christmas created by suto
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  • I'm just imaging the look on Santas face when he sneaks into the house at night and haves a sip of the "milk".
    "You're getting coal for christmas, forever!"

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  • Peekaboo said:
    I'm just imaging the look on Santas face when he sneaks into the house at night and haves a sip of the "milk".
    "You're getting coal for christmas, forever!"

    Hahaha!! Coal and Shamwows.

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  • extremechess said:
    the thought of drinking semen sounds like the most disgusting thing

    It doesn't works with cute furry beings. :3

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  • extremechess said:
    the thought of drinking semen sounds like the most disgusting thing

    I'm not speaking from experience, but what my friend Danny told me, its something you and your tastebubs get used to overtime. Its like the first time you had sour candies or medicine. At first its the most bitter, revolting, disgusting thing you can imagine. But the more you taste it, the more you get used to it and it goes from horrible, to nasty, to bad, to eh, to ok. And from there, guess it all depends on how you view the idea and yourself as a person

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  • Bias said:
    I'm not speaking from experience, but what my friend Danny told me, its something you and your tastebubs get used to overtime. Its like the first time you had sour candies or medicine. At first its the most bitter, revolting, disgusting thing you can imagine. But the more you taste it, the more you get used to it and it goes from horrible, to nasty, to bad, to eh, to ok. And from there, guess it all depends on how you view the idea and yourself as a person

    I will speak from experience, my first mouthfull was pretty bad and I had to spit it out. But the taste depends on the diet of the person. Naturally being horny helps things along, though drinking old cum out of a cup still seems gross, the only way to et it is fresh from the source. xD

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  • Kariva said:
    I will speak from experience, my first mouthfull was pretty bad and I had to spit it out. But the taste depends on the diet of the person. Naturally being horny helps things along, though drinking old cum out of a cup still seems gross, the only way to et it is fresh from the source. xD

    I was lucky, I guess. I always found the taste very sweet with a hint of salt. Very pleasant, and made me hungry for more!

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  • AshleyKitty said:
    I was lucky, I guess. I always found the taste very sweet with a hint of salt. Very pleasant, and made me hungry for more!

    Going to add that regardless of your thoughts about the taste, it's probably going to come as quite a shock if you're genuinely expecting milk.

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  • LustrousShadow said:
    Going to add that regardless of your thoughts about the taste, it's probably going to come as quite a shock if you're genuinely expecting milk.

    You sir win 10 internet points, for reminding people of the important things in life.

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