wiiffler created by xenoforge
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  • Havikz said:
    Why does the horse have a human-tipped cock?

    Well... not at all. When they're growing they have this form. When they're hard the tip starts to expand. And when they climax then the tip ''opens'' like a flower.... more or less xD

    But maybe in this pic it's true that he have more human looking than normally...

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  • This is a beautiful, very sultry, picture. I love it's intimacy and intensity. The colours and shading make the tiger and stallion very realistic and I really like how the wood grain in the barn came out, again very realistic. I love how the tiger is holding the stallion's hips with an erection and the inset of him licking his ass is surprisingly hot. I hope he penetrates the stallion. It's all very well executed. Amazing work

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