gamercat and glitch (sony interactive entertainment and etc) created by samantha whitten
  • Comments
  • gbeaniesword said:
    The little kitten is correct though, makes me glad that I can't afford one right now.

    Even if I could afford one, why would I buy it?

    The PS2's worked fine for years. It's still a golden system.

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  • SirAntagonist said:
    The PS2's worked fine for years. It's still a golden system.

    Those static shocks when you put in a disk though(she has slim version)...

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  • furballs_dc said:
    Those static shocks when you put in a disk though(she has slim version)...

    Those often shock me for no reason the PS2 overall hates me XD
    Also feel old because I still love the NES and SNES XD

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  • I make 700 a week and could totally afford it, but I just recently got the PS3(because I finally saw one for a price worth paying) and am still trying to beat the games on it. Paid $150 for a 320 gb with the move bundle. Had some crappy dance game with it I still havent even opened. Been playing Ni No Kuni instead. Fun game, just wish they would have put more effort into enhancing the graphics for the PS3 version.

    I usually end up waiting till a system is either made outdated by a newer one or (in the case of my PS2) some idiot friend of mine actually spends so much he has to sell everything he owns to pay his credit card bill. That one netted me the PS2 with a half dozen games for about $50

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  • Wuffyful said:
    I never owned a PS2. :c

    When you get one, go to the clock in the settings menu and watch it for 24 hours, something awesome happens!

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  • angryalmond said:
    "Because it's new, and I need to own it to feel important".

    So true of many things, not just gaming consoles.

    Or, maybe, just maybe, someone out there, actually wanted to *GASP* play a next gen game on their next gen console they have been waiting for.

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  • SirAntagonist said:
    Even if I could afford one, why would I buy it?

    The PS2's worked fine for years. It's still a golden system.

    My ps2 is running on its 11th year. Never had a single problem with it :).

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  • DariusTheDragon said:
    Or, maybe, just maybe, someone out there, actually wanted to *GASP* play a next gen game on their next gen console they have been waiting for.

    If I didn't go next gen, I couldn't boast about getting Black Ops 3 at the start of summer, and already on the road to a master prestige (lvl 52 on prestige 9). I don't just play next gen, cause I still play my NES,SNES, Gamecube,Wii,WiiU, PS1, PS2, PS3, Atari 2600, 5200, Sega Genesis, Xbox, 360, and the One + plus too many handhelds to mention. I come from a gamer background and have amassed over 7,000 games and counting.
    Now a few gamer tips...

    The new Battlefront was awful, and Battlefield 1 is on the same engine and is just an over-hyped re-skin, so I would wait for this one

    Fallout 4 is actually better on console, and will refuse to run properly on most PCs

    Never get rid of your copy of E.T. for atari. that is a piece of history

    Please give yourself an original name. My Xbox is Lonewolfalfa777, and my PS4 is Captainfluffbutt, but I am sick and tired of seeing XxFaZe360noSCOPEZxX or similar titles

    A really good under- rated rpg for the 360 that you can pick up would have to be Blue Dragon

    I have beaten Manta Ray Madness on Super Mario Sunshine in under 30 seconds, just throw barrels at the huge manta then use the spin blast to clear it up quick

    Well that concludes this comment that may never even be read

    Casual Gamers: Have fun!
    Hardcore Gamers: Show em what for!
    MLG's: Destroy the competition!
    Spartans: Secure those REQs
    Rushers: Kill some campers!
    Survivalists: drink lots of Jug
    and last but not least
    Wastelanders: Wander On!

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