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Bestest no More—Warhammer 40k x Fluffys——Cmsn for Gibhuggies—-Art by Inshi

Once again thanks to @gibhuggies I bring you this comic book “Warhammer 40k x Fluffys” this time the abuse is on point, so read it with caution.

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  • Man, the arrogance of this one. Was I ever that bad as a kid? I hope not. Everyone better do what she says, or she'll kick your ass with her hooves! Then get her little boy to as well! XD

    peacethroughpower said:
    Can you do a note? That I would appreciate.

    I could... if I can read it. I guess I can try to make a transcript. Oh, OK, it's in Spanish, I think. Here's my best effort to read it:

    Invertario de Situaciones y Comportamientos Agresivos (ISCA)
    Autor: Fernanda Juarez
    Por favor, leas atentamente las siguientes afirmaciones y responda de la manera mas sincera posible. Marque con una X alguna de las siguientes opciones:
    1. Casi nunca a nunca
    2. A veces
    3. Bastante
    En las ULTIMAS 4 SEMANAS es posible *blocked by hand* manifesa(tiones?) *blocked by hand* los siguientes tipos de comportamientos:
    Items - Casi ??? o nu??? - Veces(?)
    1. Agresion fisica, en mayor o menor grado, a otras personas golpear, empujar, etc.), con o sin objetos a armas.
    2. Agresion verbal a otras personas (insultos, ofensas, comentarios, gritar, etc.).
    3. Amenazas de cualquier tipo.
    4. Coaccionar verbalmente a alguien, obligar a otros a tomar decisiones.
    6. Maitratar o danar objetos o propiedades suyas o de otras personas.
    7. Impedir que otros tengan acceso a recursos que necesitan, sean estos del tipo que sean.
    8. No colaborar con otras personas pudiendo hacerio sin perjuicio para usted.
    9. Otros comportamientos.
    *numbers 1 or 2 of instances of said categories in each row in column on the right*

    It just looks a personality assessment like you'd see in a clinical personality exam. Basically, this is the English equivalent:

    Inventory of aggressive situations and behaviors (ASBI)
    Author: Fernanda Juarez
    Please read the following statements carefully and respond in the most accurate way possible. Mark with an X some of the following options:
    1. Almost always
    2. Sometimes
    3. Barely ever
    In the LAST 4 WEEKS it is possible *Blocked by hand* Manifested *Blocked by hand* The following types of behaviors:
    Items - almost ??? or nu ??? - Times(?) <--- Not remotely sure
    1. Physical aggression
    2. Verbal aggression
    3. Threats
    4. Verbally coercion
    6. Damage property
    7. Prevent others from having access to resources they need, be these of the type.
    8. Not collaborating with other people could do without prejudice to you.
    9. Other behaviors.

    Last three really need a better translation.

    Some of the words had typos in Spanish. Hilariously, I think you can find the exact form this is based on with Google, but I haven't tried it. Anyone with a better translation (or better yet, the original form in both languages!) can just add a note, themselves, by using CTRL-F "Add note" and clicking it.


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  • alphamule said:
    Man, the arrogance of this one. Was I ever that bad as a kid? I hope not. Everyone better do what she says, or she'll kick your ass with her hooves! Then get her little boy to as well! XD

    I could... if I can read it. I guess I can try to make a transcript. Oh, OK, it's in Spanish, I think. Here's my best effort to read it:
    It just looks a personality assessment like you'd see in a clinical personality exam. Basically, this is the English equivalent:
    Some of the words had typos in Spanish. Hilariously, I think you can find the exact form this is based on with Google, but I haven't tried it. Anyone with a better translation (or better yet, the original form in both languages!) can just add a note, themselves, by using CTRL-F "Add note" and clicking it.

    Appreciated, thank you.

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