dizfoley created by stilettopink and watsup
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"The Petconomicon" -page 13- by StilettoPink and Watsup, commission for dizfoley

  • Comments
  • CaptainFabulass said:
    Collar goes on
    Collar goes off
    Collar goes on

    Wouldn't it just be hidden by the hair?

    Also, shouldn't that be "The charcoal!"?

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  • Llollt said:
    Wouldn't it just be hidden by the hair?

    Also, shouldn't that be "The charcoal!"?

    Nah I'm talking about the page before this, no collar

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  • My dog was tied with our lady dog, and something spooked him, and then he started dragging her around by his tender parts, which hurt him and scared him more and made him run faster and both of them are crying in pain, noone had fun that day.

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