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Translation edit by TwilightStormshi.

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  • Comments
  • Very well done, though it could have had some more scenes/ camera angles. I'm looking forward to more of this quality.

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  • Review, now pack-able for easy storage. (bit more rambling than usual, so don't bother opening if you don't like reading that. Otherwise just disregard that.)
    Short resume wise: To what I can tell, the translation seems accurate. And the animation is okay, but can need tinkering.
    Story as a whole is very skip-able and run of the mill, but it seems made for those that just go directly for the porn anyhow, so, in that intent and purpose, it does it's job.

    Quite neat translation, and the "hidden" menu play button works. Even if that technically is something people should have to check for themselves xP But as said, people are pretty much: when it comes to that hehe.

    Story wise, did derp a little. But mainly in the regard the whole scale thing felt a little taken out of proportion. But that said, I can't estimate how tight they sit, or the sensitivity of the skin. Art wise, it has a quite neat style imo. And hum... the translation is prolly good, but the dialogue as a whole feels very "eh" tbh. Part for being cliche and bland. And part for mixing "language" of formal and informal. That and the "never seen a penis before in their entire life + hue hue, Imma pound you!" stereotype seems to be used. But covered that above technically.

    Further on. Proportion wise, not entire sure if it's correct, but body size wise, might could be, would guess not if going on regular norms. (the aesthetic of the style is interesting as said though) And erf... so much cliche and cardboard in this story xD It's too cheesy to take seriously haha. Feel a little sorry for the translator. Think they could have done expressions better though, like, such as "*expression*", using "(" is not that common.

    Animation is a little twitchy, but not bad. Generally quite smooth. (some parts act up a little though) And ugh... I'm honestly contemplating just reviewing the animation of this, such bad, generic script xD Ah well, if you like porn norms and generic, uninspired dialogue, you'll probably really like this. (but really, could tell the entire dialogue and outcome from the first ~5 notable quotes, and first explicit frame.) Wouldn't have lost much if dialogue was skipped. But that said, I guess this is the chunky sauce for some, so I shouldn't complain too much I guess. Just a little boring not having seen a single good, or even decent comic/dialogue this whole year. Closest were one that flip-flopped between terrible, decent and the very rare occasional good.

    Trailing off here, whee. Anyhow, back to animation: Gotta say she's incredibly well hung. Like about every single cardboard female in porn xP (especially virgins, plot convenience length and girth, all of em xD) Seems a bit flat down there though. And technically might've looked better if had matching blue privates. Not too sure if the text matches the motion though... didn't he ask her to move? Yet he is notably the one doing so? Cumshot was quite standard, overall decent/good. And yupp, was right once again. Such a hollow story... not sure if "top you off" is a correct translation... notice the informal/formal is still going on however.

    Third section wise, the vulva got some more depth there. And just for no reason questioned how come one of them are antrho xD Well, technically irrelevant so: A tad bit jerky motions in the last section, but not overly bad, could need a little polish however. And man, from that angle it's even more notable how well hung she is, got a really deep vag. Still feel like it prolly would've worked better with a blue one though. And would call that trade anything but fair, aside from being filled with porn norm, stereotypes and cliches xP But anyhow, all and all, have a slight feeling there might be a series where she just goes around and get sexually abused+exploited as she's neglected, for minor things she prolly would get for free, but just asking one of the other hundred pokemon in that area x3

    But yeah, all and all. Would recommend it if you don't ask much of your work in terms of story, or just skip to the porn. The animation is overall quite fluid. So in that regard it's quite decent fap material. For anyone that aren't after bland clices though, I wouldn't recommend it. It only does one job, but it does that quite well.

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  • It said clikc the "Do" button not the "dont" button..

    B.Naughty said:
    I clicked the button,and don´t happen nothing!This game don´t work!

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