jingle go, she will take the energy gun with her.

  • Comments
  • Shot so what we got control of them now? I want to say go with her, but our suit might’ve turned into a contamination hazard…

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  • Time to act like the spy from TF2

    But seriously a disguise ability is super useful... just as long as you don't draw attention

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