fleki created by wolfy-nail
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  • I want to call into question that ANYONE who remotely follows wolfy-nails art or has any background knowlege whatsoever of his art should know that this is Fleki, who is a female. You SEE Fleki, and she is Female, so the female tag is valid.

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  • TheDebitcard said:
    I want to call into question that ANYONE who remotely follows wolfy-nails art or has any background knowlege whatsoever of his art should know that this is Fleki, who is a female. You SEE Fleki, and she is Female, so the female tag is valid.

    Well to someone who doesn't follow wolfy-nail, they wouldn't know who this character was. Tag what you see does not involve any outside information.

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  • Rusteee said:
    Well to someone who doesn't follow wolfy-nail, they wouldn't know who this character was. Tag what you see does not involve any outside information.

    But then we would have to remove the Fleki tag too. The char Fleki is female, if it is Fleki, then the female tag can be added. :3

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  • I'm gonna have to agree with Tix; relating a rabbit to a crocodile is absurd in the case of 'tag what you see' guidelines, but considering Fleki has never been portrayed as anything but a female in any artworks, it seems like an unnecessary nitpick to call her gender ambiguous in this picture.

    Who knows! Maybe I'm wrong, I'm not infallible and I'm certainly not going by the letter here, but it really doesn't seem terrible to list both female and ambiguous_gender in the tags. I suppose it doesn't really matter either way, Fleki is Fleki and anyone looking for her will find her.

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