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This post was deleted or flagged for the following reasons:

  • [DELETION] Does not meet minimum quality standards. (Trivial or low quality edit) / Screencap. - Mairo -

Furry porn simulator 0.09 unofficial

Inspired by a series of the same name on xvideos, found it funny so i made my own.
Hopefully you guys find it funny as well.

Featured post id (in order): 3638499, 3635500, 3464380, 3536194, 3596319, 3406047, 404, 1337331, 3555598, 3309562, 1588998, 3881844, 3236248, 3939571

  • Comments
  • benjiboyo said:
    Hey wait a minute, Mairo... Doesn't queen tyr'ahnee out rank you? How did you over rule their approval?

    milesgates said:
    All of e621: this is fantastic I hope you make more of this!

    A single mod: "ew bye"

    Typical mod activity ruining the fun people were having.

    7falcon7 said:
    oh come on! yall are no fun :(

    carnivore4lyf said:
    Wait. How does a video get approved by a mod, and then deleted by another mod?

    post #758779

    data said:
    Guessing Mairo felt left out? The admin comments on 1337331 were great. Maybe the next one should have a part dedicated to Janitor work?

    Mairo is not in the wrong here. I approved this post off-handedly because I thought it was funny (and not thinking about the precedent it would set), but that is not in line with our site's guidelines.

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  • sammyrito said:
    I'm Heavy Weapons Guy.
    And THIS is my weapon

    She weighs one hundred fifty kilograms and fires two hundred dollar, custom-tooled cartridges at ten thousand rounds per minute... It costs four hundred thousand dollars to fire this weapon...for twelve seconds.

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  • For me, e621 comments are a time capsule of how people used to interact online in 20 10 and around.
    Came for the porn, stayed for the community.

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  • By the Maker, dang it, I came here for some porn and now here I am, laughing my bottom line off from this... thanks, I guess? Yeah, thanks


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  • sadly a lot of these comment tend to boarder 'creepy' now days or some other border line red note.. ah flag

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  • Absolutely beautiful. I didn't think that this entire website could be summarized with one post, but here it is.

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  • I came for porn and found myself back checking most of these to see if they are real, now my head hurts along with my chest at how hard I was laughing

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  • Made my day! lol. Not sure if the first ever switch post for E621 makes the record books, but it made the video, that's just as good :)

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  • Look ma, I'm on tv! And I'm still making shotgun blast noises 'till this day.
    All seriousness, great video, funnier community.

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  • sunsper said:
    She weighs one hundred fifty kilograms and fires two hundred dollar, custom-tooled cartridges at ten thousand rounds per minute... It costs four hundred thousand dollars to fire this weapon...for twelve seconds.

    *laughs in Russian

    Oh my god... who touched Sasha?!

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  • Fuck YouTube, this here is the only place to get my insides rearranged (by ceaseless laughter) while getting my insides rearranged (by lots and lots of trains, order your copy today! insertions)!

    (Also these post IDs are showing up as callable phone numbers LMAO)


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  • ะกะผะพั‚ั€ะตั‚ัŒ ะผะตะผั‹ ะฝะฐ ัŽั‚ัŽะฑะต:๐Ÿฅฑ๐Ÿฅฑ๐Ÿฅฑ
    ะกะผะพั‚ั€ะตั‚ัŒ ะผะตะผั‹ ะฝะฐ ะต6:๐Ÿ˜ผ๐Ÿ˜ผ๐Ÿ˜ผ

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  • I'm not going to lie I laughed a lot at that, some of those people can't be called anything but geniuses.

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  • So does anyone know what post that sidneysucks had as their PFP?
    I need it for uh... reasons.

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  • itdoggo said:
    Yeah, we share a single braincell

    We are the hivemind of a community that we share the comedy, and the mystery of humanity's stupidity but it's funny.

    (This comment should sang so the charm has it's sparkles.)


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  • Oh shit I actually remember these types of video's being uploaded on Youtube years ago! The account who did it was banned despite the vids being censored, but it was great fun while it lasted.

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  • adrien said:
    So does anyone know what post that sidneysucks had as their PFP?
    I need it for uh... reasons.

    Took me way too long... artist is puppyemonade
    No idea why the pic aint here anymore.

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  • This pretty much showcases the reason I love the e6 community so much.

    This should be like a periodic thing, where there's like a mem compilation of the funniest comment threads on the site, separated by year or half-year or something.

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  • Iโ€™m in the video ! (Rain World part)
    I... I donโ€™t know if I should be proud or ashamed

    ... ANYWAY, Iโ€™ll take being part of a popular meta e6 post as a good thing because it makes me smile and itโ€™s a very good post

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  • As an artist I can say that using weird stuff for reference like bread and a dildo is a very real part of the process, also striped thigh high socks are a necessary item to have as an artist to figure out how patterns will wrap around limbs. Wrapping a pattern around a character is very difficult and having a clear way to see how lines fall that you can take a photograph of is very helpful. Thigh highs are also super comfy, keep your legs from feeling tired, and make you look cute as heck so there's that too!

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  • This series return.
    The elder scrolls foretold of its return.
    But I never thought I would be here to see it.

    Itnis enough to make a grown man cry

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  • Oh certainly the admin and moderators will LOVE this piece of media that I don't know if I'm the only one thinking about this but I feel like if there is like a certain video, animation, meme template, or anything funny posted on here

    it will be added to like one of those

    "The Best Moment's This Website Has To Offer."

    but definitely adding to favorites.

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  • 7falcon7 said:
    we need more e621 comment compilations like this one, love it

    It's already at 2000 updoots. It's already 1/9th of the way to being #1 and it hasn't even been a day. I am in agreement, the people have spoken.

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  • I've only visited here occasionally for variety, never enough to consider myself a dedicated user. I only stick to r34xxx. I do enjoy that this site allows for more interactivity given that posts don't necessarily have to be porn and you can find some more high quality wholesome work on here. Any time I find a cool vid on r34xxx I try to favorite but always know in the back of my mind that the mods will be petty one day and delete the meme posts.

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  • Best way to sum up E621 to any newcomer! May god have mercy on their souls when they're given this. lmao! x^D

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  • glad this was tagged incorrectly because this shit is gold and i wouldve missed what is essentially what the internet and more importantly porn websites are truly used for because holy shit this is funny

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  • Thatโ€™s why I love this place! Itโ€™s the only place where I can simultaneously find the hottest art on the web and laugh my ass off. Great community. <3

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  • I actually recognize a good few of em (admins aside). Also, minda wanna see this on youtube and see the general reaction.

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  • 1:34 Oh my god I remember this comment thread and have the link saved somewhere. Threads like this are why I love this site

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  • On this post myself and many others sang the entirety of I Am All of Me from Shadow the Hedgehog in the comments over the course of about a week.

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  • Hey wait a minute, Mairo... Doesn't queen tyr'ahnee out rank you? How did you over rule their approval?

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  • All of e621: this is fantastic I hope you make more of this!

    A single mod: "ew bye"

    Typical mod activity ruining the fun people were having.

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  • Well... It was very, very fun while it lasted.
    Thank you all for commenting and enjoying it.
    Small shame it ended. So much has happened in such a short time, just about a day.

    What an incredible experience, thank you.
    As for a potential sequel there my be another one although it may come quite some time latter.

    For now here is a public backup so you can download/share/view.

    Have a wonderful day, bye (:

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  • e621mess said:
    Well... It was very, very fun while it lasted.
    Thank you all for commenting and enjoying it.
    Small shame it ended. So much has happened in such a short time, just about a day.

    What an incredible experience, thank you.
    As for a potential sequel there my be another one although it may come quite some time latter.

    For now here is a public backup so you can download/share/view.

    Have a wonderful day, bye (:

    Oh damn, another person that uses Proton. And thank you for this glorious video.

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  • carnivore4lyf said:
    Wait. How does a video get approved by a mod, and then deleted by another mod?

    post #758779

    Guessing Mairo felt left out? The admin comments on 1337331 were great. Maybe the next one should have a part dedicated to Janitor work?

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  • Mairo is not in the wrong here. I approved this post off-handedly because I thought it was funny (and not thinking about the precedent it would set), but that is not in line with our site's guidelines.

    How is this going against any sort of content restriction??? The best reason given is 'screen caps'?
    Meanwhile THIS
    A still image with what sounds like AI generated audio, is perfectly fine?
    I don't care if I garner a record for this. I'm standing up in the name of good fun that doesn't harm anyone or really violate guidelines.

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  • c.spicyweener said:
    How is this going against any sort of content restriction??? The best reason given is 'screen caps'?
    Meanwhile THIS
    A still image with what sounds like AI generated audio, is perfectly fine?
    I don't care if I garner a record for this. I'm standing up in the name of good fun that doesn't harm anyone or really violate guidelines.

    it got nuked

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  • (and not thinking about the precedent it would set)

    This is hardly what I'd consider setting low bars. I've seen videos on here that are nothing but a still shot with some audio in the background. This at least has some visible effort put into it.

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  • Hmm... I mean sure, it used screencaps, and if this is done poorly it can be done quickly and flood E621... But I feel this idea has extreme promise, given how popular it was. It kinda is a slice of what E621's community is like. Any idea how this sort of thing can be done properly or alternate places it could be posted?

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  • data said:
    Hmm... I mean sure, it used screencaps, and if this is done poorly it can be done quickly and flood E621... But I feel this idea has extreme promise, given how popular it was. It kinda is a slice of what E621's community is like. Any idea how this sort of thing can be done properly or alternate places it could be posted?

    If it includes some kind of animation made by an artist specifically for this video, perhaps. Like if the voices were made with animated characters talking.

    Remember that this is an art archive, not a meme repository. We donโ€™t host content just because itโ€™s funny. It has to actually be, like, artwork, made by an artist. And Iโ€™m not talking about screenshots of other artistsโ€™ work.

    Also remember that many artists have conditional DNP which means that you may not even be able to include their work in a video like this at all. Even in a commenterโ€™s profile picture. If any of those artists have an โ€œOnly the artist may postโ€ or โ€œedits are DNPโ€ condition, the whole video would get taken down for that, too. There are probably already several of these in this video, but nobody really wants to go hunting for them.

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  • c.spicyweener said:
    How is this going against any sort of content restriction??? The best reason given is 'screen caps'?
    Meanwhile THIS
    A still image with what sounds like AI generated audio, is perfectly fine?
    I don't care if I garner a record for this. I'm standing up in the name of good fun that doesn't harm anyone or really violate guidelines.

    Screen caps are against content guidelines as it's not art, as scaliespe said, this is an art archive, not a meme repository or shitposting dumpster, if we allowed this then we'd have to allow low class garbage variants of it, and that's not what i want from this website. I don't want E621 to basically turn into 4chan.

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  • sekriess said:
    Screen caps are against content guidelines as it's not art, as scaliespe said, this is an art archive, not a meme repository or shitposting dumpster, if we allowed this then we'd have to allow low class garbage variants of it, and that's not what i want from this website. I don't want E621 to basically turn into 4chan.

    That's what the discord page is for, among other things.

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  • sekriess said:
    Screen caps are against content guidelines as it's not art, as scaliespe said, this is an art archive, not a meme repository or shitposting dumpster, if we allowed this then we'd have to allow low class garbage variants of it, and that's not what i want from this website. I don't want E621 to basically turn into 4chan.

    I would point your attention to the Wallace and Gromit 'clip' again to prove that what you speak of is already here and somehow is permitted to remain. I am NOT saying, to turn this place into another 4chan (frankly, ONE is too many). The point I'm trying to make is, where is the harm in holding up a mirror at the comment community here once in a while and having a laugh at how one brain cell we all can be?

    carnivore4lyf said:
    This is hardly what I'd consider setting low bars. I've seen videos on here that are nothing but a still shot with some audio in the background. This at least has some visible effort put into it.

    data said:
    Hmm... I mean sure, it used screencaps, and if this is done poorly it can be done quickly and flood E621... But I feel this idea has extreme promise, given how popular it was. It kinda is a slice of what E621's community is like. Any idea how this sort of thing can be done properly or alternate places it could be posted?

    These points are right on the money! Why couldn't this video, that had some actual effort and was well liked by the community, fall into a category like 'conditional DNP' to ensure that it received a proper review by the admins? Then, the quality laughs get to stay and the trash gets thrown out the way it should.

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  • c.spicyweener said:
    I would point your attention to the Wallace and Gromit 'clip' again to prove that what you speak of is already here and somehow is permitted to remain.

    Check that link again. Itโ€™s already been deleted, 13 hours ago.

    Keep in mind that anyone may upload anything here, and it will remain up on the site until somebody on the staff team deletes it. You can speed up the process by flagging posts like that. But no, stuff like that is not permitted to remain, it just takes time before it gets removed.

    The bottom line is that we only allow artwork here. Drawings, paintings, 3D rendersโ€ฆ Thatโ€™s about it. Everything else gets banished to the shadow realm.

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  • c.spicyweener said:
    I would point your attention to the Wallace and Gromit 'clip' again to prove that what you speak of is already here and somehow is permitted to remain. I am NOT saying, to turn this place into another 4chan (frankly, ONE is too many). The point I'm trying to make is, where is the harm in holding up a mirror at the comment community here once in a while and having a laugh at how one brain cell we all can be?

    It's been removed. And yes there are probably things like it that are still here. I'm not going to debate that at all. e621 is host to over 4,000,000 images and counting.

    In defense of the mods, janitors, and admins these things *are* going to slip through the cracks, like if I've never watched wallace and gromit (Some of us aren't even that old or from the proper region to know what it is) how would *i* know in the moment that it's just a screenshot. Even as an admin, mod, or janitor that's an unrealistic expectation to expect them to catch *every* detail, snap decisions can be made. That's why we have reporting and flagging the userbase can say "Hey you missed this."

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  • queen_tyr'ahnee said:
    That's what the discord page is for, among other things.

    True, I keep forgetting about that too. Makes me sad I have to mute the server just to concentrate on computer things lol.

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  • e621mess said:
    Well... It was very, very fun while it lasted.
    Thank you all for commenting and enjoying it.
    Small shame it ended. So much has happened in such a short time, just about a day.

    What an incredible experience, thank you.
    As for a potential sequel there my be another one although it may come quite some time latter.

    For now here is a public backup so you can download/share/view.

    Have a wonderful day, bye (:

    post #2266670 if only we had a way to get some artists up in this. Kind of like a mini collaboration.

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  • sekriess said:
    You're a star in my eyes. Keep shining.

    Time to for me start my shonen protagonists training arc to be the brightest stars in the sky. Iโ€™ll shine like a thousands sun, getting all eyes on me until I turn into majestic ashes

    *proceed to just sleep all day*

    Thanks :)

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