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"Taylor got tired of hearing how cute he is so he started to rebel in his youthful years, getting piercings and dying his hair, even taking part in some more ... devious activities ..."

  • Comments
  • Mutisija said:
    changing tags because that looks more like young female than a crosdresser male

    Could just as well be a young crossdressing male. Tag as "ambiguous_gender" if needed.

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  • chdgs said:
    Could just as well be a young crossdressing male. Tag as "ambiguous_gender" if needed.

    well ambiguous_gender it is then

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  • Let's just say: If you like girls, then it's a girl, if you like boys, it's a boy.
    And if you like both, it's both and so on.

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  • nicko said:
    Really? Because a character looks feminine you can't tag it for what gender it actually is? That seems weird to me; but I guess I understand.

    TWYS can seem counter-intuitive sometimes when it conflicts with what we know about an image versus what can be generally be perceived. It's not a perfect system, but it works better for the majority of images.

    And it's not like crossdressing twinks are the only subject where this sort of debate arises.

    XeonWolf said:
    Let's just say: If you like girls, then it's a girl, if you like boys, it's a boy.
    And if you like both, it's both and so on.

    I agree. I'm sure most people will. Just because something is tagged as something else doesn't mean we can't enjoy it for what we decide to perceive it as.

    However, it's a matter of what shows up when we're searching for whichever we prefer. Personally, I don't understand why something cannot be tagged as all three if it can fit the bill for both ambiguity and/or either gender. It's a case-by-case sort of thing, I guess.

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  • CandleJake said:
    That doesn't work because it looks like a girl.

    I;m not going to start and argument because you obviously dins't got what I was triying to say.

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  • Catachan said:
    Looks like a girl to me, so under TWYS I'm tagging male/female

    You don't SEE a girl, you interpreted a girl. There is a very important and distinct difference in those concepts. Under the TWYS rule, the character must be categorized as ambiguously gendered, because there is no visible evidence in this image-- nothing we can see-- which indicates that she is a girl over a trap, or vice versa. I retagged the image as ambiguous_gender, and removed female tag and male/female tag for this reason.

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