zatch (nintendo and etc) created by notkastar

Nothing Like Taking the time to show your
Pokemon that you appreciate them!

Artist Notes:
Frame-by-frame animation with only a bit
of Motion Tweening! Found out most
animations I've seen only use a max of
4 or 5 frames. I Doodled 18, Dood.

Glad I took the time to doodle this out!
learned so much about the biz I wanna
do! Like how 60fps is a terrible idea if
you're going for frame-by-frame animation.
20 to a max of 30 works just fine, Dood!

Doodle notes:
Animation isn't as hard as you think, Dood!

Just takes time and honestly if you're willing
to doodle a peep four times than your coolio,

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